YouarerequiredtocompleteafullvaluationreportofanofficebuildingatParramattaNSW4 xYouarerequiredtocompleteafullvaluationreportofanofficebuildingatParramattaNSW3 xAssignment_1_20191 Attachment_C_Tenancy_Schedule2019 Attachment_F_LeaseSchedules20192 Attachment_E_Sales_20191 Attachment_D_Outgoings20191 Attachment_B_Title_Search1.PNGAttachment_A_Deposit_Plan.PNGValuation_Report_Example_Transvaal_Ave_Double_Bay_20121 API_2016_Standing_Instructions_for_Valuation_Reports1
are required to complete a full valuation report of an office building at Parramatta NSW. The report should be prepared in accordance with accepted valuation practice for commercial properties and in accordance with the Valuation Standing Instructions form the Australian Banking & Finance Industry.
• See attached Standing Instructions Valuations for Mortgage Purposes to Lenders.
• See API Guidelines for heading & disclaimers used in providing Mortgage Valuations for Lenders.
• Whilst this is an exercise in providing a market value the focus is more about the report that would be suitable to a lender.
The end value will vary from valuer to valuer but should only be with the ranges of around 10%.
• When writing reports ensure that it is easy on the reader of the report to review. Tables & Graphs should be used.
The property address is:
42 Phillip Street, Parramatta, NSW, 2150
The legal description is:
Lot 12 in Deposited Plan 790350 being the whole of the land within Folio Identifier 12/790350 (A copy of the Deposited Plan and the Folio Identifier is attached, and these documents should be adopted for the purposes of your report)
The valuation report has been requested by your client, “Corporate Property Pty Limited” who is contemplating purchasing the property. If successful, the company will finance the purchase with the Unity Bank of Australia and requires the valuation to be endorsed to that Bank.
The date of valuation is 1 April 2019 and assume you inspected the property on that date.
Because this is an exercise only and you are not able to inspect the property, some reasonable assumptions will be needed in your report. Note that the property designated as 42 Phillip Street for the purposes of this valuation and is not the actual building on that land and therefore photographs are not required. However, a brief description of the location and surrounding development is required as well as a description of a 4-storey office building. The age, design and condition of the building is for the student to decide and acknowledging that those aspects will have an impact on the value of the building however for the purposes of the exercise you can assume it is a reasonably modern building approx. 10 years old. (Your report should note that a recent inspection of the air conditioning plant by a mechanical engineering firm has disclosed that a chiller will need to be replaced. This has been scheduled for August 2019 at a cost of $350,000).
A factual market commentary on the Parramatta office market for 2019 is to be included in your report.
The property is leased to 3 tenants in accordance with the attached tenancy schedule which has been supplied by the property manager. (Note that the lease to Westpac Bank on title is no longer operative as the option was not exercised and the Bank vacated. The current leases have not been registered on title at this time).
All leases are on a net basis and where there are market reviews, these are every 2 years.
The top floor is currently vacant however heads of agreement have been entered into with Telstra Corporation for a ten-year term commencing 1 July 2019. Naming rights to the building have been granted to Telstra for an additional $35,000pa. An incentive has been granted to Telstra in that there will be a rent-free period for the first 2 months of the lease.
The building has no parking.
• A schedule of outgoings provided by the property manager is attached.
• Also attached are schedules of comparable rentals and sales to which you may refer for the purposes of your valuation. It is not necessary to seek out other sales or rentals. You can make reasonable assumptions regarding the rentals and sales to support your conclusions.
Prepare your report under all appropriate headings, descriptions and qualifications as if it was to be submitted to a bank by your client.
You will need to analyse the rentals and sales provided and apply the results, as you consider appropriate, to the subject property and include these in your rationale in determining value.
Your primary approach to the valuation is capitalisation of income. A DCF is NOT required however another check valuation method should be included.
A. Deposited Plan 790350 E. Sales Evidence
B. Folio Identifier 12/790350 F. Leasing Evidence
C. Tenancy Schedule
D. Outgoings
are required to complete a full valuation report of an office building at Parramatta NSW. The report should be prepared in accordance with accepted valuation practice for commercial properties and in accordance with the Valuation Standing Instructions form the Australian Banking & Finance Industry.
• See attached Standing Instructions Valuations for Mortgage Purposes to Lenders.
• See API Guidelines for heading & disclaimers used in providing Mortgage Valuations for Lenders.
• Whilst this is an exercise in providing a market value the focus is more about the report that would be suitable to a lender.
The end value will vary from valuer to valuer but should only be with the ranges of around 10%.
• When writing reports ensure that it is easy on the reader of the report to review. Tables & Graphs should be used.
The property address is:
42 Phillip Street, Parramatta, NSW, 2150
The legal description is:
Lot 12 in Deposited Plan 790350 being the whole of the land within Folio Identifier 12/790350 (A copy of the Deposited Plan and the Folio Identifier is attached, and these documents should be adopted for the purposes of your report)
The valuation report has been requested by your client, “Corporate Property Pty Limited” who is contemplating purchasing the property. If successful, the company will finance the purchase with the Unity Bank of Australia and requires the valuation to be endorsed to that Bank.
The date of valuation is 1 April 2019 and assume you inspected the property on that date.
Because this is an exercise only and you are not able to inspect the property, some reasonable assumptions will be needed in your report. Note that the property designated as 42 Phillip Street for the purposes of this valuation and is not the actual building on that land and therefore photographs are not required. However, a brief description of the location and surrounding development is required as well as a description of a 4-storey office building. The age, design and condition of the building is for the student to decide and acknowledging that those aspects will have an impact on the value of the building however for the purposes of the exercise you can assume it is a reasonably modern building approx. 10 years old. (Your report should note that a recent inspection of the air conditioning plant by a mechanical engineering firm has disclosed that a chiller will need to be replaced. This has been scheduled for August 2019 at a cost of $350,000).
A factual market commentary on the Parramatta office market for 2019 is to be included in your report.
The property is leased to 3 tenants in accordance with the attached tenancy schedule which has been supplied by the property manager. (Note that the lease to Westpac Bank on title is no longer operative as the option was not exercised and the Bank vacated. The current leases have not been registered on title at this time).
All leases are on a net basis and where there are market reviews, these are every 2 years.
The top floor is currently vacant however heads of agreement have been entered into with Telstra Corporation for a ten-year term commencing 1 July 2019. Naming rights to the building have been granted to Telstra for an additional $35,000pa. An incentive has been granted to Telstra in that there will be a rent-free period for the first 2 months of the lease.
The building has no parking.
• A schedule of outgoings provided by the property manager is attached.
• Also attached are schedules of comparable rentals and sales to which you may refer for the purposes of your valuation. It is not necessary to seek out other sales or rentals. You can make reasonable assumptions regarding the rentals and sales to support your conclusions.
Prepare your report under all appropriate headings, descriptions and qualifications as if it was to be submitted to a bank by your client.
You will need to analyse the rentals and sales provided and apply the results, as you consider appropriate, to the subject property and include these in your rationale in determining value.
Your primary approach to the valuation is capitalisation of income. A DCF is NOT required however another check valuation method should be included.
A. Deposited Plan 790350 E. Sales Evidence
B. Folio Identifier 12/790350 F. Leasing Evidence
C. Tenancy Schedule
D. Outgoings
ARBE6362 Advanced Property Valuation – 2019
Assignment 1
You are required to complete a full valuation report of an office building at
Parramatta NSW. The report should be prepared in accordance with accepted
valuation practice for commercial properties and in accordance with the
Valuation Standing Instructions form the Australian Banking & Finance
• See attached Standing Instructions Valuations for Mortgage Purposes to
• See API Guidelines for heading & disclaimers used in providing Mortgage
Valuations for Lenders.
• Whilst this is an exercise in providing a market value the assignment is
more about the set out of report that would be suitable to a lender using
the guidelines. The end value will vary from valuer to valuer but should
only be with the ranges of around 10%.
• Marks will be awarded for correct set out and heading, disclaimers used
as well will be deducted if not provided.
• When writing reports ensure that it is easy on the reader of the report to
review. Tables & Graphs can be used!
The property address is:
42 Phillip Street, Parramatta, NSW, 2150
The legal description is:
Lot 12 in Deposited Plan 790350 being the whole of the land within Folio
Identifier 12/790350 (A copy of the Deposited Plan and the Folio Identifier is
attached, and these documents should be adopted for the purposes of your
The valuation report has been requested by your client, Corporate Property
Pty Limited, who is contemplating purchasing the property. If successful, the
company will finance the purchase with the Unity Bank of Australia and
requires the valuation to be endorsed to that Bank.
The date of valuation is 1 April 2019 and assume you inspected the property on
that date.
Because this is an exercise and you are not able to inspect the property, some
reasonable assumptions will be needed in your report. Note that the property
designated as 42 Phillip Street for the purposes of this assignment is not the
actual building on that land and therefore photographs are not required.
However, a brief description of the location and surrounding development is
required as well as a description of a 4-storey office building. The age, design
and condition of the building is for the student to decide and acknowledging
that those aspects will have an impact on the value of the building however for
the purposes of the exercise you can assume it is a reasonably modern building
approx. 10 years old. (Your report should note that a recent inspection of the
air conditioning plant by a mechanical engineering firm has disclosed that a
chiller will need to be replaced. This has been scheduled for August 2019 at a
cost of $350,000).
A factual market commentary on the Parramatta office market for 2019 is to
be included in your report.
The property is leased to 3 tenants in accordance with the attached tenancy
schedule which has been supplied by the property manager. (Note that the
lease to Westpac Bank on title is no longer operative as the option was not
exercised and the Bank vacated. The current leases have not been registered
on title at this time).
All leases are on a net basis and where there are market reviews, these are
every 2 years.
The top floor is currently vacant however heads of agreement have been
entered into with Telstra Corporation for a ten-year term commencing 1 July
2019. Naming rights to the building have been granted to Telstra for an
additional $35,000pa. An incentive has been granted to Telstra in that there
will be a rent-free period for the first 2 months of the lease.
The building has no parking.
• A schedule of outgoings provided by the property manager is attached.
• Also attached are schedules of comparable rentals and sales to which
you may refer for the purposes of your valuation. It is not necessary to
seek out other sales or rentals. You can make reasonable assumptions
regarding the rentals and sales to support your conclusions.
Prepare your report under all appropriate headings, descriptions and
qualifications as if it was to be submitted to a bank by your client.
You will need to analyse the rentals and sales provided and apply the results,
as you consider appropriate, to the subject property and include these in your
rationale in determining value.
Your primary approach to the valuation is capitalisation of income. A DCF is
NOTrequired however another check valuation method should be included.
A. Deposited Plan 790350 E. Sales Evidence
B. Folio Identifier 12/790350 F. Leasing Evidence
C. Tenancy Schedule
D. Outgoings
Tenancy Schedule
Attachment C
42 Phillip Street
Attachment C
Tenancy Schedule
42 Phillip Street, Parramatta,NSW
Level Tenant NLA Current Net Rate Net Term Lease Lease Next Type of
m2 Rental pa($) $/ (m²) (Yrs) Start Expiry Review Review
Ground Computer Services Inc 925.00 254,375 275.00 5 1/1/2017 31/12/2022 1/1/2019 Annual CPI Only
First Health Admin Corp 980.00 392,000 400.00 10 1/10/2012 30/9/2022 1/10/2019 Annual CPI Only
Second ING Direct 985.00 344,750 350.00 8 1/1/2016 31/12/2024 1/1/2019 Market
Third Telstra (heads of agreement) 1065.00 399,375 375.00 10 1/7/2019 30/6/2029 1/7/2020 Market
TOTALS 3,955.00 1,390,500
Leasing Evidence Attachment F
Property Tenant Area (m2) Rent/m2 Basis Date Term (yrs) Comments
80 George Street, Parramatta Sinclair Consulting 655 $320 Net Sep-18 5 Older bldg. Needing upgrading
110 George Street, Parramatta RTA 1,887 $360 Net Jul-18 6.5 Rent review of a sitting tenant, comparable building
96 Phillip Street, Parramatta Blair Advertising 450 $375 Net Oct-18 4 Good building, close to subject
9 George Street, Parramatta JMH 820 $460 Gross Aug-18 5 Comparable building, outgoings estimate $75/m2
10-14 Smith Street, Parramatta State Property 589 $350 Net Oct-18 2 Rent review, comparable building
2 Macquarie Street, Parramatta AMP 1,800 $470 Gross Nov-18 6 Prestige office bldg. Outgoings estimate $90/m2
Sales Evidence Attachment E
Property Sale Price Sale Date NLA (m2) Yield $/m2 NLA
9 George Street, Parramatta $23,000,000 Feb-19 5,476 8.28% $4,201
96 Phillip Street, Parramatta $5,760,000 Oct-19 1815 7.51% $3,174
10 Phillip Street, Parramatta $15,250,000 Jan-19 4632 6.10% $3,292
3 Byfield Street, Macquarie Park $9,600,000 Sep-18 2695 8.50% $3,562
Vodafone Building,2 Raw Square, $13,470,000 Feb-18 3,847 9.50% $3,501
50 Miller Street, North Sydney $57,000,000 Jul-18 10,435 7.15% $5,463
This 7 level office building is located midway between Sydney CBD and Parramatta CBD.It is
leased to a single tenant at market rentals with the lease expiring in December 2018.
This 10 story office building with basement parking for 76 cars is fully leased to one of Australia’s
major banks for 10 years from September 2011.There are regular rent reviews to market. Located
in the North Sydney CBD close to the railway station.
A 7 story office building completed in 2001 with ground floor and 6 upper floors. Basement car
parking is provided. The property is fully leased to 5 tenants. One tenant (approx. 15% of NLA) has
lease expiry in July 2018.There are no other leases expiring until 2020.
A 4 level office building with basement parking completed in 1988.Ground floor has a restaurant.
The property is fully leased to 3 tenants and has a staggered lease expiry over the next 4 years.
This office building was completed in 1990 and has ground floor retail plus 6 levels of office space.
Limited parking at grade behind the building. The property is approx. 30% vacant and was
purchased by an investor who will occupy the vacant area. An analysis of the sale assuming a
fully let basis and after making appropriate allowances indicates a yield of 8.50%.
Located in an office park close to Macquarie University, this 3 story office building was fully
leased at market rentals to 4 tenants.
