SPCH 250: Speech Fundamentals
Assignment 1: Observing Communication
Objective: To describe, interpret, and evaluate communication behaviors, interactions, and styles.
1. 1. Find a public place to watch and observe other people communicating for at least 30
minutes. You can observe another face to face class or watch a video (cite the link) to
complete this assignment.
2. Take notice of the following details to include in your reflection:
I. Description:
A. Observational details (time of day, manner of observation, number of
people/interactions observed)
B. Who were the communicators (adults, children, friends, males, family
members, etc.)?
C. Environmental details (campus, community, other…). Was it a noisy,
quiet, formal, or informal interaction?
II. Interpretation:
A. How were they communicating (verbally, nonverbally, usage of
loudness/pitch/tone, formally, informally, using other languages, etc.)?
B. What were the actions of the communicators (include specifics
regarding facial expressions, touching, subtle, disruptive, etc.)?
C. Which, if any, emotions did you interpret from the communication
between the speakers (enjoyment due to smiling, sadness due to
tears/crying, anger due to yelling/silence, etc.)?
III. Evaluation:
A. From your perspective, what were the purposes of the communication
interactions you observed (informative seeking, collaboration, social
engagement, professional interactions, flirting, etc.)?
B. Overall, how would you evaluate the communication behaviors you
observed? Were they effective or ineffective? Why or why not?
C. Do you utilize some of the same features in your daily communicative
interactions? Why or why not?
3. Compose a typed, 1 page analysis using a 10-12 point font; don’t forget to spell check!
Be sure to compose your paper in the standard format by including an introduction,
body, and conclusion. It is always prudent to compose your thoughts in a word
document and then paste or attach to BB via Assignments for grading.
Grading Details: This assignment will be scored according to the following descriptors:
✔ Attempted (20+ points) – an honest attempt at doing the paper regardless of grammar,
spelling and content; LATE submissions (after posted deadline)
✔ Acceptable (30 – 40+ points)– writing style, content, spelling and grammar are acceptable to
convey student learning objective met
✔ Excellent (45 – 50 points) – enjoyable to read, collegiate writing style, spelling and grammar
are above average.