Project_2OpportunityAnalysisProjectOAP Project_2Rubrics1 BusinessesInnovation4 x
Find a proposed structure for your report below: Course Name & Section Number Group Name: E.g. The Unbeatable Student Names and ID Numbers Name of the Instructor Introduction (i.e., background information about the business, secondary evidence about the sector/industry, purpose, and objectives of the project). Concept and Vision (answer the questions in the project desсrіption) Market analysis (answer the questions in the project desсrіption) Customers and Customer Development (answer the questions in the project desсrіption) Competition and Positioning (answer the questions in the project desсrіption) Business Model (Use the Business Model Canvas (BMC) – Develop a final version and add a detailed desсrіption in the report – answer the questions in the project desсrіption) Learning and Adaptation (answer the questions in the project desсrіption) Conclusion (summary of the business opportunity, proposed solution, and outcomes/implications. Reflection of what you learned as a team working on this project). (PowerPoint not required)
033200 Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Spring 2019
Project #2 (Opportunity Analysis Project (OAP) – Deadline: April 29th, 2019!
The Opportunity Analysis Project (OAP) will allow students to leverage the many tools that
they have learned so far in the course. By Sessions 12A/12B, teams will develop a 3-page
“story” and narrative regarding the OAP. Student teams will pick an idea during Session 9B
and use the time until Sessions 12A/12B to determine whether (or not) the idea is a true
opportunity that can be turned into a scalable enterprise.
Study Questions
• Continue from Project 1 and identify potential opportunities. Combine your own
personal experiences and creativity with external forecasts and trend analysis. How
is the world changing with respect to new technologies? What is the impact of
globalization on current solutions? What new requirements will those changes
produce? Recent media articles on trends are often a good place to start.
• Define the purpose and objectives of your new business. Identify your most promising
opportunity, being careful to discriminate between an interesting technological idea
and a viable market opportunity. Prepare an outline which will help you to determine
what types of data and information you need to demonstrate the attractiveness of
your chosen opportunity.
• Gather data from primary sources. It is crucial for you to obtain data from primary
sources. Potential investors will place more trust in well conducted primary research
than in stacks of data from secondary sources. There is simply no substitute for talking
to potential customers from the target market in order to validate the opportunity
you have identified. Consequently, it is important to spend time gathering data from
primary, not just secondary, sources.
• Gather data from secondary sources. Countless secondary sources exist on the web
and in your college’s various library resources. Try not to get too bogged down in
financial and accounting data.
• Analyze and interpret the results. Persuasively summarize your results.
Test your OAP idea by talking to at least ten potential users, customers, and partners, document
these discussions, and share what you learned. Create presentation slides to share with your
033200 Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Spring 2019
classmates and write a corresponding written report of no more than 3 pages in length. In your
written analyses and presentations in Session 12A/12B, you will tell the “story” of your proposed
venture by addressing as much of the following as possible:
A. Concept and Vision. Where did your idea come from (e.g. a university lab)? Explain what
the market opportunity is and how your solution addresses this. What makes your
solution particularly compelling? How does it make the world a better place? Do you have
personal experiences with this market? Is there existing intellectual property that you
must license or new intellectual property you must develop in order to pursue this
opportunity? Has anyone tried something like this before? If so, why did they fail or
succeed, and why is the opportunity still attractive?
B. Market Analysis. What industry or sector of the economy are you addressing? Why is this
market attractive? What segment of the overall market are you pursuing? What market
research can be done to describe this market need? What are the total industry or
category sales over the past three years? What is the anticipated growth for this industry?
If this is a new market, what is the best analogous market data that illustrates the
opportunity? Project the potential market size and growth for your opportunity.
C. Customers and Customer Development. This is extremely important. You need to have a
clear idea of who your target customer is. The only way for you to be able to do this is to
“get out of the building” and speak with your potential customers. You will need to
answer questions such as: What does the customer need? Why does the customer need
it? What is the customer using today? What is the customer willing to pay for your
solution? Why? How will you reach this customer? You should include both primary (or
first-hand) research and secondary research, emphasizing primary over secondary.