Attachment D
Outgoings Schedule 42 Phillip Street, Parramatta
Y/E 31 Dec 2018
LAND TAX 18,512
LIFTS 28,500
MANAGEMENT ( 3% gross inc.) 51,875
TOTAL $330,437
Total Lettable Area 3955m2 $83.55/m2 NLA
Chester House (Formerly)
1 Transvaal Avenue
Double Bay NSW 2028
Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA)Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA)Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA)Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA)
Date of Valuation: Date of Valuation: Date of Valuation: Date of Valuation: 29 August 201229 August 201229 August 201229 August 2012
External Elevation from Transvaal Avenue
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 3
1. Valuation Synopsis ………………………………………………………….. 5
Instructions ………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Property Overview ……………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Critical Assumptions …………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Assessment ………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
SWOT Analysis …………………………………………………………………………………… 7
Risk Assessment ………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Executive Summary ……………………………………………………………………………. 10
2. Introduction …………………………………………………………………. 11
Instructions ………………………………………………………………………………………. 11
Reliance and Liability …………………………………………………………………………. 11
Market Movement ……………………………………………………………………………… 11
Valuer’s Interest ………………………………………………………………………………… 12
Market Value Definitions …………………………………………………………………….. 12
Industry Practice ………………………………………………………………………………… 12
Further Purpose & Scope of Report ……………………………………………………….. 12
3. Site Details …………………………………………………………………… 13
Location ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13
Site & Services …………………………………………………………………………………… 14
Site Contamination Risk ……………………………………………………………………… 15
Asbestos Risk ……………………………………………………………………………………. 15
Real Property Description (Freehold) ……………………………………………………… 16
Title & Interests …………………………………………………………………………………. 16
Town Planning ………………………………………………………………………………….. 17
Statutory Assessment ………………………………………………………………………….. 18
4. Improvements ………………………………………………………………. 19
Property Description …………………………………………………………………………… 19
Lettable Area ……………………………………………………………………………………. 19
Accommodation ……………………………………………………………………………….. 19
Condition & Repair ……………………………………………………………………………. 23
Capital Expenditure …………………………………………………………………………… 23
5. Occupancy Details …………………………………………………………. 24
Tenancy Summary …………………………………………………………………………….. 24
Lease Expiry Analysis ………………………………………………………………………….. 27
Tenancy Issues ………………………………………………………………………………….. 27
Tenancy Schedule ……………………………………………………………………………… 28
Outgoings ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 30
Net Income Summary ………………………………………………………………………… 30
6. Market Commentary ……………………………………………………… 31
Local Market Commentary ………………………………………………………………….. 31
7. Financial Analysis………………………………………………………….. 32
Rental Analysis ………………………………………………………………………………….. 32
Rental Assessment ……………………………………………………………………………… 34
Net Income Estimate ………………………………………………………………………….. 35
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 4
8. Sales Evidence ……………………………………………………………… 36
Sales Evidence ………………………………………………………………………………….. 36
Concluded Investment Parameters ……………………………………………………….. 37
9. Valuation Rationale ………………………………………………………. 38
Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………… 38
Capitalisation Analysis ……………………………………………………………………….. 38
Direct Comparison Approach ………………………………………………………………. 39
Valuation Summary …………………………………………………………………………… 40
Treatment of GST ……………………………………………………………………………… 40
10. Additional Reporting Requirements ………………………………….. 41
11. Qualifications ………………………………………………………………. 42
12. Contact Details …………………………………………………………….. 43
A. Copy of Letter of Engagement …………………………………………. 45
B. Valuation Terminology & Definitions ………………………………… 47
C. Title Search ………………………………………………………………….. 49
D. Deposited Plan …………………………………………………………….. 51
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 5
Instructed By: � Mr Kerry McCloy of Transvaal Investments Pty. Ltd, dated 14 August 2012.
Property: � Chester House (Formerly)
1 Transvaal Avenue
Double Bay NSW 2028
i.e. Reliant Party/Purpose
& Basis of Valuation
� Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) for First Mortgage Security only.
− Market Value – “As Is” – Subject to existing occupancy arrangements.
Interest Valued: � Freehold.
CBRE Reference: � 12 226 154.
Property Overview
Registered Owner � Transvaal Investments Pty. Ltd.
Land Area: � 421.9 sqm.
Town Planning: � Zoned 3(a) Business General (Woollahra Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 1995).
Brief Description: � The subject as currently configured is improved with a modernised circa 1970’s three
storey commercial building incorporating 14 office and 2 retail tenancy areas. The
property is positioned in an upmarket boutique eastern suburbs retail precinct.
Tenancy Profile:
� As currently leased and configured: 16 tenancies, with 10 occupied under formal lease
agreements, 2 currently vacant, and 4 occupied under a monthly agreement.
Lettable Area: � 722 sqm (Source: Lettable areas have been derived from the tenancy schedule supplied
by the Registered Proprietor.)
Buyer Demand/
Purchaser Profile:
� In the current market:
− Anticipated buyer demand/liquidity: moderate.
− Likely purchaser profile comprises: private investors.
− Estimated selling period (with a professional marketing campaign) is: 6 months.
Recent Sale
� According to RP Data records, there has been no sale within the last 3 years.
� We have requested but are not aware of any current contract of sale.
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
Double Bay NSW 2Double Bay NSW 2Double Bay NSW 2Double Bay NSW 2028028028028
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 6
Critical Assumptions
Our valuation specifically assumes:
Level 2, Suite 12: � We have assumed that partitions will be installed on Level 2 as at the date of valuation to
create 49.0 square metres of office accommodation known as Suite 12.
Suites 1 and 4,
Level 2:
� We were not afforded the opportunity to inspect Suites 1 and 4 on Level 2; we have
assumed a similar condition and configuration of accommodation to the remaining Suites
sighted on Level 2 for the purpose of our valuation.
Tenancy Schedule: � We were provided a current tenancy schedule as at 24 August 2012. Representatives of
the Registered Proprietor have indicated that the tenancy schedule, including income and
outgoings remain unchanged as at the date of valuation and we have adopted same
within our valuation calculations and considerations.
Lettable Areas: � Lettable areas have been calculated by reference to the tenancy schedule provided by
Representatives of the Registered Proprietor, and are approximate only.
Approaches: Capitalisation, Direct Comparison
Date of
29 August 201
Date of Valuation: 29 August 2012
Valuation: Market Value – “As Is” – Subject to existing occupancy arrangementsMarket Value – “As Is” – Subject to existing occupancy arrangementsMarket Value – “As Is” – Subject to existing occupancy arrangementsMarket Value – “As Is” – Subject to existing occupancy arrangements
(100% Interest)
(Six Million, Nine Hundred and Twenty Five Thousand Dollars)(Six Million, Nine Hundred and Twenty Five Thousand Dollars)(Six Million, Nine Hundred and Twenty Five Thousand Dollars)(Six Million, Nine Hundred and Twenty Five Thousand Dollars)
This valuation is exclusive of GST.
Summary of
CBRE Valuations Pty Limited
Principal ValuerPrincipal ValuerPrincipal ValuerPrincipal Valuer Co-Signing Director*Co-Signing Director*Co-Signing Director*Co-Signing Director*
Tony Mangioni Adam Fulton AAPI
Registered Valuer No 2723 Director – Valuation & Advisory Services
Certified Practising Valuer
Associate Director – Valuation & Advisory Services
Property Inspection: Yes No
Job Involvement: Principal Valuer Co-Signatory in capacity of Director*
* The Co-Signing Director (reviewer of report) verifies that the report is genuine and endorsed by CBRE
however the opinion of value expressed has been arrived at by the Principal Valuer alone.
The valuation stated is subject to all content, issues, assumptions, disclaimers, qualifications
and recommendations throughout the report (including but not limited to the Qualifications
section). The report is prepared for the use of and reliance by the Reliant Party only and
limited only to the Purpose specifically stated. No responsibility is accepted or assumed to
any third party for the whole or any part of the report.
Prepared By:
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 7
SWOT Analysis
Positive attributes the envisaged purchaser type would consider:
Negative attributes the envisaged purchaser type would consider:
Weighted Average Lease Expiry (WALE) of 1.77 years by income is considered average, albeit not unusual for a
commercial property of this size and number of tenancies in the immediate locale.
The ground floor retail configuration is considered inefficient; a relatively large ground floor office component is
positioned towards the rear of the subject at the expense of retail accommodation.
Level 2 has an unusually large common area; considered an inefficient office configuration.
Capital expenditure requirement of approximately $12,500 required to install the partition walls for Suite 12 on Level
There is no parking amenity onsite, however, this is not unusual for a property of this size and type in the eastern
The price point where the subject sits is at the upper ranges for an asset of this size and type within Double Bay.
Despite any other comment/forecast in this advice, should a major local or global financial event or natural disaster
occur, we recommend CBRE be instructed to review the potential impact on the assessed value.
Positioned within an upmarket, boutique retail precinct in Sydney’s eastern suburbs; popular with local residents.
Nearby New South Head Road is serviced by regular bus services providing access to and from the Sydney CBD as well
as the remainder of the eastern suburbs.
Flexible “3(a) General Business” zoning allowing a variety of general commercial and retail uses subject to Council
Good retail offering within the immediate
Modernised building providing functional retail and office accommodation.
Balconies and courtyard areas provided to certain tenancy areas on each level.
Each tenancy area meets market demand in terms of size.
Considered a trophy asset for high net worth individuals living in the eastern suburbs.
Good tenant demand for retail accommodation and average demand for commercial office space.
A Council-operated car park is positioned behind the property with direct access provided from the
The standard of office accommodation is considered above typical commercial space within the immediate locale.
Large common areas afforded to occupants on
Level 2.
The ground floor retail component is set back from the street and partially obscured by building columns.
Access to the upper levels is only by way of a single internal staircase.
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
Double Bay NSW 2Double Bay NSW 2Double Bay NSW 2Double Bay NSW 2028028028028
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 8
Risk Assessment
– Formal advice provided? (e.g. Asbestos Containing Materials Register)
– Formal advice provided?
– Remediation costs quantified by a suitably qualified professional?
Precinct/Location is: Eastern Suburbs.
Asset’s street appeal is: Consistent with surrounds.
Mechanical services are: As old as base building.
Readily identifiable capital expenditure? Approximately $12,500 required to
install the partition walls for Suite 12 on
Level 2.
Is car parking provision for occupiers/visitors adequate for current market
No parking is provided onsite, however,
this is typical for buildings of this size and
type in the eastern suburbs.
Work environment detractions include: Limited access to natural light to the rear
Floor plate size and dimension: Meet market demand.
Floor efficiency is: The ground floor is inefficient with a
large office area to the rear of the level,
Level 1 is efficient while Level 2 is
considered inefficient with a large
common area.
Accommodation provided is: Modernised.
Internal presentation is: Modernised.
Work environment is enhanced by: District views and good levels of natural
light provided to the upper levels, good
retail amenity within the immediate
Is current use the Highest and Best? Yes.
Did onsite contact draw attention to, or were any potential contamination
concerns identified on inspection?
(Refer to body of report.)
Are principal improvements of an age where Asbestos Containing Materials
may be present?
Is there surplus land which may provide future expansion opportunities?
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 9
Multi TenantMulti TenantMulti TenantMulti Tenant
� 0.1 years to 5.0 years
� 1.77 years to 1.50 years
� No
� 12.7% 92.0 sqm
– Implied future lease term (consistent with recent leasing evidence): 5 years
– Rental downtime / Estimated vacancy period (rent and outgoings): 4 months
– Incentive / Rent free / Cash equivalent: 12%
– Agent fees (% of first year’s gross rent): 3 months
� $394,35
� $89,742
� $87,450
� $437,866
� -$33,172
� 6.25%
� 5.69%
Observations/enquiries suggest tenant demand for subject office
accommodation within the locality is:
Elle Promotions, 51.0 sqm, expiry date
Metro Commercial Partners, 110.0
sqm, expiring date 31/01/14.
Total outstanding incentives as at the date of valuation (allowed for):
Are any of the tenants in plus 60 Day arrears?
Property is leased to 16 tenants, with the major tenants being: Aymonod, Lindamood-Bell Learning
Processes and Metro Commercial
Lease terms range from:
Combined Weighted Average Lease Expiry (WALE) is (by income/by area):
Major expiries to potentially impact cash flow in the next 3 years include: NLA Legal, 95.0 sqm, expiring date
The current passing rental is considered to be above acceptable market
parameters, and a reduced rental has been adopted.
Value attributable to profit rent which will diminish as the lease expires:
Adverse atypical obligations which fall upon the landlord are: None noted within the leases.
Observations/enquiries suggest tenant demand for subject retail
accommodation within the locality is:
Current vacancy by area is:
Our calculations include the following estimates for letting allowances:
Net passing rental is:
Estimated market outgoings are:
Estimated market rent for vacant accommodation is:
Estimated fully leased net market rent is:
Adopted core capitalisation rate is:
Initial yield is:
Initial yield reflects: The asset is partly vacant.
Despite current occupancy, if vacant anticipated total lease-up period and
incentive required would be:
4 months let up, 3 month incentive.
Property is managed by: The owner.
Management practices are considered to be: Satisfactory.
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
Double Bay NSW Double Bay NSW Double Bay NSW Double Bay NSW 2028202820282028
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 10
Executive Summary
Valuation Approaches Capitalisation, Direct Comparison
Interest Valued Freehold
Lettable Area 722.0 sqm
Site Area 422 sqm
Date of ValuationDate of ValuationDate of ValuationDate of Valuation
Market ValueMarket ValueMarket ValueMarket Value
Insurance ReplacementInsurance ReplacementInsurance ReplacementInsurance Replacement $2,400,000$2,400,000$2,400,000$2,400,000
Capitalisation SummaryCapitalisation SummaryCapitalisation SummaryCapitalisation Summary Contract/Passing Market
Gross Income $484,097 $450,925
Outgoings (adopted) ($89,742) ($89,742)
Net Income (before vacancies/adjustments) $394,355 $361,18
Income Adjustments $76,683 $76,683
Fully Leased Net Income $471,038 $437,866
Capital Adjustments ($623,030) ($92,278)
Capitalisation Adopted $6,900,000 $6,900,000
Investment SummaryInvestment SummaryInvestment SummaryInvestment Summary
Capitalisation Rate 6.25%
Initial Yield 5.69%
Passing Initial Yield plus Vacancies 6.8
Equivalent Yield 6.41%
Reversionary Yield 6.32%
Value $psm of Lettable Area $9,591
Current Vacancy Rate 12.
Weighted Average Lease Term 1.77 years
Leasing Up Period Yr 1 4 mths
Incentives Yr 1 3 mths
Assumed New Lease Term 5 years
TENANT PROFILETENANT PROFILETENANT PROFILETENANT PROFILE Area (sqm)Area (sqm)Area (sqm)Area (sqm) Gross Passing RentGross Passing RentGross Passing RentGross Passing Rent Gross Market RentGross Market RentGross Market RentGross Market
Retail 60.0 $60,000
Office 522.0 $375,557 $336,925
Monthly 48.0 $48,540 $54,000
Gross IncomeGross IncomeGross IncomeGross Income 630.0 484,097 450,925
Vacant 92.0 $87,450 $87,450
Bad Debt Allowance -$10,768 -$10,768
Total (Gross Passing Fully leased)Total (Gross Passing Fully leased)Total (Gross Passing Fully leased)Total (Gross Passing Fully leased) 722.0 $560,780 $527,608
29 August 201229 August 201229 August 201229 August 2012
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 11
Original Instructions
Instructions: � Written instructions received from:
− Mr Kerry McCloy of Transvaal Investments Pty. Ltd, dated 14 August 2012.
− Refer to Appendices.
