Reflexivity is an attitude of attending systematically to the context of knowledge construction, especially to the effect of the researcher as an occupational therapist have an experience with autistic children, at every step of the research process. in the methodology.
This study aims to identify the barriers to social integration for children with autism in Saudi
Arabia. This study also aims to determine the similarities and differences between the barriers to
social integration for those mothers with high level of education and those with low level of
Qualitative research methods, specifically interpretative phenomenological analysis, will be used
to explore the barriers to social integration for children with autism. Four mothers who are Saudi
nationals, age 25 to 45 and have autistic children will be
recruited through private Schools co in Saudi Arabia for this study. Data will be gathered through
recorded semi-structured interviews investigating the barriers to social integration experienced by
each mother individually; comparisons and differences will then be considered between individual
stories and within the two groups. The interview recordings in Arabic will be transcribed and
categorised and themes established; to assure transparency all information will be translated to
English by two translators.
Potential Outcomes
This study may result in the identification of barriers to social integration experienced by 25 to 45-
year-old mothers of ASD children, including those high level of education and low level of
education. A descriptive account of the similarities and the differences between the opinions of
Highly educated mothers and those with low level of education with regards to the constituents of
barriers to social integration will be presented. This may help to devise appropriate interventions,
programmes, and policies to minimise the adverse effects that a lack of social integration can
have on children with autism and their families in KSA.
1. To determine the barriers to social integration for children with autism in KSA.
2. To capture the perceptions of mothers with high level of education regarding the constituents of
barriers to social integration in Saudi Arabia.
3. To capture the perceptions of mothers with low level of education regarding the constituents of
barriers to social integration in Saudi Arabia.
4. To identify the similarities and differences between the perceptions of mothers with high and
low level of education regarding the constituents of barriers to social integration in Saudi Arabia.
Research Question
Are there any differences between the perceptions of mothers of autistic children with high and
low level of education regarding the constituents of barriers to social integration in Saudi Arabia
for their autistic children?
This study will use a qualitative research method, specifically interpretative phenomenological
analysis (IPA), to explore the barriers to social integration of children with autism in Saudi Arabia.
Qualitative methods will be used to answer questions about experience, meaning, and
perspective, from the standpoint of the study participant
Recruitment strategy
The study population will comprise of four mothers, age 25 to 45, who have children with ASD.
The age bracket of 25 and 45 years represent the productive years and therefore, the most
effective age for the study. Two mothers with high level of education( Bachelor degree up to the
advanced level) and two mothers with low level of education ( primary, intermediate and
secondary) . Only females who are Saudi nationals, age 25 to 45 years and have professionally
diagnosed autistic children will be recruited for this study. Those who are not female, are below
age 25 years or above age 45, are not Saudi Arabian, or do not have autistic children will be
excluded from the study. Potential participants who cannot consent under Saudi Arabian laws will
also be excluded from the study. These people include mothers with mental disorders, under the
legal age. All participants will be women because mothers are most likely to be the caretakers of
their children and, therefore, more likely to have first-hand experience of the barriers to social
The participant information sheets, interview questions, transcripts and consent
forms will be translated into Arabic to enable the participants to engage in the study. Potential
study participants, who meet the inclusion criteria above, will be approached by their care
coordinator from Schools co in Saudi. This coordinator will be the identified contact person that
the lead researcher will approach first for the identification of potential study participants. The
coordinator will give the participants a brief introduction about the research and whether they will
be interested in participating. The identified contact person will then introduce potential study
participants to the lead researcher. On the first meeting with the participants, the lead researcher
will introduce herself to provide a written information sheet and a brief description of the research
study, its purpose and benefits, and why the participant has been approached.
They will be given an additional 48 hours after filling them in with all the information and
answering any questions and inquiries they have, so they can have enough time to think and
decide whether they would like to be interviewed. After they approve, they will be given a written
consent for them to sign.
The researcher will need to establish the credibility and transferability of the findings. Since the
results are obtained from the direct word of the participants, they are both accurate and true. The
obtained information will be in Arabic and will need to be transcribed to English. The entire
process will require the value of honesty to make sure that data is translated correctly. The issue
calls for consistency an issue that may make the two translators do it in utmost honesty. The
researcher will approach two translators to maintain the credibility of the participants’ stories
given that they will be transcribed from Arabic to English.
Ethics and approvals
Ethical, research, and development approvals will be obtained in line with what is required in
Saudi and will conform with University’s research and development guidelines. Relevant contact
information to direct any concerns about the study will be provided at the end of the participant
information sheets.
All information received about study participants will be protected in accordance with the Data
Protection Act (2018) and University’s Records Management (2015) guidelines will be complied
with. Individual participant records will be given an identification number; this is the only number
that will appear in stored information. Each selected study participant’s personal and contact
details will be kept separately in a locked cabinet. Only the lead researcher and staff members of
University involved in this research project will have access to this information. No information
provided by study participants will be forwarded to their clinical teams or social workers unless
participants indicate otherwise, or circumstances warrant such action. This may occur if a failure
to pass on information places the study participant or others at risk; in this situation, relevant
information will be passed to the appropriate persons.