D. Competition and Positioning. Who else serves this customer need? Who might attempt
to serve this market in the future? What advantages and weaknesses do these
competitors and would-be competitors have? What share of the market do specific
competitors serve? Are the major competitors’ sales growing, declining, or steady? What
are the barriers to entry for you? What are the barriers to entry for additional
competitors? How could partners and allies best help you overcome competition from
established enterprises or other startups?
E. Business Model. Now that you have discovered an opportunity and talked to potential
customers, how will you turn it into a business? How will you make money and when do
you expect your venture to be profitable? What is the major risk to address right away
033200 Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Spring 2019
(e.g., market or technical)? In other words, which hypothesis regarding product or market
strategies need to be tested right away?
F. Learning and Adaptation. What did you learn and how between the time you chose the
idea in Week 9 and producing the final presentation and written report in Week 12? Is
this idea a true opportunity or not?
The items above have no implied order. Some entrepreneurs start with a well-defined concept
and then try to identify a market for their idea; others start by studying a market and then
stumble upon an idea. Also, please keep in mind that the specific data and information you
provide will vary according to the type of opportunity you choose to analyze. A key success factor
for a successful project is the depth of your analysis and what you learned from it.
If after careful research you have determined that your business idea is not as promising as you
originally thought, it is totally acceptable to present an OAP that describes why your idea will not
make sense now rather than why it is the next big thing. An honest and rigorous analysis of an
idea that did not survive further scrutiny is preferable to either (a) a half-baked presentation of
an idea your team is unsure of, or (b) an enthusiastic job of over selling for your current idea,
even though you know it is problematic.
Project#2 (Opportunity Analysis Project) Rubrics
Assignment Description:
Idea Initiation and Purpose:
In this section you have to identify the potential opportunities that could result into a successful Business
Model. Students should also highlight the sources of opportunity/ idea generation to reflect the origination
of idea. This section should also contain the main aim/purpose of moving ahead with the opportunity/idea
Analytical Range:
Analytical range would reflect the depth of the research. This research should be directed towards: Market
Analysis, Customers and Customer Development, Competition and Positioning addressing all the study and
questions highlighted in the assignment detail. As stated in assignment details talk to at least ten potential
users, customers, and partners, document these discussions. This research should be based on both primary
and secondary information sources. Depth/range of research would lead you to better results which would
further help you to decide if your realized opportunity could result in to a successful Business Model or not.
Critique and Connection:
After you have completed the research you may easily be able to outline the strengths and weakness of the
proposed Business Model. The critique section would lead you to have a clear picture and take a better-
informed decision regarding your Business Model.
Your report should also reflect the connection between a) Learning resources and your OAP assignment b)
Purpose/Aim of your assignment and final adaptation.
Summary and Adaptation:
Summary should have an overall overview of the assignment which highlights the key points of the research
and the report.
You need to state if the proposed Business Model is the correct idea to move forward with and even if not
then explain the reasons to it. Your adaptation should be strongly supported by clear and loud
facts/results/problems which made you take the decision.
Overall Presentation:
Writing style should be easy for reader to follow. The assignment should be well organized, and a good format
based on study questions and assignment description should be followed throughout.
Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Rubric for group project 2 report 20 Marks
Group Project 2 report rubric– 20%
Report Contents Comments
Organization and Structure:
• The final document consists of the following:
o Cover page
o Table of content
o Body of work
Vision and Opportunity
• The student clearly defines at least 3 of
their career and/or
educational goals after graduating from UOS.
• The student discusses in detail their purpose, their values, and
their mission. Also, lists the 3 key questions that guide their
choices. These are essential questions that serve as touchstones
to direct the student’s life and work.
• The student provides at least 3 examples from the current job
market and opportunities available to them. This must align with
the student’s goals, taking into consideration their opportunities
to make a difference.