Valuation Request: � Current market value of:
− Chester House (Formerly), 1 Transvaal Avenue, Double Bay NSW 2028.
i.e. Reliant Party/Purpose
& Basis of Valuation
� Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) for First Mortgage Security only.
− Market Value – “As Is” – Subject to existing occupancy arrangements.
Reliance and Liability
Reliance: � This valuation is strictly and only for the use of the Reliant Party and for the Purpose
specifically stated in Synopsis/Instructions.
Confidentiality: � This valuation is strictly confidential between CBRE and the Reliant Party.
Transmission: � Only an original valuation report received by the Reliant Party directly from CBRE without
any third party intervention can be relied upon.
Restricted: � No responsibility is accepted or assumed to any third party who may use or rely on the
whole or any part of the content of this valuation.
Copyright: � Neither the whole nor any part of the content of this valuation may be published in any
document, statement, circular or otherwise by any party other than CBRE, nor in any
communication with any third party, without the prior written approval from CBRE, and
subject to any conditions determined by CBRE, including the form and context in which it is
to appear.
Market Movement
Current as at the
Date of Valuation:
� This valuation is current at the date of valuation only. The value assessed may
significantly and unexpectedly over a relatively short period of time (including as a result
of general market movements or factors specific to the particular property or particular
property sector). Liability for losses arising from such subsequent changes in value is
excluded, as is liability where the valuation is relied upon after the date of the valuation.
Reliance Window:
� Without limiting the generality of the above comment, we do not assume any responsibility
or accept any liability, nor should the valuation be relied upon, after the expiration of 3
months from the date of valuation, or such earlier date if the Reliant Party becomes aware
of any factors that may have an effect on the valuation.
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
Double Bay Double Bay Double Bay Double Bay NSW 2028NSW 2028NSW 2028NSW 2028
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 12
Valuer’s Interest
Valuer’s Interest: � We hereby certify that the Principal Valuer is suitably qualified and authorised to practise
as a valuer; does not have a pecuniary interest, financial or otherwise, that could conflict
with the proper valuation of the property (including the parties with whom our client is
dealing, including the lender or selling agent, if any); accepts instructions to value the
property only from the instructing party.
Market Value Definitions
Market Value
� In accordance with the International Valuation Standard, the definition of market value is:
“Market Value is the estimated amount for which a property should exchange on the date
of valuation between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s length transaction,
after proper marketing, wherein the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and
without compulsion.”
Industry Practice
Industry Practice: � Our report is issued in accordance with the Australian Property Institute Valuation and
Property Standards (ISBN 0-9975414-0-1), subject to the assumptions detailed within this
Further Purpose & Scope of Report
� This valuation has been performed in accordance with the International Valuation
Standards (IVS) and we confirm that:
− The statements of fact presented in the report are correct to the best of the Valuer’s
− The analyses and conclusions are limited only by the reported assumptions and
− The Valuer has no interest in the subject property.
− The Valuer’s fee is not contingent upon any aspect of the report.
− The valuation was performed in accordance with an ethical code and performance
− The Valuer has satisfied professional education requirements.
− The Valuer has experience in the location and category of the property being valued.
− The Valuer has made a personal inspection of the property.
− No one, except those specified in the report, has provided professional assistance in
preparing the report.
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 13
Precinct: � Eastern Suburbs.
Situation: � Situated on the eastern side of Transvaal Avenue, being approximately 25 metres from the
intersection with Cross Street in Double Bay.
Location: � An established upmarket, boutique retail precinct fronting Transvaal Avenue, being
approximately 3.5 kilometres radial distance in an eastern direction from the Sydney
Surrounds: � Predominantly single storey Federation terraces along Transvaal Avenue with low to
medium density commercial/retail buildings interspersed along Cross Street.
Transport/Roads: � Edgecliff Railway Station is situated approximately 800 metres southwest of the subject
Regional Map:
Source: UBD
Local Map:
Source: UBD
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
Double Double Double Double Bay NSW 2028Bay NSW 2028Bay NSW 2028Bay NSW 2028
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 14
Site & Services
Shape: � Generally regular.
Topography: � Relatively level throughout.
Land Area: � 421.9 sqm.
Street Frontage: � Transvaal Avenue: 12.825 metres.
Access: � Available from Transvaal Avenue.
Services: � Typical services are connected.
Flooding: � Our investigation of Woollahra Municipal Council records indicates the property is above
known flood levels. Formal searches have not been undertaken.
Flooding Caution:
We have relied upon flood We have relied upon flood We have relied upon flood We have relied upon flood informationinformationinformationinformation obtained from obtained from obtained from obtained from Woollahra Municipal CouncilWoollahra Municipal CouncilWoollahra Municipal CouncilWoollahra Municipal Council….
The quality, completeness and accuracy of flood mapping varies widely between localitiesThe quality, completeness and accuracy of flood mapping varies widely between localitiesThe quality, completeness and accuracy of flood mapping varies widely between localitiesThe quality, completeness and accuracy of flood mapping varies widely between localities and and and and
CouncilsCouncilsCouncilsCouncils. We have not verified, and make no representation as to the appropriateness, . We have not verified, and make no representation as to the appropriateness, . We have not verified, and make no representation as to the appropriateness, . We have not verified, and make no representation as to the appropriateness,
accuracy, reliability or currency of the flood mapping reviewed and accuracy, reliability or currency of the flood mapping reviewed and accuracy, reliability or currency of the flood mapping reviewed and accuracy, reliability or currency of the flood mapping reviewed and relied upon.relied upon.relied upon.relied upon.
The Reliant PartyThe Reliant PartyThe Reliant PartyThe Reliant Party may wish to confirm the may wish to confirm the may wish to confirm the may wish to confirm the flood mapping flood mapping flood mapping flood mapping information by obtaining an expert information by obtaining an expert information by obtaining an expert information by obtaining an expert
hydrologist’s report. If hydrologist’s report. If hydrologist’s report. If hydrologist’s report. If further flooding data is obtained, we reserve the right to review and if further flooding data is obtained, we reserve the right to review and if further flooding data is obtained, we reserve the right to review and if further flooding data is obtained, we reserve the right to review and if
necessary amend the valuation.necessary amend the valuation.necessary amend the valuation.necessary amend the valuation.
Site Survey
Not Provided:
We do not commission site We do not commission site We do not commission site We do not commission site surveys and a site survey has not been provided to us. We havesurveys and a site survey has not been provided to us. We havesurveys and a site survey has not been provided to us. We havesurveys and a site survey has not been provided to us. We have
assumed there are no encroachments by or on the property, and the Reliant Party should assumed there are no encroachments by or on the property, and the Reliant Party should assumed there are no encroachments by or on the property, and the Reliant Party should assumed there are no encroachments by or on the property, and the Reliant Party should
confirm this status by obtaining a current survey report and/or advicconfirm this status by obtaining a current survey report and/or advicconfirm this status by obtaining a current survey report and/or advicconfirm this status by obtaining a current survey report and/or advice from a registered e from a registered e from a registered e from a registered
surveyor. If any encroachments are noted by the survey report, surveyor. If any encroachments are noted by the survey report, surveyor. If any encroachments are noted by the survey report, surveyor. If any encroachments are noted by the survey report, this valuation must not be this valuation must not be this valuation must not be this valuation must not be
relied upon before first consulting relied upon before first consulting relied upon before first consulting relied upon before first consulting CBRECBRECBRECBRE to reassess any effect on the valuationto reassess any effect on the valuationto reassess any effect on the valuationto reassess any effect on the valuation….
Deposited Plan: � The property is illustrated on the Deposited Plan below, and we enclose a copy of the full
Deposited Plan – refer to Appendices.
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 15
Site Contamination Risk
Our Enquiries: � Our enquiries are limited to our inspection and enquiries made with Representatives of the
Registered Proprietor.
Past Use
� The past use of the property is difficult to ascertain as the current improvements have been
on site in excess of 40 years.
� We have not been provided with an Environmental Site Audit.
We do not undertake historical site searches, and have therefore assumed former uses We do not undertake historical site searches, and have therefore assumed former uses We do not undertake historical site searches, and have therefore assumed former uses We do not undertake historical site searches, and have therefore assumed former uses did not did not did not did not
cause site contamination.cause site contamination.cause site contamination.cause site contamination.
Present Use: � The present use of the property is passive office/retail use.
� We enquired (refer above) if any of the following existed on site:
− Soil contamination, ground water contamination, underground storage tanks, drums
and tanks, or other potentially contaminating or hazardous materials.
− To their knowledge none existed.
� We did not observe any evidence to contradict this response.
� We have undertaken an online search of the Environmental Protection Authority Register
for Contaminated Land. The search revealed no listing of the subject property (refer to
Report Comment:
� We have specifically requested a current contamination report (less than 12 months old)
for the property in its entirety, and are advised:
− A current report has not been commissioned.
Acid Sulfate Soils: � The subject is affected by Class 2 Acid Sulphate Soils. Any future development of the
property requires an Acid Sulphate Soils Management Plan in accordance with the Acid
Sulphate Soils Manual to be prepared. We do not believe that this will have an adverse
affectation on the sale or marketability of the subject.
� Our visual inspection of the surrounding properties revealed:
− No obvious signs of potentially contaminating uses.
� Our valuation assumes no contamination issues associated with the adjoining property.
We Are Not
WeWeWeWe have assumed that the site is free of elevated levels of contaminants.have assumed that the site is free of elevated levels of contaminants.have assumed that the site is free of elevated levels of contaminants.have assumed that the site is free of elevated levels of contaminants. We have made no We have made no We have made no We have made no
allowanceallowanceallowanceallowance in our valuation for site remediation our valuation for site remediation our valuation for site remediation our valuation for site remediation works. OOOOur visual inspection is an ur visual inspection is an ur visual inspection is an ur visual inspection is an
inconclusive indicator of the actual condition of the site. We make no representation as to the inconclusive indicator of the actual condition of the site. We make no representation as to the inconclusive indicator of the actual condition of the site. We make no representation as to the inconclusive indicator of the actual condition of the site. We make no representation as to the
actual environmental status of the subject property. If a test is undertaken at actual environmental status of the subject property. If a test is undertaken at actual environmental status of the subject property. If a test is undertaken at actual environmental status of the subject property. If a test is undertaken at some time in the some time in the some time in the some time in the
future to assess the degree, if any, of contamination of the site and this is found to be positive,future to assess the degree, if any, of contamination of the site and this is found to be positive,future to assess the degree, if any, of contamination of the site and this is found to be positive,future to assess the degree, if any, of contamination of the site and this is found to be positive,
this valuation must not be relied upon before first consulting this valuation must not be relied upon before first consulting this valuation must not be relied upon before first consulting this valuation must not be relied upon before first consulting CBRECBRECBRECBRE to reassess any effect on to reassess any effect on to reassess any effect on to reassess any effect on
the valuationthe valuationthe valuationthe valuation….
Asbestos Risk
Likelihood of
� The principal improvements on the site are estimated to have been completed prior to
1990, and therefore the likely potential exists for Asbestos Containing Materials to form
part of the building and/or its plant and equipment.
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
DouDouDouDouble Bay NSW 2028ble Bay NSW 2028ble Bay NSW 2028ble Bay NSW 2028
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 16
Our Enquiries: � Our enquiries are limited to our inspection and enquiries made with Representatives of the
Registered Proprietor.
Asbestos Audit
� We have requested an Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) Register Audit and are
− An audit has not been commissioned (which contravenes State legislation).
� We enquired (refer above) if any asbestos containing materials existed within the
improvements which could be drawn to our attention. To their knowledge none existed.
During our limited inspection, we did not observe any evidence to contradict this response.
We Are Not
Material Experts:
Unless otherwise noted, we have assumed that the improvements are free of Asbestos and Unless otherwise noted, we have assumed that the improvements are free of Asbestos and Unless otherwise noted, we have assumed that the improvements are free of Asbestos and Unless otherwise noted, we have assumed that the improvements are free of Asbestos and
Hazardous Materials, or should these materials be present then they do not pose significant Hazardous Materials, or should these materials be present then they do not pose significant Hazardous Materials, or should these materials be present then they do not pose significant Hazardous Materials, or should these materials be present then they do not pose significant
risk to human health, nor require immediate rrisk to human health, nor require immediate rrisk to human health, nor require immediate rrisk to human health, nor require immediate removal. emoval. emoval. emoval. We have made We have made We have made We have made no allowance in our no allowance in our no allowance in our no allowance in our
valuation for remediation works.valuation for remediation works.valuation for remediation works.valuation for remediation works.
We assume the site is free of subsoil asbestos and have made no allowance in our valuation We assume the site is free of subsoil asbestos and have made no allowance in our valuation We assume the site is free of subsoil asbestos and have made no allowance in our valuation We assume the site is free of subsoil asbestos and have made no allowance in our valuation
for site remediation worksfor site remediation worksfor site remediation worksfor site remediation works….
OurOurOurOur visual inspection is an inconclusive indicator of the actual condition/presenvisual inspection is an inconclusive indicator of the actual condition/presenvisual inspection is an inconclusive indicator of the actual condition/presenvisual inspection is an inconclusive indicator of the actual condition/presence of ce of ce of ce of
asbestos/hazardous asbestos/hazardous asbestos/hazardous asbestos/hazardous materials within the materials within the materials within the materials within the propertypropertypropertyproperty. We make no representation as to the . We make no representation as to the . We make no representation as to the . We make no representation as to the
actual status of the subject property. If a test is undertaken at some time in the future to actual status of the subject property. If a test is undertaken at some time in the future to actual status of the subject property. If a test is undertaken at some time in the future to actual status of the subject property. If a test is undertaken at some time in the future to
assess the degree, if any, of the presence of assess the degree, if any, of the presence of assess the degree, if any, of the presence of assess the degree, if any, of the presence of any aany aany aany asbestossbestossbestossbestos/h/h/h/hazardous azardous azardous azardous mmmmaterials on site and aterials on site and aterials on site and aterials on site and
this is found to be positive, this is found to be positive, this is found to be positive, this is found to be positive, this valuation must not be relied upon before first consulting this valuation must not be relied upon before first consulting this valuation must not be relied upon before first consulting this valuation must not be relied upon before first consulting CBRECBRECBRECBRE
to reassess any effect on the valuationto reassess any effect on the valuationto reassess any effect on the valuationto reassess any effect on the valuation….
Real Property Description (Freehold)
Lot Plan Title Reference Area (sqm) Registered Owner Ownership Interest
1 DP580401 1/580401 421.9 Transvaal Investments Pty. Ltd. 100%
TotalTotalTotalTotal 421.9421.9421.9421.9
Title & Interests
Title: � We have conducted a Title search – refer to Appendices. (Note that depending on
government requirements, this may not represent the actual status of leases relating to the
Crown Grant: � We have not perused the original Crown Grant documentation.
Registered Interests
(excluding Liens/
� Registered Interests listed on Title (excluding Liens/Caveats) are summarised as follows:
− Reservations and Conditions in the Crown Grant(s).
− BK 710 No 330 easement affecting the part of the land within described 1.22 metres
wide in DP580401.
− 8218745 Mortgage to St. George Bank Limited.
