psychologyassignment x
Order 1541000: Find some article about a specific psychological finding that has been written for a mass audience.
Researchers produce scientific articles (collected in scientific journals) to share their knowledge with others. However, most people (and students) learn about psychological research through media designed to appeal to mass audiences, such as magazine articles, blogs, “pop psychology” books, or even introductory college textbooks.
Over the next few weeks, we will work to compare & contrast the claims made by journalists writing for popular audiences, and scientists writing for other scientists.
To start this journey, please complete the following :
STEP 1 : Find some article about a specific psychological finding that has been written for a mass audience.
· How to Find an Article : Psychology findings are commonly written about in major news outlets like the
PSMag (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
, (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
New York TimesLinks to an external site.
Vox MediaLinks to an external site.
Time MagazineLinks to an external site.
ViceLinks to an external site.
FiveThirtyEight.comLinks to an external site.
BuzzfeedLinks to an external site.
, or others. You could also find a famous study described in an old textbook that you have. If you can’t find a study reported in an article or textbook, come to office hours next week!
· How to Find the Right Article : Make sure that the article you read is about a specific empirical research article related to PSYCHOLOGY (e.g., a study that examined the effect of hunger on self-esteem; a study that was done on the effect of sleep deprivation on relationship satisfaction), and not about some broader phenomenon that is based on many studies (e.g., self-esteem in general, or a summary of the science of relationships), something that is about a non-psychological topic (e.g., climate change).
STEP 2 : Find the original research article that this news article reports on. Use
Google Scholar
, on-campus library resources, or
sci-hub. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
If you can’t access an article using the library services or Google Scholar, and don’t want to use Sci-Hub, post the citation in APA format and I can probably help you find it during office hours using my UC Berkeley library access.
In sum, upload the following for this assignment :
1. Link to the news article you found, and a brief explanation of how you found it / why you chose it.
2. Link to the research article, a brief description of how you found the article, and the article citation in APA format (use Google Scholar to export this information…
here’s a reminder on how to do this (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
). If you can’t find a pdf of the original research article, just post the citation in APA format, and explain what you did to try and find the article.
NOTE : This is a totally different paper than your final project! Just find a news article summarizing a psychology study that sounds interesting to you.
3. Here’s an
article I found on the relationship between Neuroticism and voting for Trump
. I’m interested in this because my emphasis in Psychology was on personality, and one of the researchers for this study was my undergraduate advisor.
4. Here’s a
link to the article
. I couldn’t find the article using Google Scholar or DVC Library resources. However, I used the DOI # (
and pasted it into sci-hub to find the article. The
article is here.
if you want to see what it looks like [clicking the link will open the article in my personal Dropbox folder; it will not take you to sci-hub.]