Marketing and Implementation Strategy
• The student has created their
market positioning statement,
directed at a hypothetical employer, industry, organization, or the
world at
• The student clearly describes the compelling value that they will
offer to their potential employers and society.
• The student defines how they will differentiate from other UAE
students or from the broader populace.
Risks and Mitigation
• The student clearly identifies the key milestones and checkpoints
in their plan. In addition to describing
how they will measure, or
determine if they have successfully attained these milestones,
and explain
how they define success.
• External factors that might affect attaining success are clearly
mentioned (Positively or adversely).
• The student has developed 3 contingency and risk mitigation
Financial Plan
• The student identifies how they plan to source their funds
• The student mentions the project income statement.
• The students identify the budgeting and expenses statement
• the students present their 2-year forecast sheet
• Formatting is clear, used times new roman font, size 12, spacing is
1.5. Header and footer include student name, ID, and course
details. Citation and referencing must be included in an attached
Total Marks: _____/20
Student Name: _____________
Team Name: __________________
See Rubric for Group Project 2 presentation below
Group Project 2 presentation rubric– 10%
Organization and Visuals
Presentation is organized with a
clear introduction, body and
conclusion, with appropriate
visual aids. Visual aid used is
clear, looks professional, and
applies to content.
Presentation is organized, but
needs more structure. Visual
aids used could use some
editing and improvement.
Presentation lacks
organization or structure.
Visual aids used were not of
any use or relevance.
2 0
Vision and Opportunity
The student demonstrates a
clear vision of their career
educational goals after
graduating. has created their
market positioning statement,
directed at a hypothetical
employer, industry,
organization, or the world at
The student demonstrates an
adequate vision of their career
and/or educational goals after
graduating. has created their
market positioning statement,
directed at a hypothetical
employer, industry,
organization, or the world at
The student does not
demonstrate a clear vision of
their career and/or
educational goals after
graduating. The student did
not mention their market
positioning statement, and
does not describe the value
that they will offer
2 0
Risk and Mitigation
The student clearly identifies
the key milestones and
checkpoints in their plan. In
addition to describing how they
will measure, or determine if
they have successfully attained
these milestones, and explain
how they define success.
External factors that might
affect attaining success are
clearly mentioned. The student
has developed contingency and
mitigation strategies.
The student partially identifies
the milestones and checkpoints
in their plan. The student does
not describe how they will
measure, or determine if they
successfully attained these
milestones, and explain how
they define success. External
factors that might affect
attaining success are briefly
mentioned. The student has
broad and general contingency
and risk mitigation strategies.
The student does not identify
the milestones and
checkpoints in their plan. The
student does not describe
how they will measure, or
determine if they have
successfully attained these
milestones, and does not
explain how they define
success. External factors that
might affect attaining success
are overlooked. The student
has no contingency and risk
mitigation strategies.
2 0
Student shared a valid failure
experience from their past and
shared what they learned in
terms of maximizing their
future potential.
Student shared valid failure
experience, but did not provide
specific reference to learning
from their failure. Limited
reasons were provided at
maximizing their potential for
the future.
No failure experience
identified. Inappropriate or
inadequate responses.
2 0
Presentation Skills
Student has clear eye contact,
and is clearly prepared. When
asked, student is able to explain
any part of the whole
presentation. Presentation is
between 4 to 5 mins
Student made eye contact every
now and then, but needs more
preparation. Presentation is
more than 5
Student was not prepared and
lacked self-confidence.
Presentation is less than 4
2 0
Businesses’ Innovation
In businesses, risks are major drawbacks of their progress as they limit the flow of the finance and income in a business. With the current research done in field, it is clear that various underlying factors in varied businesses that hinder their growth and as a result makes them less competitive in global market (Sadeghi, Wachsmann & Waidner, 2015). Concerning this paper, major emphasis would be on the risk that has been left under Automobile Company without been addressed and possible measures that are supposed to be taken. In particular, the main risk that is unaddressed in Automobile Company is cyber security.