− AE462391 Lease to Chagall International Pty Limited of Shop 1, 1 Transvaal Avenue,
Double Bay. Expires: 31/1/2011. Option of renewal: Three years.
− AE462392 Lease to Chester Capital Pty Limited of Suite 3, Ground Floor, 1 Transvaal
Avenue, Double Bay. Expires: 31/3/2011. Option of Renewal: Three years.
− AE462393 Lease to Nicole Terkasher of Suite 1, Level 1, 1 Transvaal Avenue, Double
Bay. Expires: 20/7/2011. Option of Renewal: Three years.
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 17
− AF27485 Lease to Metro Commercial Partners Pty Ltd of Suite 4, First Floor, 1
Transvaal Ave, Double Bay. Expires: 31/1/2011. Option of Renewal: 3 years.
− AF477877 Lease to Rebecca Lucy Mullaney-Veitch of Shop 2, 1 Transvaal Avenue,
Double Bay. Expires: 31/8/2012. Option of Renewal: 3 years.
− AG970134 this edition issued pursuant to S.111 Real Property Act, 1900.
� Refer to Appendices.
We have disregarded the presence of any mortgage or other financial liens We have disregarded the presence of any mortgage or other financial liens We have disregarded the presence of any mortgage or other financial liens We have disregarded the presence of any mortgage or other financial liens pertaining to the pertaining to the pertaining to the pertaining to the
We have disregarded the presence of any caveats pertaining to the property.We have disregarded the presence of any caveats pertaining to the property.We have disregarded the presence of any caveats pertaining to the property.We have disregarded the presence of any caveats pertaining to the property.
We have assumed that there are no We have assumed that there are no We have assumed that there are no We have assumed that there are no unregistered interests unregistered interests unregistered interests unregistered interests which may affect market value.which may affect market value.which may affect market value.which may affect market value. InInInIn
the event that the Relianthe event that the Relianthe event that the Relianthe event that the Reliant Party becomes aware of t Party becomes aware of t Party becomes aware of t Party becomes aware of any any any any further further further further or pending or pending or pending or pending easementseasementseasementseasements,,,,
encumbrances or encumbrances or encumbrances or encumbrances or unregistered interestsunregistered interestsunregistered interestsunregistered interests, this valuation must not be relied upon before first , this valuation must not be relied upon before first , this valuation must not be relied upon before first , this valuation must not be relied upon before first
consulting consulting consulting consulting CBRECBRECBRECBRE to reassess any effect on the valuationto reassess any effect on the valuationto reassess any effect on the valuationto reassess any effect on the valuation….
Town Planning
Local Authority: � Woollahra Municipal Council.
Zoning: � 3(a) Business General.
Zoning Objectives: � The objectives are:
(a) to define the main commercial areas within the Council’s area which provide for a
wide range of retail and commercial uses, ancillary light industrial uses, entertainment,
social and recreational uses, tourist accommodation and residential development mixed
with non-residential uses,
(b) to encourage employment generating uses in accessible localities,
(c) to allow for residential development in the form of mixed development so as to
encourage urban consolidation and promote the vitality of business centres, and
(d) to control the physical and functional characteristics of business centres in order to
minimise their impact on neighbouring residential lands.
Local Plan: � Woollahra Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 1995.
Floor Space Ratio
� According to the Woollahra Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 1995, the subject has a
maximum allowable FSR of 2.5:1.
� Double Bay Centre Development Control Plan 2002 indicates that properties in Transvaal
Avenue have a maximum allowable FSR of 1:1.
� We have adopted the prescribed maximum allowable FSR of 2.5:1 from the Woollahra
Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 1995 as being applicable to the subject.
Height Limit: � According to the Double Bay Centre Development Control Plan 2002, the subject has a
maximum building height limit of 4 storeys to the front half of the site, with 2 storeys to the
remaining rear half of the subject.
Existing Use: � Appears to conform.
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1 Transvaal Avenue1 Transvaal Avenue1 Transvaal Avenue1 Transvaal Avenue
Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 18
Prohibited Uses: Development for the purposes of:
� Amusement centres; amusement parks; backpackers’ hostels; boarding houses (other than
mixed developments); bulk stores; bus depots; car repair stations (other than those
forming part of, and used in conjunction with, a service station); dwelling-houses; gas
holders; generating works; helipads; heliports; industries (other than light industries or
those ancillary or complementary to development not otherwise prohibited in the zone);
institutions; junk yards; liquid fuel depots; panel beating and spray painting; residential
flat buildings (other than mixed developments); road transport terminals; service stations
in a business zone at Edgecliff; warehouses.
� Double Bay Centre Development Control Plan 2002.
� We have not sighted an Occupancy Certificate for the subject.
� Verbal enquiries with Woollahra Municipal Council have indicated that the subject has a
lapsed DA (306/2006/1) for substantial alterations to the existing building including an
additional storey.
Heritage: � Our online search of council records identified the following Heritage issue:
− The subject is positioned within a Heritage Conservation Area.
� This is not expected to have an adverse affectation on the sale or marketability of the
Native Title: � The subject property is not expected to be subject to Native Title issues. Searches were not
It is assumed that inIt is assumed that inIt is assumed that inIt is assumed that information provided to us by the relevant Local Authority Town Planning formation provided to us by the relevant Local Authority Town Planning formation provided to us by the relevant Local Authority Town Planning formation provided to us by the relevant Local Authority Town Planning
Department (and/or third party providers such as Anstat) accurately reflect the current Department (and/or third party providers such as Anstat) accurately reflect the current Department (and/or third party providers such as Anstat) accurately reflect the current Department (and/or third party providers such as Anstat) accurately reflect the current
planning scheme. In the event that a Town Planning Certificate or any other relevant planning scheme. In the event that a Town Planning Certificate or any other relevant planning scheme. In the event that a Town Planning Certificate or any other relevant planning scheme. In the event that a Town Planning Certificate or any other relevant
planning inplanning inplanning inplanning information or document is obtained and the information is found to be different to formation or document is obtained and the information is found to be different to formation or document is obtained and the information is found to be different to formation or document is obtained and the information is found to be different to
the town planning information in this report, this valuation must not be relied upon before first the town planning information in this report, this valuation must not be relied upon before first the town planning information in this report, this valuation must not be relied upon before first the town planning information in this report, this valuation must not be relied upon before first
consulting CBRE to reassess any effect on the valuation. consulting CBRE to reassess any effect on the valuation. consulting CBRE to reassess any effect on the valuation. consulting CBRE to reassess any effect on the valuation.
Statutory Assessment
Source: NSW Land
and Property
� As at 1 July 2011:
− Site Value: $2,160,000 ($5,120 psm)
The above assessment is used for calculating Land Tax and Council Rates charges.The above assessment is used for calculating Land Tax and Council Rates charges.The above assessment is used for calculating Land Tax and Council Rates charges.The above assessment is used for calculating Land Tax and Council Rates charges.
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 19
Property Description
Overview: � The subject as currently configured is improved with a modernised circa 1970’s three
storey commercial building incorporating 14 office and 2 retail tenancy areas. The
property is positioned in an upmarket boutique eastern suburbs retail precinct.
Lettable Area
Retail 60.0 8.3%
Office 522.0 72.3%
Monthly 48.0 6.6%
Vacant 92.0 12.7%
TotalTotalTotalTotal 722.0722.0722.0722.0 100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%
Retai l
Offi ce
Monthl y
Measurement of
Lettable Areas:
� Floor areas have been calculated by reference to the tenancy schedule provided by
Representatives of the Registered Proprietor, and are approximate only.
Should the Reliant Party obtain a survey to determine whether the areas relied upon differ Should the Reliant Party obtain a survey to determine whether the areas relied upon differ Should the Reliant Party obtain a survey to determine whether the areas relied upon differ Should the Reliant Party obtain a survey to determine whether the areas relied upon differ
frfrfrfrom Property Council of om Property Council of om Property Council of om Property Council of AustraliaAustraliaAustraliaAustralia guidelines and the survey reveals a variance in areas, then guidelines and the survey reveals a variance in areas, then guidelines and the survey reveals a variance in areas, then guidelines and the survey reveals a variance in areas, then
this valuationthis valuationthis valuationthis valuation must not be relied upon before first consulting CBRE to reassemust not be relied upon before first consulting CBRE to reassemust not be relied upon before first consulting CBRE to reassemust not be relied upon before first consulting CBRE to reassess any effect on ss any effect on ss any effect on ss any effect on
the valuation.the valuation.the valuation.the valuation.
Ground Level
� Shop 1 has direct albeit partially obscured street exposure to Transvaal Avenue via a 4.5
metre frontage. There are some columns in front of the shop where there is a covered
awning. The property benefits from signage at the front of the building. Shop 1 is utilised
as a hairdresser salon. At the front of the tenancy area is a full height glazed shopfront
with swing door entry. The shop is open planned and features a reception area, two
aisles, mirrored walls, built in cupboards, timber benchtops and single stainless steel sink
as well as a kitchenette to the rear. The kitchenette features timber benchtops/cupboards,
single stainless steel sink, Bosch washing machine and Hoover dryer. This tenancy area is
serviced by ducted air conditioning and is in good condition.
� Shop 2 has an approximate 4.3 metre frontage to Transvaal Avenue and a 3.5 metre
frontage to the external walkway along the southern elevation of the building. Like Shop
1, Shop 2 is partially obscured by columns and is set back from the street. Shop 2 is
currently vacant. Shop 2 has a full height shopfront with swing door, open plan retail
area, service counter and two rear storage rooms, one of which has a hand basin. There
is slight damage to the plasterboard ceiling to the rear of the shop. This tenancy area is
serviced by split system air conditioning and is also in good condition.
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1 Transvaal Av1 Transvaal Av1 Transvaal Av1 Transvaal Avenueenueenueenue
Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 20
Shop 1
Shop 2
Ground Level
� Suite 3 is positioned to the rear of the ground level via the external walkway along the
building’s southern elevation. Access to the adjoining Council carpark is also provided
along the walkway. Suite 3 benefits from signage at the front of the building as well as
naming rights for the building. This is tenanted by Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes.
Suite 3 has a full height glazed shopfront to the side walkway. Suite 3 has a reception,
open plan office area, five glass partitioned offices, kitchenette, unisex bathroom and
access to the enclosed external courtyard. The kitchenette comprises timber
benchtops/cupboards and a single stainless steel sink. The unisex bathroom features a
vanity and WC. Suite 3 presents well and is in good condition.
Suite 3, Ground Floor
External Elevation from Transvaal Avenue
Level 1 Office
� Access to the upper levels is provided from an internal staircase to the southwestern corner
of the building. The staircase features the tenant directory of the building. All tenancy
and common areas on Level 1 are serviced by ducted air conditioning. Level 1 consists of
three separate tenancy areas, Suite 1, 2 and 4. Common amenities comprise a
kitchenette together with separate male and female amenities. The kitchenette features
caesarstone benchtops, glass splashback, timber cupboards, single stainless steel sink and
fire extinguisher. Male amenities feature automatic sensor lighting, two hand basins,
mirrored walls, two urinals and two WCs. Level 1 comprises three separate office tenancy
� Suite 1 is leased to Nicole Terkasher trading as Nicole Leggatt and Associates Lawyers.
Suite 1 also has street signage to Transvaal Avenue. Suite 1 comprises a timber framed
glazed swing entry door, reception with caesarstone benchtop, filing cupboard, four
plasterboard partitioned offices, two of which have built in cupboards, boardroom,
data/photocopying room and external covered balcony which provides good natural light
to the office. Suite 1 also features intercom entry and a fire extinguisher. The tenancy
area is in good condition.
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
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� Suite 2 comprises an open plan office with three workstations. The suite is leased to Elle
Promotions. Its external elevation abuts the adjoining building and limited natural light is
provided to the suite. Suite 2 is in overall average condition.
� Suite 4 is leased by Metro Commercial Partners and features a reception with benchtop,
open plan office with four workstations, built in cupboards, three plasterboard/glass
partitioned offices, data room with four workstations and external covered courtyard with
garden planter. Suite 4 also has street signage to Transvaal Avenue. Good natural light
is provided to the tenancy area. Suite 4 presents well and is in good condition overall.
Suite 1, Level 1
Suite 2, Level 1
Suite 4, Level 1
Suite 4, Level 1
Level 2 Office
� Level 2 is accessed via the internal staircase located to the southwestern corner of the
building. Secure access is provided to Level 2 via a video intercom and swipe card. Level
2 office suites and common area is serviced by ducted air conditioning.
� Common areas comprise a waiting area with skylight, reception with granite benchtop,
large hallway with wall shelving, kitchenette and separate male and female amenities.
The kitchenette features timber benchtops/cupboards and single stainless steel sink. Male
amenities feature two granite vanities, timber cupboards, mirrored walls, paper dispenser,
two urinals and two WCs. The kitchenette and amenities are in average condition
compared to the remainder of the level.
� Positioned mainly to the external elevations are 12 suites leased on a separate basis with
Suite 12 currently vacant. Three of the offices (Suites 7-9) are combined to form a single
tenancy area with video intercom access. Each of the suites comprises a room with secure
keypad access. Suites 1-3 also benefit from exclusive access to an enclosed external
balcony and good natural light. The suites are relatively small and range in size from 8.0
square metres up to 49.0 square metres. Level 2 appears to have been refurbished in the
last 10 years and is in overall good condition.
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1 Transvaa1 Transvaa1 Transvaa1 Transvaal Avenuel Avenuel Avenuel Avenue
Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 22
Level 2 Common Area
Suite 12, Level 2
Suite 11, Level 2
Suite 2, Level 2
Construction: � Structure: Brick structural walls and concrete columns.
� Floors: Reinforced concrete.
� External Walls: Predominantly aluminium framed curtain wall cladding, face, painted
and rendered brick walls.
� Windows/Doors: Single glazed aluminium/timber framed glass windows and swing
� Roof: Unsighted, assumed to be tiled.
Internal Finishes: � Entry Foyer: Tiled floors, plasterboard ceilings and rendered walls.
� Floors: Carpet to office areas with tiled floor coverings to reception, wet and
retail tenancy areas.
� Walls: Rendered brick, full height glazed and plasterboard lined internal
� Ceilings: Plasterboard ceilings to retail areas, suspended grid fibrous plaster
ceilings to office tenancy areas.
� Amenities: Tiled floors, part tiled and rendered brick walls with plasterboard
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
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© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 23
Services: � Air Conditioning: Ducted air conditioning throughout except Shop 2 which is serviced
instead by a split system air conditioning unit.
� Fire Prevention: The building is fully fitted with smoke detectors and fire extinguishers.
� Security/Access
Level 2 has secure video intercom and swipe card entry. Each of the
suites on Level 2 (except Suite 12) additionally has secure keypad entry.
� Lifts: Each of the upper levels is accessed via an internal staircase.
Condition & Repair
Overall Condition: � The property appears to be in good condition having regard to its age and use.
� The external elevations appear to be in good repair, and the internal common areas are
in good condition.
Capital Expenditure
� We have requested but have not been provided with any budgeted capital expenditure
items, however during our inspection we noted the following issues requiring attention:
− Installation of partition walls for Suite 12 on Level 2.
� Accordingly, we have adopted a total capital expenditure amount of $12,500 within our
Structure and
We do not commission We do not commission We do not commission We do not commission Structural Structural Structural Structural Surveys and a Structural Survey has not been provided to us.Surveys and a Structural Survey has not been provided to us.Surveys and a Structural Survey has not been provided to us.Surveys and a Structural Survey has not been provided to us.
We have notWe have notWe have notWe have not tested any of the services or facilitiestested any of the services or facilitiestested any of the services or facilitiestested any of the services or facilities, nor , nor , nor , nor inspected unexposed or inaccessible inspected unexposed or inaccessible inspected unexposed or inaccessible inspected unexposed or inaccessible
portions of the buildingportions of the buildingportions of the buildingportions of the building,,,, and are therefore unable to state that and are therefore unable to state that and are therefore unable to state that and are therefore unable to state that these are these are these are these are free from defectfree from defectfree from defectfree from defect, rot , rot , rot , rot
or or or or infestation.infestation.infestation.infestation. We We We We assumeassumeassumeassume the the the the property property property property complies with all relevant statutory requirements in complies with all relevant statutory requirements in complies with all relevant statutory requirements in complies with all relevant statutory requirements in
respect respect respect respect totototo health, buildinghealth, buildinghealth, buildinghealth, building,,,, and fire safety regulations. If the and fire safety regulations. If the and fire safety regulations. If the and fire safety regulations. If the Reliant PartyReliant PartyReliant PartyReliant Party becomes awabecomes awabecomes awabecomes aware of re of re of re of
any information contrary to these assumptions, any information contrary to these assumptions, any information contrary to these assumptions, any information contrary to these assumptions, ththththis is is is valuationvaluationvaluationvaluation must not be relied upon before must not be relied upon before must not be relied upon before must not be relied upon before
first consulting first consulting first consulting first consulting CBRECBRECBRECBRE to reassess any effect on the valuationto reassess any effect on the valuationto reassess any effect on the valuationto reassess any effect on the valuation….
Inclusions &
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heating and cooling equipment, lifts, sprinklers, lighting, etc., that would normally pass with heating and cooling equipment, lifts, sprinklers, lighting, etc., that would normally pass with heating and cooling equipment, lifts, sprinklers, lighting, etc., that would normally pass with heating and cooling equipment, lifts, sprinklers, lighting, etc., that would normally pass with
the sale of the property, but excludes all items of plant, machinery, equipment, partitions, the sale of the property, but excludes all items of plant, machinery, equipment, partitions, the sale of the property, but excludes all items of plant, machinery, equipment, partitions, the sale of the property, but excludes all items of plant, machinery, equipment, partitions,
furniture and other such items which may have been installed (byfurniture and other such items which may have been installed (byfurniture and other such items which may have been installed (byfurniture and other such items which may have been installed (by the occupantthe occupantthe occupantthe occupant/operator/operator/operator/operator) or ) or ) or ) or
are used in connection with the are used in connection with the are used in connection with the are used in connection with the enterprise enterprise enterprise enterprise carried on within the propertycarried on within the propertycarried on within the propertycarried on within the property….
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1 Tran1 Tran1 Tran1 Transvaal Avenuesvaal Avenuesvaal Avenuesvaal Avenue
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Tenancy Summary
Overview of
� As currently leased and configured: 16 tenancies, with 10 occupied under formal lease
agreements, 2 currently vacant, and 4 occupied under a monthly agreement.
� The tenancy configuration and major tenant lease expiry profile is summarised as follows:
(sqm) Lease Term
Giancarlo Aymonod 60.0 4.18 years
Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes 174.0 2.84 years
NLA Legal 95.0 1.89 years
Elle Promotions 51.0 0.18 years
Metro Commercial Partners 110.0 1.42 years
Weighted Average Remaining Term 2.30 years Total ComplexTotal ComplexTotal ComplexTotal Complex by areaby areaby areaby area
% National/Chain Tenants% National/Chain Tenants% National/Chain Tenants% National/Chain Tenants 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%
% Local Tenants% Local Tenants% Local Tenants% Local Tenants 80.6%80.6%80.6%80.6%
Other Tenancies 92.0 0.70 years % Government Tenants% Government Tenants% Government Tenants% Government Tenants 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%
Monthly 48.0 % Monthly Tenants% Monthly Tenants% Monthly Tenants% Monthly Tenants 6.6%6.6%6.6%6.6%
Vacant 92.0 % Vacant% Vacant% Vacant% Vacant 12.7%12.7%12.7%12.7%
TotalTotalTotalTotal 722.0722.0722.0722.0 1.77 years1.77 years1.77 years1.77 years 100.00%100.00%100.00%100.00%
Major Tenancies: � The major tenant leases are summarised below and over the following pages.
Lease Structure: � The leased retail tenancy is occupied on a lease term of 5 years additionally incorporating
a further renewal option period.
� All leases are structured on a gross basis and outgoings are not payable by the tenants.
Lease DetailsLease DetailsLease DetailsLease Details Rental IncomeRental IncomeRental IncomeRental Income $pa
Lessee: Giancarlo Aymonod Contract Rent $1,000
Tenancy Area (sqm): Outgoings Recoveries $0
Premises: Total Rent $1,000
Lease Term (yrs):
Option Period/s (yrs): Other IncomeOther IncomeOther IncomeOther Income
Commencement Date: No. of Car Parks 0
Expiry Date: Car Park Income $0
Next Review: Other Income $0
Information Source:Information Source:Information Source:Information Source: Lease:
Lease provides for recovery of GST on rent and outgoings.
Not noted on title as a registered dealing.
Tenancy information provided by Representatives of the Registered Proprietor.
Lease sighted and signed.
Early Termination/ Early Termination/ Early Termination/ Early Termination/
Break Clause:Break Clause:Break Clause:Break Clause:
None noted within the lease.
Incentive:Incentive:Incentive:Incentive: 3 months rent free; expensed.
Make Good Provisions:Make Good Provisions:Make Good Provisions:Make Good Provisions: Lessee to repaint every five years and in the last year of term.
Permitted Use:Permitted Use:Permitted Use:Permitted Use: Hairdresser and retail sale of hair and beauty products.
Rent Reviews:Rent Reviews:Rent Reviews:Rent Reviews: Annual CPI+1% reviews.
60.0 sqm
Ground, Shop 1
1 November 2011
31 October 2016
1 November 2012
Outgoings Contribution:Outgoings Contribution:Outgoings Contribution:Outgoings Contribution: Lessor to pay all outgoings.
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
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Lease DetailsLease DetailsLease DetailsLease Details Rental IncomeRental IncomeRental IncomeRental Income $pa $psm
Lessee: Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes Contract Rent $592
Tenancy Area (sqm): Outgoings Recoveries $0
Premises: Total Rent $592
Lease Term (yrs):
Option Period/s (yrs): Oth er In comeOth er In comeOth er In comeOth er In come
Commencement Date: No. of Car Parks 0
Expiry Date: Car Park Income $0
Next Review: Other Income $0
Information Source:Information Source:Information Source:Information Source: Lease:
Not noted on title as a registered dealing.
Lease provides for recovery of GST on rent and outgoings.
Tenancy information provided by Representatives of the Registered Proprietor.
1 January 2013
174.0 sqm
Ground, Suite 3
1 January 2012
Lease sighted and signed.
Early Ter mination/ Early Ter mination/ Early Ter mination/ Early Ter mination/
Br eak Clause:Br eak Clause:Br eak Clause:Br eak Clause:
None noted within the lease.
Incentive:Incentive:Incentive:Incentive: 3 months rent free; assumed to be expensed.
Permitted Use:Permitted Use:Permitted Use:Permitted Use: Commercial offices and/or as a speech therapist centre for adults and children.
Outgoings Contribution:Outgoings Contribution:Outgoings Contribution:Outgoings Contribution: Lessor to pay all outgoings.
Rent Reviews:Rent Reviews:Rent Reviews:Rent Reviews: Annual 3.5% reviews.
30 June 2015
Lease DetailsLease DetailsLease DetailsLease Details Rental IncomeRental IncomeRental IncomeRental Income $pa $psm
Lessee: NLA Legal Contract Rent $689
Tenancy Area (sqm): Outgoings Recoveries $0
Premises: Total Rent $689
Lease Term (yrs):
Option Period/s (yrs): Oth er In comeOth er In comeOth er In comeOth er In come
Commencement Date: No. of Car Parks 0
Expiry Date: Car Park Income $0
Next Review: Other Income $0
Information Source:Information Source:Information Source:Information Source: Lease:
The previous lease is noted on title as a registered dealing.
Lease provides for recovery of GST on rent and outgoings.
Tenancy information provided by Representatives of the Registered Proprietor.
21 July 2013
95.0 sqm
Level 1, Suite 1
21 July 2011
Lease sighted and signed.
Early Termination/ Early Termination/ Early Termination/ Early Termination/
Break Clause:Break Clause:Break Clause:Break Clause:
The lease has a 6 month demolition clause which can be triggered by the Lessor.
Incentive:Incentive:Incentive:Incentive: None noted within the lease.
Make Good Provisions:Make Good Provisions:Make Good Provisions:Make Good Provisions: Lessee to repaint every three years and in the last year of term.
Permitted Use:Permitted Use:Permitted Use:Permitted Use: Offices.
Outgoings Contribution:Outgoings Contribution:Outgoings Contribution:Outgoings Contribution: Lessor to pay all outgoings.
Rent Reviews:Rent Reviews:Rent Reviews:Rent Reviews: Annual CPI reviews.
20 July 2014
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1 1 1 1 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
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© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 26
Lease DetailsLease DetailsLease DetailsLease Details Rental IncomeRental IncomeRental IncomeRental Income $pa $psm
Lessee: Elle Promotions Contract Rent $636
Tenancy Area (sqm): Outgoings Recoveries $0
Premises: Total Rent $636
Lease Term (yrs):
Option Period/s (yrs): Other IncomeOther IncomeOther IncomeOther Income
Commencement Date: No. of Car Parks 0
Expiry Date: Car Park Income $0
Next Review: Other Income $0
Information Source:Information Source:Information Source:Information Source: Lease:
Not noted on title as a registered dealing.
Lease provides for recovery of GST on rent and outgoings.
Tenancy information provided by Representatives of the Registered Proprietor.
4 November 2012
51.0 sqm
Level 1, Suite 2
4 November 2010
Lease sighted and signed.
Early Termination/ Early Termination/ Early Termination/ Early Termination/
Break Clause:Break Clause:Break Clause:Break Clause:
The lease has a 6 month demolition clause which can be triggered by the Lessor.
Incentive:Incentive:Incentive:Incentive: 3 months rent free; expensed.
Make Good Provisions:Make Good Provisions:Make Good Provisions:Make Good Provisions: Lessee to repaint in the last year of term.
Permitted Use:Permitted Use:Permitted Use:Permitted Use: Offices.
Outgoings Contribution:Outgoings Contribution:Outgoings Contribution:Outgoings Contribution: Lessor to pay all outgoings.
Rent Reviews:Rent Reviews:Rent Reviews:Rent Reviews: Annual 4% reviews.
3 November 2012
Lease DetailsLease DetailsLease DetailsLease Details Rental IncomeRental IncomeRental IncomeRental Income $pa $psm
Lessee: Metro Commercial Partners Contract Rent $752
Tenancy Area (sqm): Outgoings Recoveries $0
Premises: Total Rent $752
Lease Term (yrs):
Option Period/s (yrs): Other IncomeOther IncomeOther IncomeOther Income
Commencement Date: No. of Car Parks 0
Expiry Date: Car Park Income $0
Next Review: Other Income $0
Information Source:Information Source:Information Source:Information Source: Lease:
The previous lease is noted on title as a registered dealing.
Lease provides for recovery of GST on rent and outgoings.
Tenancy information provided by Representatives of the Registered Proprietor.
1 February 2013
110.0 sqm
Level 1, Suite 4
1 February 2011
Lease sighted and signed.
Early Termination/ Early Termination/ Early Termination/ Early Termination/
Break Clause:Break Clause:Break Clause:Break Clause:
The lease has a 6 month demolition clause which can be triggered by the Lessor.
Incentive:Incentive:Incentive:Incentive: None noted within the lease.
Make Good Provisions:Make Good Provisions:Make Good Provisions:Make Good Provisions: Lessee to yield up premises in good repair prior to expiry of the lease.
Permitted Use:Permitted Use:Permitted Use:Permitted Use: Offices.
Outgoings Contribution:Outgoings Contribution:Outgoings Contribution:Outgoings Contribution: Lessor to pay all outgoings.
Rent Reviews:Rent Reviews:Rent Reviews:Rent Reviews: Annual 4% reviews.
31 January 2014
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
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© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 27
Lease Expiry Analysis
Year Tenancies Lettable Area Gross Rent
No. % of Total (sqm) % of Total $pa % of Total
Vacant 2 12.50% 92.0 12.7% 87,450 15.3%
Monthly 4 25.00% 48.0 6.6% 48,540 8.5%
2012 4 25.00% 114.0 15.8% 94,705 16.6%
2013 0 0.00% – 0.0% – 0.0%
2014 4 25.00% 234.0 32.4% 177,852 31.1%
2015 1 6.25% 174.0 24.1% 103,000 18.0%
2016 1 6.25% 60.0 8.3% 60,000 10.5%
TOTALTOTALTOTALTOTAL 16161616 100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0% 722.0722.0722.0722.0 100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0% 571,547571,547571,547571,547 100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%
Year Tenancies Lettable Area Gross Rent
No. % of Total (sqm) % of Total $pa % of Total
Vacant 2 12.5% 92.0 12.7% 87,450 15.3%
Monthly 4 25.0% 48.0 6.6% 48,540 8.5%
< 2 years 4 25.0% 114.0 15.8% 94,705 16.6%
2 – 5 years 6 37.5% 468.0 64.8% 340,852 59.6%
TOTALTOTALTOTALTOTAL 16161616 100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0% 722.0722.0722.0722.0 100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0% 571,547571,547571,547571,547 100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%
Monthl y
< 2 years
2 – 5 years
Lease Expiry By Income
Vacant Monthly 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Lease Expiry By % of Total
The above analysis includes anticipated market rental associated with any vacant space.
� Comments
− A gradually increasing proportion of leases are subject to expiry towards 2014.
− Expiries during 2014 represent approximately 30.9% of the total lettable area, with these tenants contributing
approximately 29.1% of the gross rental income on a fully leased basis.
− Active management and concerted re-negotiation should minimise potential risks posed by these impending
Tenancy Issues
Vacant Tenancies: � Vacancies are summarised below, and appropriate leasing up, incentive, and agents’
commission allowances have been included within our calculations.
� We understand that the owner is in negotiation to lease Shop 2 and Suite 12, Level 2,
trying to achieve a gross rate of $1,628 and $780 psm respectively.