In regard to the risk, it has resulted into the negative impact in the business as it normally experience regular security threats that contributes to the business not standing a chance to make hold of the clients. In other words, erosion o the customer loyalty has been experienced in the business for a long period of the time (Sadeghi, Wachsmann & Waidner, 2015). Additionally, there has been a continuous drop of the sales volumes made by the firm simply because firms offering the similar services and products have emerged out and integrated their security measures. The integration of the measure to counteract cyber security by such firms has given them added advantages on competing for the global market.
The business thus has been experiencing a challenge in installation of the security measures as a way of regaining back customer loyalty and at the same time improves the sales volume. The challenge behind integration of the security measures and operating systems of the company has been due to the fact that the managers in the firm have no adequate skills to deploy (Porter, & Heppelmann, 2014). At the same time, the managers lack enough entrepreneur skills that are highly recommended or the innovation as well as means of making valid decisions that are out to help the business enterprise. In order to give a valid solution for the mentioned problem, the stakeholders of the business are supposed to be advised on the need for hiring artificial intelligence. At the same time, they are supposed to be fed with the roles that are played by the AI in any business. The above is supposed to be done by the information technology managers as they really understands the kind of the problem that they business is and is out to face if the situation continuous (Sadeghi, Wachsmann & Waidner, 2015). Besides hiring the services of AI, the stakeholders are also supposed to support any project proposed by the AI in relation to integration of Automobiles’ operating systems.
In addressing the issue, it is important looking at the main cause of the challenge and its origin. It is also important to study the operational system of the business and understand the loopholes that make the firm be vulnerable for the cyber attack (Porter, & Heppelmann, 2014). In regard to the research done on the operational system of the firm of our interest, it is found that the system does not stand a chance to convey all the required information to the interest destinations. In other words, cloud computing has not yet been integrated ell in the system. This has been noted as the main reason behind the continued attack of the business (Yi, Qin & Li, 2015). At the same time, the database platform of the firm has not been secured effectively. Owing to the above reason, unauthorized individuals hence making the customers loose trust in the firm as the hackers could use their information stored in the firm to hacker their personal accounts can easily access personal information in the firm. The above system diagrammatically is represented as shown below
In order to solve the issue, a system desired I supposed to highly consider the weaknesses that are associated with the above information storage system. The system is supposed to centralize all the operation within the system (Yi, Qin & Li, 2015). Besides such, the desired security measure required I supposed to be sensitive enough to any form of insecure practices within the firm. In terms of logins, it is supposed to detect any wrong authentications bearing in mind that the hackers in most cases tends to sent wrong login into the site so they can receive correct login in the URL. Consequently, they end up getting an access of the data stored in the database. In order for the firm to solve such kind of the problem, the firm is supposed to deploy wearable computing that involves usage of the wristwatches (Porter & Heppelmann, 2014). In an incidence where the hackers tends to practice such unauthorized practices, the managers would be notified by the system though the wearable computing and hence make necessary adjustments. The system design is supposed to be as follows
In conclusion, wearable computing would play an important role in restoring cyber security in the firm. At the same time, the firm would automatically have an ability to easily compete other firms offering similar services. In this conjunction, the firm would increase its sales volume, as it would automatically win customer’s loyalty.
Porter, M. E., & Heppelmann, J. E. (2014). How smart, connected products are transforming competition. Harvard business review, 92(11), 64-88.
Sadeghi, A. R., Wachsmann, C., & Waidner, M. (2015, June). Security and privacy challenges in industrial internet of things. In Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2015 52nd ACM/EDAC/IEEE (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Yi, S., Qin, Z., & Li, Q. (2015, August). Security and privacy issues of fog computing: A survey. In International conference on wireless algorithms, systems, and applications (pp. 685- 695). Springer, Cham.