Tenant Area
No. (sqm) $pa $psm
Ground, Shop 2 43.0 58,050 1,350 -19,350 -6,966 -14,513
Level 2, Suite 12 49.0 29,400 600 -9,800 -3,528 -7,350
Market Rent
Letting Up Allowance
(4 mths)
Leasing Commission
Letting Up Allowance
(3 mths)
Chester House (FormerlyChester House (FormerlyChester House (FormerlyChester House (Formerly))))
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
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© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 28
� Monthly tenants, along with our assessment of market rent for these tenancies, are
summarised below.
� We have assumed these tenancies will be converted to formal lease agreements within 1
month from the date of valuation.
� We have applied appropriate reversion adjustments for those considered to be occupied
at rentals which are above or below market parameters.
Tenant Tenant Area
No. Name (sqm)
$pa $psm $pa $psm
Level 2, Suite 1 Peak Consulting 18.0 16,900 939 18,000 1,000
Level 2, Suite 4 Sunday Morning Records 8.0 8,040 1,005 9,600 1,200
Level 2, Suite 5 Blue Sky Events 11.0 13,200 1,200 13,200 1,200
Level 2, Suite 6 Sumo Health and Harmony 11.0 10,400 945 13,200 1,200
Current Rent Market Rent
Rental Abatements/
� There are no rental abatements or outstanding incentives due.
Rental Arrears: � We have specifically requested and representatives of the Registered Proprietor have
advised that there are no rental arrears.
Tenancy Schedule
Our understanding of the tenancy status is summarised overleaf.
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
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© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 29
Tenancy Schedule
Level/Unit/ Tenant Lettable Area Term Opt. Comm Expiry Next Review
Premises Name (sqm) $pa $psm $pa $psm (yrs) (yrs) Date Date Review Type
Ground, Shop 1 Giancarlo Aymonod 60.0 60,000 1,000 0 5.00 5.00 01-Nov-11 31-Oct-16 1-Nov-12 CPI+1%
Ground, Shop 2 Vacant 43.0 0 0 0
Ground, Suite 3 Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes 174.0 103,000 592 0 0 3.50 3.00 01-Jan-12 30-Jun-15 1-Jan-13 3.5%
Level 1, Suite 1 NLA Legal 95.0 65,485 689 0 0 3.00 3.00 21-Jul-11 20-Jul-14 21-Jul-13 CPI
Level 1, Suite 2 Elle Promotions 51.0 32,448 636 0 0 2.00 0.00 04-Nov-10 3-Nov-12 4-Nov-12 4.0%
Level 1, Suite 4 Metro Commercial Partners 110.0 82,677 752 0 0 3.00 0.00 01-Feb-11 31-Jan-14 1-Feb-13 4.0%
Level 2, Suite 1 Peak Consulting 18.0 16,900 939 0 0 0.50 0.00 23-Mar-10 22-Sep-10 23-Sep-10 MKT
Level 2, Suite 2 FAL Capital 18.0 18,250 1,014 0 0 2.00 0.00 01-Mar-12 28-Feb-14 1-Mar-13 CPI+1%
Level 2, Suite 3 The Property Factory 13.0 20,857 1,604 0 0 1.00 0.00 01-Jan-12 31-Dec-12 1-Jan-13 MKT
Level 2, Suite 4 Sunday Morning Records 8.0 8,040 1,005 0 0 1.00 0.00 01-Oct-08 30-Sep-09 1-Oct-09 MKT
Level 2, Suite 5 Blue Sky Events 11.0 13,200 1,200 0 0 0.08 0.00 04-Mar-10 3-Mar-10 4-Mar-10 MKT
Level 2, Suite 6 Sumo Health and Harmony 11.0 10,400 945 0 0 1.00 0.00 21-Dec-10 20-Dec-11 21-Dec-11 MKT
Level 2, Suites 7-9 Seemedia Group 36.0 30,000 833 0 0 1.00 0.00 18-Nov-11 17-Nov-12 18-Nov-12 MKT
Level 2, Suite 10 Veuve 14.0 11,400 814 0 0 0.50 0.00 22-Mar-12 22-Sep-12 23-Sep-12 MKT
Level 2, Suite 11 Fusion Brands Australia 11.0 11,440 1,040 0 0 2.00 0.00 03-Sep-12 2-Sep-14 3-Sep-13 CPI+1%
Level 2, Suite 12 Vacant 49.0 0 0 0 0
SUB TOTAL 16 722.0 484,097 670 0 0.00
TOTALTOTALTOTALTOTAL 722.0722.0722.0722.0 484,097484,097484,097484,097 670670670670 0000
Base Contract Rent Outgoings
Chester House (FormChester House (FormChester House (FormChester House (Formerly)erly)erly)erly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
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Outgoings: � We have been provided with actual outgoings for the financial year 2012-2013. These
are tabulated below.
Adjustments: � In order to arrive at our opinion of anticipated outgoings during the forthcoming 12
months, we have made the following adjustments:
− Adopted an Air-conditioning and Ventilation expense of $3,500 per annum.
− Adopted a Common Area Cleaning expense of $6,500 per annum.
− Adopted a Repairs and Maintenance expense of $5,500 per annum.
− Adopted a Security/Access Control expense of $1,750 per annum.
− Adopted an Administration/Management expense of $16,500 per annum.
Rate Reflected: � The outgoings estimate adopted reflects an overall rate of $124 psm.
$pa $psm $pa $psm
Council Rates 8,738 12 8,738 12
Water & Sewerage Rates 812 1 812 1
Land Tax 26,743 37 26,743 37
Insurance 9,775 14 9,775 14
Airconditioning & Ventilation 0 3,500 5
Common Area Cleaning 0 6,500 9
Electricity 6,589 9 6,589 9
Garbage Collection 3,334 5 3,334 5
Repairs & Maintenance 0 5,500 8
Security/Access Control 0 1,750 2
Administration/Management 0 16,500 23
55,992 78 89,742 124
Total OutgoingsTotal OutgoingsTotal OutgoingsTotal Outgoings 55,99255,99255,99255,992 78787878 89,74289,74289,74289,742 124124124124
Net Income Summary
� Based on our interpretation of the current tenancy arrangements, the fully leased income
of the property plus market income for vacancies is outlined below.
� Refer to Net Income Estimate section for our assessment of market rents and comments.
INCOME SUMMARY Lettable Area Contract Outgoings
sqm $pa $pa $pa $psm
Retail 60.0 60,000 0 60,000 1,000
Office 522.0 375,557 0 375,557 719
Monthly 48.0 48,540 0 48,540 1,011
GROSS RENTGROSS RENTGROSS RENTGROSS RENT 630.0630.0630.0630.0 484,097484,097484,097484,097 0000 484,097484,097484,097484,097 768768768768
GROSS INCOMEGROSS INCOMEGROSS INCOMEGROSS INCOME 484,097484,097484,097484,097 768768768768
Statutory Expenses (Incl Land Tax) (36,294)
Operating Expenses (53,448)
Total Outgoings Expenses (89,742)
NET INCOME (After Adjustments)NET INCOME (After Adjustments)NET INCOME (After Adjustments)NET INCOME (After Adjustments) 394,355394,355394,355394,355 626626626626
Vacant Tenancies 92.0 87,450 951
Vacancy/Bad Debts Allowance 2.00% (10,768)
NET INCOMENET INCOMENET INCOMENET INCOME 722.0722.0722.0722.0 471,038471,038471,038471,038 652652652652
Gross Passing Rent
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
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Local Market Commentary
Double Bay: � The retail/commercial market in Double Bay is currently characterised by stable owner
occupied and investor demand for well-located and leased properties. Supply of trophy
assets such as the subject is limited with corresponding demand originating from high net
worth individuals residing in the eastern suburbs with generally low finance/credit
requirements. The Double Bay precinct was previously a very strong retail and
commercial centre but with the development of the Bondi Junction Westfield Shopping
Centre much of the demand for Double Bay properties declined. The area still has strong
fundamentals and enjoys a popular village centre atmosphere. Combined with some
modern developments occurring within the suburb, demand is increasing. Retail leasing
activity in Double Bay has increased in the past 6-12 months with a number of
transactions occurring during the same period.
� The retail/commercial precinct comprises of a handful of popular retail streets which
branch off New South Head Road, the main road that connects the eastern suburbs to the
city. The shops comprise a mix of retail uses which differs from street to street. Bay Street
comprises many restaurants and other retail uses. Knox Street is a mix of
cafes/restaurants and high end fashion. Transvaal Avenue is a small cul-de-sac which is
dominated by single storey terraces which were formerly utilised for residential purposes
but now house a variety of retail uses with a heavy leaning towards fashion. The focal
point of Transvaal Avenue is the corner of Cross Street and Transvaal Avenue where “Bar
Indigo” is located. This is a popular café which incorporates alfresco dining in an
informal and trendy atmosphere which attracts many local residents/workers.
� Double Bay is a harbour side suburb and derives its name from the two mini bays that
border the harbour, each with a small beach. Between the bays is Double Bay Wharf
which has a ferry stop which is offers regular services to and from Sydney Harbour.
Double Bay is considered one of the more affluent suburbs of Sydney and the residential
prices are some of the highest in the country.
Chester House (Chester House (Chester House (Chester House (Formerly)Formerly)Formerly)Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
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Rental Analysis
Overview: � We have had regard to recent leasing transactions in comparable buildings within the
� We have included retail leasing evidence for the subject Shops 1 and 2 with commercial
office leasing transactions for the remainder of commercial accommodation.
Property Tenant
$psm Basis
Term Incentive
Shop 3/30-36 Bay Street George Haddad 78 $1,082 Gross Jul-11 5y+5y Undisclosed Undisclosed Inferior
Shops 4-5/30-36 Bay Street Higgovale 86 $935 Gross Dec-11 3y+3y Undisclosed Undisclosed Inferior
Double Bay
1/3 Knox Street Undisclosed 58 $1,086 Gross Jun-11 3y+3y 1 month CPI pa Comparable
Double Bay
Shops 1 and 2/19-27 Cross Street Bookshop 80 $1,375 Gross Jan-11 2y Undisclosed 4% pa Comparable
Shops 7 and 8/19-27 Cross Street Undisclosed 110 $818 Gross Mar-11 5y+5y 3 months CPI pa Comparable
Shop 9/19-27 Cross Street Undisclosed 45 $1,667 Gross Oct-11 3y+3y None 4% pa Comparable
Undisclosed/19-27 Cross Street Optometrist 110 $864 Gross Mar-11 5y+5y 4 months 4% pa Comparable
Double Bay
Shop 2/15 Cross Street The Oh Yes Shop 115 $913 Net Mar-11 5y+5y 4 months 4% pa Comparable
Double Bay
Shop 2/357 New South Head Road Undisclosed 59 $881 Net Nov-11 1y+3y None None Inferior
Double Bay
Comments: This is “Angela House”, a modernised four storey commercial/retail building with ground floor retail and commercial accommodation to the
upper levels. The property benefits from a corner position to Bay Street and Guilfoyle Avenue. Larger lettable area compared to the subject retail
component on an individual shop basis. Superior exposure with two street frontages and being positioned at the street, slightly inferior regarded location
in Double Bay. Based on differing economies of scale, this would indicate an inferior rate per square metre of lettable area compared to the subject
shops. Rent equates to a range of $1,546 to $1,623 per week gross.
Comments: This is a ground floor shop within a two storey building with corner exposure to Knox Street, Goldman Lane and Knox Lane. Similar
lettable area compared to the subject retail component on an individual shop basis. Superior exposure. On the balance of all factors, we would expect
this to indicate a similar rate per square metre of lettable area compared to the larger subject shop. Rent equates to $1,211 per week gross.
Comments: This is a commercial building known as the “Double Bay Plaza” positioned on the corner of Cross Street and Transvaal Avenue. Leasing
activity relates to ground floor retail accommodation. Shop 9 is at Heads of Agreement stage. Shops 1 and 2 benefit from an approximate 8 metre
frontage to Cross Street. Shop 7 is set back from Cross Street with limited street exposure. Shop 8 benefits from good street exposure. Shop 9 is set
back from the Cross Street elevation, however, benefits from an approximate 10 metre frontage to Cross Street and Transvaal Avenue. Similar
location, superior exposure having the benefit of Cross Street and Transvaal Avenue frontages. Inferior condition of accommodation. Larger lettable
area compared to the subject on an individual shop basis. We would expect the subject retail component to demonstrate a similar rate per square
metre of lettable area in comparison to this property. Rent equates to a range of $1,442 to $2,115 per week gross.
Comments: This is a ground floor shop within “Chapel Court”, a modern two storey mixed commercial/retail development which benefits from corner
exposure to Cross Street and Transvaal Avenue. Features include air conditioning and adjoining a Council car park. Formerly occupied by Cerrone
Jewellers. Benefits from an approximate 8 metre frontage to Cross Street and corner position to Transvaal Avenue. Outgoings are stated at $149 per
square metre. Larger lettable area compared to the subject retail component on an individual shop basis. Superior exposure having the benefit of
street frontages to Cross Street and Transvaal Avenue. On the balance of all factors, we would expect this to demonstrate a similar rate per square
metre of lettable area compared to the subject retail accommodation. Rent equates to $2,019 per week net.
Comments: This is a ground floor shop within a two storey commercial building benefitting from corner exposure to New South Head Road and
Manning Road. Outgoings equates to $6,000 per annum or $102 per square metre. Similar lettable area compared to the subject retail component
on an individual tenancy area basis. Inferior retail locale. Based on the inferior location, this would demonstrate an inferior rate per square metre of
lettable area in comparison to the subject retail space. Rent equates to $1,000 per week net.
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
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Property Tenant
$psm Basis
Term Incentive
104/30-36 Bay Street DJ Lemon 73 $520 Gross Mar-12 3y+3y Undisclosed Undisclosed Comparable
203/30-36 Bay Street Landes (Retail) 35 $457 Gross Jan-12 2y+2y Undisclosed Undisclosed Comparable
207/30-36 Bay Street Tactician Australia 46 $546 Gross Feb-12 1y+1y Undisclosed Undisclosed Comparable
307B/30-36 Bay Street Dr Johnson 20 $525 Gross Oct-11 5y+5y Undisclosed Undisclosed Comparable
Double Bay
Suite 4/434 New South Head Road Undisclosed 60 $450 Gross Feb-12 2y+1y 1 month 3.5% pa Inferior
Double Bay
18 Transvaal Avenue Undisclosed 164 $579 Net Jan-12 1y 6m None CPI pa Comparable
Double Bay
5/442 New South Head Road Undisclosed 92 $520 Gross Nov-11 3y+3y 3 months CPI pa Comparable
Double Bay
Comments: This is modern office accommodation on Level 2. Features include three offices benefitting from good levels of natural light. Similar
lettable area compared to the subject first floor suites. Superior parking amenity having the benefit of a single lock up garage. On the balance of all
factors, this would indicate a comparable rate per square metre of lettable area compared to the subject ground and first floor office space. Rent
equates to $920 per week gross.
Comments: This is a ground floor office/showroom with two offices, boardroom and open plan commercial accommodation. Positioned within an
inferior location on Transvaal Avenue. A sublease with 18 months remaining until end of term certain. Outgoings equates to $15,000 per annum or
$91 per square metre. Although a sublease, we believe this would indicate a similar rent to the subject ground floor office accommodation. Rent
equates to $1,827 per week net.
Comments: This is “Angela House”, a modernised four storey commercial/retail building with ground floor retail and commercial accommodation to the
upper levels. The property benefits from corner position to Bay Street and Guilfoyle Avenue. Smaller lettable area compared to the subject ground and
first floor office suites, larger lettable area compared to the subject second level office suites. We would expect this to indicate a similar rate per square
metre of lettable area in comparison to the subject ground and first floor office space and an inferior rate per square metre of lettable area compared
to the subject second level accommodation based on differing economies of scale. Rent equates to a range of $202 to $730 per week gross.
Comments: This is a first floor office suite within a refurbished two storey commercial building. Positioned within an inferior commercial locale.
Inferior location. Similar lettable area compared to the subject ground and first floor office accommodation, larger lettable area in comparison to the
subject second floor space on an individual office suite basis. Based on the inferior location and condition of accommodation, this would demonstrate an
inferior rate per square metre of lettable area compared to the subject office accommodation. Rent equates to $519 per week gross.
Indicative Rates: � The retail evidence demonstrates a range of $818 to $1,667 psm gross with two
transactions indicating a net range of $881 to $913 psm, depending upon the size,
location and quality of the premises.
� The commercial office evidence above demonstrates a range of $450 to $546 psm gross
with a single transaction indicating a net rate of $579 psm, depending upon the size,
location and quality of the premises.
Chester HouChester HouChester HouChester House (Formerly)se (Formerly)se (Formerly)se (Formerly)
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Most Comparable: � We consider the best evidence to be 19-27 Cross Street, Double Bay for the retail
accommodation and 30-36 Bay Street, Double Bay for the commercial office space.
� 19-27 Cross Street, Double Bay is a retail development known as “Double Bay Plaza”. It
is positioned within close proximity to the subject, however, has a superior exposure being
positioned on the corner of Cross Street and Transvaal Avenue. Four shops ranging
between 45 square metres and 110 square metres leased in 2011. This development is
considered inferior in terms of condition of accommodation and is relatively larger in
lettable area compared to the subject retail component on an individual shop basis. On
the balance of all factors, we would expect this to demonstrate a similar rate per square
metre of lettable area compared to the subject shops. The four shops mentioned leased
in 2011 demonstrating a gross rate range of $818 to $1,667 per square metre.
� 30-36 Bay Street, Double Bay is a modernised four storey commercial/retail development
known as “Angela House”. Four office suites leased in 2011-2012 ranging between 20
square metres and 73 square metres. We would expect this to indicate a similar rate per
square metre of lettable area compared to the subject ground and first floor commercial
accommodation, and an inferior rate per square metre of lettable area in comparison to
the subject second floor space based on differing economies of scale. The four office
suites mentioned leased in 2011-2012 indicating a gross rate range of $457 to $546 per
square metre.
� After consideration of all factors, we have adopted a gross rate range for the ground floor
shops of $1,000 to $1,350 per square metre, $575 to $600 per square metre for the
ground/first floor commercial space and $600 to $1,200 per square metre for the Level 2
office suites.
� We have selected a rental rate range at the upper end of the ranges for the ground floor
shops based on the modern accommodation and relatively small lettable area.
� We have selected a rental rate range for the ground and first floor office space at the
upper end of the ranges based on good natural light provision and modern standard of
� We have selected a rental rate range above the ranges for the Level 2 office
accommodation based on the large common areas, modern standard of accommodation
and relatively small lettable areas. The majority of suites on Level 2 are below 20 square
metres and would be viewed primarily by the leasing market on a gross rate per week
basis. The selected gross rates for Level 2 equate to a weekly rate range of $185 to $571
gross for each of the office suites.
Rental Assessment
No. of Lettable Area Contract Outgoings Gross Rent
Tenancies (sqm) $pa $pa $pa $psm
Retail 1 60.0 60,000 0 60,000 1,000
Office 9 522.0 375,557 0 375,557 719
Sub-Total 10 582.0 435,557 0 435,557 748
Monthly 4 48.0 48,540 0 48,540 1,011
Vacant 2 92.0 0 0 – –
TotalTotalTotalTotal 16161616 722.0722.0722.0722.0 484,097484,097484,097484,097 0000 484,097484,097484,097484,097 670670670670
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
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© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 35
Net Income Estimate
Net Income
� Based on our interpretation of the tenancy arrangements, the subject property’s estimated
income (passing and market) is:
INCOME SUMMARY Lettable Area Contract Outgoings
sqm $pa $pa $pa $psm $pa $psm
Retail 60.0 60,000 0 60,000 1,000 60,000 1,000
Office 522.0 375,557 0 375,557 719 336,925 645
Monthly 48.0 48,540 0 48,540 1,011 0 0
GROSS RENTGROSS RENTGROSS RENTGROSS RENT 630.0630.0630.0630.0 484,097484,097484,097484,097 0000 484,097484,097484,097484,097 768768768768 450,925450,925450,925450,925 716716716716
GROSS INCOMEGROSS INCOMEGROSS INCOMEGROSS INCOME 484,097484,097484,097484,097 768768768768 450,925450,925450,925450,925 716716716716
Statutory Expenses (Incl Land Tax) (36,294) (36,294)
Operating Expenses (53,448) (53,448)
Total Outgoings Expenses (89,742) (89,742) (142)
NET INCOME (After Adjustments)NET INCOME (After Adjustments)NET INCOME (After Adjustments)NET INCOME (After Adjustments) 394,355394,355394,355394,355 626626626626 361,183361,183361,183361,183 573573573573
Vacant Tenancies 92.0 87,450 951 87,450 951
Vacancy/Bad Debts Allowance 2.00% (10,768) (10,768)
NET INCOMENET INCOMENET INCOMENET INCOME 722.0722.0722.0722.0 471,038471,038471,038471,038 652652652652 437,866437,866437,866437,866 606606606606
Gross Market RentGross Passing Rent
Loca l
Monthl y
Va ca nt
Tenant Type Profile By Area
Loca l
Monthl y
Va ca nt
Tenant Type Profile By Income
Comments: � The passing rental is considered above market, therefore $43,511 of the property’s value
is attributable to profit rent. It is important to note that the profit rent will continue to
diminish until such leases expire, resulting in the value of the asset declining by the
amount of profit rent during this timeframe, all things being equal.
ChesterChesterChesterChester House (Formerly)House (Formerly)House (Formerly)House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
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© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 36
Sales Evidence
Overview: � We have had regard to recent investment transactions within the locality.
� Same are summarised below:
29-33 Bay Street Apr-12 $5,100,000 455 613 $271,423 5.32% $11,209 $8,320 Inferior
Double Bay
84 Queen Street Jun-11 $4,250,000 201 320 VP VP $21,144 $13,281 Superior
28-30 Bayswater Road Jun-11 $4,440,000 450 782 $360,000 8.11% $9,867 $5,678 Inferior
Potts Point
113-115 Oxford Street Mar-11 $8,850,000 468 1,755 $393,743 4.45% $18,910 $5,043 Inferior
9-11 Knox Street Oct-11 $7,775,000 474 783 $239,923 3.09% $16,403 $9,930 Superior
Double Bay
Comments: This is a circa 1930’s, heritage-listed, five storey commercial building incorporating 6 retail and 10 office tenancy areas (some of
which have been combined to form single tenancy areas). The property benefits from a prominent corner position with frontages to Oxford
Street, Crown Street and Arnold Place. The top two levels were constructed circa 1960’s. The property was partially refurbished in the past 10
years. Parking for approximately 12 vehicles is provided in the basement car park. Apart from five vacant carspaces, the property was fully
leased albeit below current market levels. Equivalent yield of 7.96% and a WALE of 0.75 years. Larger land and lettable area. Significantly
higher lettable area to land area ratio. Inferior condition of accommodation and location. Inferior WALE. On the balance of all factors, this
would indicate an inferior rate per square metre of lettable area compared to the subject. As this was significantly underrented at the time of
sale, we would expect the subject to demonstrate an inferior yield to that indicated by this sale.
Comments: This is a two storey modernised commercial/retail building with ground floor shops and first floor office accommodation.
Comprises two shops and six office suites fully leased and anchored by an ANZ Bank. Selling agent indicated that the property was leased over
current market levels due to historic rental increases. At the time of sale, 17.0% of the property was vacant, the WALE was 1.37 years with the
reversionary and equivalent net yield being 6.18% and 5.87% respectively. Retail component comprises approximately 52% of the total lettable
area. Positioned in a slightly inferior retail position compared to the subject. Slightly larger land area, larger lettable area. Slightly lower
lettable area to land area ratio. Based on the lower lettable area to land area ratio, this would demonstrate a superior rate per square metre of
lettable area compared to the subject. As this had a significant level of vacancy, we would expect this property to demonstrate a superior yield
compared to the subject.
Comments: This is a two storey retail building with ground floor retail and first floor commercial accommodation. The ground floor comprises a
single tenancy to Lemoncello Restaurant. Same features a balcony to Bay Street, fronting dining area, bar, rear dining area, rear courtyard,
own amenities, commercial kitchen, garage and basement storage area. 123 square metres of external balcony/courtyard area has not been
included in the lettable area. The first floor comprises three commercial tenancies including Skin Haven, Joseph Morad Hair and Beauty as well
as Fame Fashion. Sold fully leased with a Weighted Average Lease Expiry (WALE) of 1.62 years. Sold underrented with the reversionary and
equivalent net yield being 5.92% and 6.07% respectively. Retail component comprises approximately 57% of the total lettable area. Similar
land area, smaller lettable area. Lower lettable area to land area ratio. Similar condition of accommodation. Higher proportion of ground
floor retail accommodation. Inferior regarded retail locale. Based on the inferior location within Double Bay, this would demonstrate an inferior
rate per square metre of lettable area compared to the subject. As this was significantly underrented at the time of sale, we would expect this to
indicate a superior yield to the subject.
Comments: This is a modernised two storey retail building with a ground floor shop and first floor office. Positioned within the heart of the
Woollahra retail precinct. Includes onsite parking for two cars. Sold subject to vacant possession. Smaller land and lettable area. Lower
lettable area to land area ratio. Similar condition of accommodation. A similar-regarded retail locale. Based on differing economies of scale,
this would indicate a superior rate per square metre of lettable area in comparison to the subject.
Comments: This is a modernised four level commercial building comprising retail and office accommodation fully leased to 11 tenants. The
ground floor retail space of 365 square metres is leased to one tenant, while the office accommodation of 417 square metres is leased to 10
tenants. The property benefits from an approximate 15 metre frontage to Bayswater Road, onsite parking amenity for three cars and rear lane
access from Mansions Lane. The ground floor component includes a restaurant licence. Features include polished concrete and timber floors
and split system air conditioning units. Benefits from good levels of natural light. WALE of 3.14 years. Retail component comprises
approximately 47% of the total lettable area. Similar land area, slightly larger lettable area. Similar lettable area to land area ratio. Inferior
location. Superior WALE. Based on the inferior location, this would demonstrate an inferior rate per square metre of lettable area in
comparison to the subject. Although having a superior WALE, we would not expect this to indicate a superior yield to that indicated by the
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
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© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 37
Indicative Rates: � The sales analysis indicates:
− Initial net yields of 3.09% to 8.11%.
− Equivalent and reversionary net yields of 5.87% to 7.96%.
− A capital value rate comparison of $5,043 to $13,281 psm of Lettable Area.
� These sales demonstrate investment and owner occupant activity during the last 12-18
months. Not all of the sales are considered to be directly comparable, however, they do
provide a range of evidence and set the parameters upon which we have based our
assessment of value of the subject property.
Key Comparability
� We have particularly taken note of the following:
− Vacancy levels.
− WALE by income and by area.
− Condition of accommodation.
− Location.
− Size.
Key Evidence: � We have particularly taken into account the following sales and provide comparability
comments as follows:
− 29-33 Bay Street, Double Bay: This is a two storey retail building with ground floor
retail and first floor commercial accommodation. It has a land area of 455 square
metres and a lettable area of 613 square metres. It was sold fully leased with a WALE
of 1.62 years. It was sold under-rented equating to a reversionary and net equivalent
yield of 5.92% and 6.07% respectively. Based on the inferior position within Double
Bay, this would demonstrate an inferior rate per square metre of lettable area in
comparison to the subject. As this was significantly underrented at the time of sale,
this would indicate a superior yield compared to the subject. This sold in April 2012
for $5,100,000 which equated to a rate per square metre of lettable area of $8,320
and an initial net yield of 5.32%.
− 9-11 Knox Street, Double Bay: This is a two storey modernised commercial/retail
building with ground floor shops and first floor office accommodation. It has a land
area of 474 square metres and 783 square metres of lettable area. At the time of
sale, 17.0% of the property was vacant, the WALE was 1.37 years. The reversionary
and equivalent net yield equated to 6.18% and 5.87% respectively. Based on the
lower lettable area to land area ratio, we would expect this to demonstrate a superior
rate per square metre of lettable area in comparison to the subject. As the property
had significant vacancy at the time of sale, we would expect this to indicate a superior
yield to that of the subject. This sold in October 2011 for $7,775,000 which equated
to a rate per square metre of lettable area of $9,930 and an initial net yield of 3.09%.
Concluded Investment Parameters
Rates Adopted: � Having regard to the property’s location, legal, physical, and cash flow attributes relative
to the evidence above, we have adopted the following investment parameters:
− Capitalisation Rate: 6.25%
− Capital Value Rate Range $psm of Lettable Area: $9,600 to $9,700
CheCheCheChester House (Formerly)ster House (Formerly)ster House (Formerly)ster House (Formerly)
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Overview: � In arriving at our opinion of value, we have considered relevant general and economic
factors and in particular have investigated recent sales and leasing transactions of
comparable properties (as previously detailed).
� Capitalisation Analysis.
� Direct Comparison Approach.
CBRE employs industry recognised valuation methodologies in estimating the value of a CBRE employs industry recognised valuation methodologies in estimating the value of a CBRE employs industry recognised valuation methodologies in estimating the value of a CBRE employs industry recognised valuation methodologies in estimating the value of a
property, having regard to the definition of market value and market based evidence. property, having regard to the definition of market value and market based evidence. property, having regard to the definition of market value and market based evidence. property, having regard to the definition of market value and market based evidence. The The The The
result is the best estimate of value result is the best estimate of value result is the best estimate of value result is the best estimate of value CBRECBRECBRECBRE can produce, but it is an estimate and not a can produce, but it is an estimate and not a can produce, but it is an estimate and not a can produce, but it is an estimate and not a
guaranteeguaranteeguaranteeguarantee,,,, and it is fully dependent upon the accuracy of the assumptions as to income, and it is fully dependent upon the accuracy of the assumptions as to income, and it is fully dependent upon the accuracy of the assumptions as to income, and it is fully dependent upon the accuracy of the assumptions as to income,
expenseexpenseexpenseexpenses,s,s,s, and market conditions.and market conditions.and market conditions.and market conditions. These valuation methodologies These valuation methodologies These valuation methodologies These valuation methodologies use market derived use market derived use market derived use market derived
assumassumassumassumptions (including rents andptions (including rents andptions (including rents andptions (including rents and yieldsyieldsyieldsyields) obtain) obtain) obtain) obtained from analysed transactions.ed from analysed transactions.ed from analysed transactions.ed from analysed transactions.
WeWeWeWe have not independently verified have not independently verified have not independently verified have not independently verified marketmarketmarketmarket information, nor adopted it as our owninformation, nor adopted it as our owninformation, nor adopted it as our owninformation, nor adopted it as our own, n, n, n, nor or or or can can can can
we comment on or we comment on or we comment on or we comment on or accept its reliability. The Reliant Party accepts the risk that if any of the accept its reliability. The Reliant Party accepts the risk that if any of the accept its reliability. The Reliant Party accepts the risk that if any of the accept its reliability. The Reliant Party accepts the risk that if any of the
unverified information/advice punverified information/advice punverified information/advice punverified information/advice provided by others and referred to in rovided by others and referred to in rovided by others and referred to in rovided by others and referred to in ourourourour valuation is incorrect, valuation is incorrect, valuation is incorrect, valuation is incorrect,
then this may have an effect on the valuationthen this may have an effect on the valuationthen this may have an effect on the valuationthen this may have an effect on the valuation. (Refer to Information Supplied by Others.). (Refer to Information Supplied by Others.). (Refer to Information Supplied by Others.). (Refer to Information Supplied by Others.)
Capitalisation Analysis
� The estimated total income (on both a passing rental and face market rental basis) has
been adjusted to reflect anticipated operating costs and potential future income from
existing vacancies to produce a net income on a fully leased basis.
� The adopted fully leased net income has been capitalised in perpetuity from the valuation
date at a capitalisation rate of 6.25%, which we feel reflects the nature, location, and
tenancy profile of the property when compared with current market investment criteria.
� We have then made various capital adjustments to the calculated core value, including:
− Allowances for existing vacancies.
− An allowance of $12,500 for capital expenditure to install partition walls for Suite 12
on Level 2.
� Our assessment includes an element of profit rent. That is, current rentals which are
above market that will revert to market levels when leases expire or market reviews are
affected. It is important to note that the profit rent will continually diminish until such
leases expire resulting in the value of the asset declining by the amount of the profit rent
during this timeframe, all other things being equal.
� We have also deducted an allowance for the anticipated future letting-up expenses and
associated capital expenditure over a 1 year period. This is not merely an arbitrary
period, but a consistent approach that we take for the majority of properties that we value
and sales which we analyse. We believe it is also appropriate given the adoption of a
face rent profile (rather than effective rents) and accounts for the difference between
buildings let under longer leases, and those with imminent expiries.
� Our capitalisation analysis calculations are detailed overleaf.
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 39
CAPITALISATION ANALYSIS Area Contract Rent Market Rent
Gross Rent IncomeGross Rent IncomeGross Rent IncomeGross Rent Income Retail 60.0 60,000 60,000
Office 522.0 375,557 336,925
Monthly 48.0 48,540 54,000
630.0630.0630.0630.0 484,097484,097484,097484,097 450,925450,925450,925450,925
GROSS INCOMEGROSS INCOMEGROSS INCOMEGROSS INCOME 484,097484,097484,097484,097 450,925450,925450,925450,925
OutgoingsOutgoingsOutgoingsOutgoings Statutory Expenses (Incl Land Tax) (36,294) (36,294)
Operating Expenses (53,448) (53,448)
Total Outgoings (89,742) (89,742)
NET INCOME (before vacancies and adjustments)NET INCOME (before vacancies and adjustments)NET INCOME (before vacancies and adjustments)NET INCOME (before vacancies and adjustments) 394,355394,355394,355394,355 361,183361,183361,183361,183
Income AdjustmentsIncome AdjustmentsIncome AdjustmentsIncome Adjustments Potential Future Income – Vacant Tenancies 92.0 87,450 87,450
Vacancy/Bad Debts Allowance 2.00% (10,768) (10,768)
Total Income Adjustments 76,683 76,683
FULLY LEASED NET INCOME (after vacancy allowance)FULLY LEASED NET INCOME (after vacancy allowance)FULLY LEASED NET INCOME (after vacancy allowance)FULLY LEASED NET INCOME (after vacancy allowance) 471,038471,038471,038471,038 437,866437,866437,866437,866
7,536,6047,536,6047,536,6047,536,604 7,005,8527,005,8527,005,8527,005,852
Capital AdjustmentsCapital AdjustmentsCapital AdjustmentsCapital Adjustments
VacanciesVacanciesVacanciesVacancies Letting Up Allowance (29,150) (29,150)
Leasing Commissions (10,494) (10,494)
Incentive Allowance (21,863) (21,863)
Rent AdjustmentsRent AdjustmentsRent AdjustmentsRent Adjustments P.V. of Capitalised Rental Reversions 12 mths (480,051) –
P.V. of Overage/Underage Rental – 50,701
Impending ExpiriesImpending ExpiriesImpending ExpiriesImpending Expiries P.V. of Future Letting Up Allowances 1 years (22,637) (22,637)
P.V. of Future Leasing Commissions 1 years (12,224) (12,224)
P.V. of Future Incentive Allowances 1 years (33,955) (33,955)
Capital WorksCapital WorksCapital WorksCapital Works Less Suite 12 Partitions (12,500) (12,500)
Total Capital Adjustments (623,030) (92,278)
Sensitivity AnalysisSensitivity AnalysisSensitivity AnalysisSensitivity Analysis 6,913,574 6,913,574
6.00% $7,250,000
6.25% $6,900,000 AdoptAdoptAdoptAdopt $6,900,000$6,900,000$6,900,000$6,900,000 $6,900,000$6,900,000$6,900,000$6,900,000
6.50% $6,600,000
Direct Comparison Approach
Methodology: � The market evidence detailed earlier has been compared with the subject property. We
have analysed the sales evidence on a rate per square metre of lettable area basis, and
have considered the nature and condition of each property, location, and tenancy profile.
� Our direct comparison analysis is summarised below.
� We have made an allowance of $12,500 for capital expenditure to install partition walls
for Suite 12 on Level 2.
Lettable Area 722.0 sqm
Rate $psm Calculated Value
9,600 6,931,200
9,650 6,967,300
9,700 7,003,400
AdoptAdoptAdoptAdopt 6,967,3006,967,3006,967,3006,967,300
Rate $psm 9,650
Less Suite 12 Partitions -12,500
ADOPTADOPTADOPTADOPT 6,950,0006,950,0006,950,0006,950,000
Rate $psm 9,626
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 40
Valuation Summary
Reconciliation: � We have reconciled the value as follows:
Capitalisation Analysis $6,900,000
Direct Comparison Approach $6,950,000
Adopted for Valuation PurposesAdopted for Valuation PurposesAdopted for Valuation PurposesAdopted for Valuation Purposes $6,925,000$6,925,000$6,925,000$6,925,000
Initial Yield 5.69%
Initial Yield (Fully Leased) 6.80%
Reversionary (Market) Yield 6.32%
Value $psm less Suite 12 Partitions $9,591
Treatment of GST
Treatment of GST:
� Our valuation is expressed exclusive of GST. It is our interpretation of the tax provisions
that the freehold going concern would be treated as such and consequently no liability for
GST would exist.
We We We We have have have have not been provided with legal advice regarding this matter, and have based our not been provided with legal advice regarding this matter, and have based our not been provided with legal advice regarding this matter, and have based our not been provided with legal advice regarding this matter, and have based our
analysanalysanalysanalysis upon our current understanding of the legislationis upon our current understanding of the legislationis upon our current understanding of the legislationis upon our current understanding of the legislation. The Reliant Party. The Reliant Party. The Reliant Party. The Reliant Party should make should make should make should make
appropriate enquiries in this respectappropriate enquiries in this respectappropriate enquiries in this respectappropriate enquiries in this respect, and if , and if , and if , and if any of theany of theany of theany of thesesesese assumptions prove to be incorrect, assumptions prove to be incorrect, assumptions prove to be incorrect, assumptions prove to be incorrect,
ththththis is is is valuationvaluationvaluationvaluation must not be relied upon before first consulting must not be relied upon before first consulting must not be relied upon before first consulting must not be relied upon before first consulting CBRECBRECBRECBRE to reasseto reasseto reasseto reassess any effect on ss any effect on ss any effect on ss any effect on
the valuationthe valuationthe valuationthe valuation….
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 41
� We have been requested to provide an estimated replacement cost for insurance
� We have assumed the property is damaged or destroyed to an extent that requires the
total demolition of the building upon the final day of currency of the relevant insurance
� In order to replace the building, any remaining structure would be cleared from the site
prior to re-construction. We have included elements of inflation, firstly over the period
of the insurance policy and secondly over the re-construction period. We have based
our replacement cost estimate on the assumption that the site is free of asbestos or
other hazardous contamination. We have not made allowances for loss of rental and
recovery of statutory outgoings incurred during the re-construction period.
Replacement Cost
� Based upon the construction of a building of modern design to replace the current
gross floor area of the existing premises, we estimate the replacement cost to be in the
vicinity of $2,400,000 (Two Million, Four Hundred Thousand Dollars) exclusive of GST.
Context of
We are not quantity surveyors and our estimate of the construction cost is We are not quantity surveyors and our estimate of the construction cost is We are not quantity surveyors and our estimate of the construction cost is We are not quantity surveyors and our estimate of the construction cost is based upon based upon based upon based upon
authoriauthoriauthoriauthoritative published sources including Rawlinsons Construction Handbook 2012. We tative published sources including Rawlinsons Construction Handbook 2012. We tative published sources including Rawlinsons Construction Handbook 2012. We tative published sources including Rawlinsons Construction Handbook 2012. We
recommend that verification of the insurance replacement cost noted above be soughtrecommend that verification of the insurance replacement cost noted above be soughtrecommend that verification of the insurance replacement cost noted above be soughtrecommend that verification of the insurance replacement cost noted above be sought from from from from
a qualified quantity surveyor if considered appropriate.a qualified quantity surveyor if considered appropriate.a qualified quantity surveyor if considered appropriate.a qualified quantity surveyor if considered appropriate.
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 42
The report must be read in accordance with and subject to the following qualifications:
Valuation subject to
Values vary from time to time in response to changing market circumstances. The valuation is based
on available information as at the date of valuation. No warranty can be given as to the
maintenance of this value into the future. Therefore, it should be reviewed periodically.
Extent of
We are not engaged to carry out all possible investigations in relation to the property. Where in our
report we identify certain limitations to our investigations, this is to enable the Reliant Party to instruct
further investigations where considered appropriate or where we recommend as necessary prior to
Reliance. CBRE is not liable for any loss occasioned by a decision not to conduct further
Assumptions Assumptions are a necessary part of undertaking valuations. CBRE adopts assumptions for the
purpose of providing valuation advice because some matters are not capable of accurate calculation
or fall outside the scope of our expertise, or our instructions. The Reliant Party accepts that the
valuation contains certain specific assumptions, and acknowledges and accepts the risk that if any of
the assumptions adopted in the valuation are incorrect, then
this may have an effect on the valuation.
Information supplied
by others
The valuation contains information which is derived from other sources. Unless otherwise specifically
instructed by you and/or stated in the valuation, we have not independently verified that information,
nor adopted it as our own, or accepted its reliability. The Reliant Party accepts the risk that if any of
the unverified information/advice provided by others and referred to in the valuation is incorrect, then
this may have an effect on the valuation.
Future matters To the extent that the valuation includes any statement as to a future matter, that statement is provided
as an estimate and/or opinion based on the information known to CBRE at the date of this document.
CBRE does not warrant that such statements are accurate or correct.
Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)Chester House (Formerly)
1111 Transvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal AvenueTransvaal Avenue
Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028Double Bay NSW 2028
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | VALUATION REPORT | Page 43
Valuer: � Tony Mangioni
Associate Director – Valuation & Advisory Services
T +61 2 9289 3334
M +61 419 353 575
Office: � CBRE Valuations Pty Limited
ABN 15 008 912 641
Unit 8A
11 Lord Street
Botany NSW 2019
T 61 2 9289 3333
F 61 2 9289 3330
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | APPENDICES | Page 45
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | APPENDICES | Page 47
Net Income Estimate, Net Income Estimate, Net Income Estimate, Net Income Estimate,
Fully LeasedFully LeasedFully LeasedFully Leased
The total current net income plus the estimated income from vacant tenancies. The total current net
income is the sum of the current base rent, outgoings recoveries and sundry income, less total
outgoings expenses (including non-recoverable expenses).
Net PaNet PaNet PaNet Passing Incomessing Incomessing Incomessing Income The sum of the current base rent, outgoings recoveries and sundry income, less total outgoings
expenses (including non-recoverable expenses), i.e. the current net income.
Outstanding Tenant Outstanding Tenant Outstanding Tenant Outstanding Tenant
The total cost of all outstanding tenant incentives including unexpired rent free periods, outstanding
fitout or cash contributions and rental discounts.
Initial YieldInitial YieldInitial YieldInitial Yield The net passing income (as defined above) as a percentage of the assessed value less the value of
any excess land.
ReversionaryReversionaryReversionaryReversionary YieldYieldYieldYield The gross market income plus sundry income less total outgoings (including non-recoverable
expenses), as a percentage of assessed value less the value of any excess land.
Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted
Capitalisation Rate Capitalisation Rate Capitalisation Rate Capitalisation Rate
(or Equivalent Yield)(or Equivalent Yield)(or Equivalent Yield)(or Equivalent Yield)
The capitalisation rate applied to the net income estimate fully leased (as defined above). The term
equivalent yield (as utilised within our analysis of comparable sales) essentially reflects a derived
capitalisation rate based on the analysed purchase price.
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | APPENDICES | Page 49
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FOLIO: 1/580401
———– —- ———- —-
29/8/2012 4:29 PM 40 8/5/2012
ACT, 1900
10298215 PRINTED ON 29/8/2012
Australian Business Research received search result from Land and Property Information New South Wales on 29/8/2012
Australian Business Research Pty Ltd hereby certifies that the information contained in this document has been provided
electronically by the Registrar-General in accordance with section 96B(2) of the Real Property Act 1900.
The information is not an “official search” within the meaning of section 96A of the Real Property Act 1900 (NSW)
For the purposes of paragraph (c) of the definition “property certificate” in clause 23 (1) of the Conveyancing (Sale of Land)
Regulation 2000 (NSW), the title search is provided for the purposes of section 96B of the Real Property Act 1900 (NSW)
* Any entries preceded by an asterisk do not appear on the current edition of the certificate of title. WARNING: the information
appearing under notations has not been formally recorded on the Register.
Page 1 of 1NSW LPI NSW Land Title Search
© CBRE Valuations Pty Limited (CBRE) | APPENDICES | Page 51