MrGeorgewalkeris81yrsoldliveswithhiswifeinabungalow xSummativeAssessmenttask xCOPDPRESENTATION.pptxCOPDPRESENTATION_1.pptx
Mr George walker is 81 yrs old lives with his wife in a bungalow. Mr walker was diagnosed with COPD 10 years ago. He was a chain smoker started from age 17, smoking 20/30 cigarettes per day. Due to his condition has progressively worsened over the past few years and now he requires oxygen therapy at home too. He did quit his smoking 7 yrs ago.
He was bought in hospital by paramedics due to difficulty in breathing. On arrival he was tachyponeic, respiratory rates 32 and was found to have audible wheezes and continuous cough and temperatures of 37.9. HR-123 and BG 4.4ml and sats scoring 88%. Although some of his observation was not normal but for COPD patient it was consider as normal.
On medical history he has got DVT, HTN,COPD and depression with no known allergy. As a NA his observation was taken every 30 mins prior and was recorded. Doctors on duty and nurse in charge was informed and he was immediately put on iv paracetamol, antibiotic and inhaler with steroid to reduce the risk of flare ups.
Chest x-rays where requested and even his covid swap was requested as he came up with high temperature and Blood gas was also requested. His Xray report came as infection but the covid result came negative which was good infected was put on 2ltr of oxygen therapy and his wife was included in decision making as well as he was referred to specialist.
Summative Assessment task: Case Study
The assignment will focus on the case study from your own practice, following feedback from your Lecturers and Practice professional’s feedback at the poster display. You will need to identify a patient/ to demonstrate your knowledge of delivering person centred and effective patient/client care (normally this will be the case study you presented on your poster). The following guidance should be observed:
1. Identify a patient or group of patients to be the focus of your case study.
2. You may want to do this in conjunction with your practice supervisor and personal tutor at UWL.
3. When selecting your patient/client you will need to clearly articulate the following;
4. Giving a rationale for your choice:
• Health issue of your patient
• Bio-psychosocial assessment of your patient
• Decision making with your team to ensure care needs of patient and family are met
• Excellent communication skills required to meet needs
• Provide the evidenced based rationale for the clinical decision-making process that supports safe and effective care delivery for this patient
• Discussion of the administration and safe storage of any medication that this patient requires.
5. You will need to provide a reference list.
6. Confidentiality must be maintained and keep names of organisations anonymous.
You will be required to write the Case Study as per the guidelines available on Blackboard. Please ensure you use the front sheet available on Blackboard for submission.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of the module students will be able to:
1. Deliver person centred and holistic care planning underpinned by accurate bio-psycho-social assessment and shared decision making to meet the needs of individuals, carers and families across the lifespan and a range of healthcare settings (Nursing Associate Curriculum Framework Domain 3 – Delivering Care).
2. Apply, interpret and modify communication effectively across a range of verbal, non-verbal, written and electronic means to support care delivery across a range of healthcare settings and across the lifespan (Nursing Associate Curriculum Framework Domain 4 – Communication and Interpersonal Skills).
3. Demonstrate an evidenced based rationale for the clinical decision-making process that supports safe and effective care delivery (Nursing Associate Curriculum Framework Domain 8 – Research, Development and Innovation).
4. Apply the knowledge of the impact of disease and illness on the structure and functions of the human body throughout the lifecycle to an individual’s health and well-being (Nursing Associate Curriculum Framework Domain 3 – Delivering Care).
5. Demonstrate an understanding of basic clinical pharmacology that supports the safe handling, administration and storage of drugs, pharmacology vigilance and shared decision making promoting concordance (Nursing Associate Curriculum Framework Domain 3 – Delivering Care).
Weighting: 100%
Word count or equivalent: 3000 words
Assessment criteria: This essay will be assessed based on the five learning outcomes. Assessment will also take into consideration essay structure, grammar and syntax and use of referencing.
Marking scheme: The minimum pass mark is 40% – refer to blackboard for detail of the marking criteria.
References: You will need to use the Macmillan Cite Them Rite Online Referencing System (
Reference: British Lung Foundation (2017) Lung disease in the UK – big picture statistics. Available at:
Nursing Associate and all team working together in partnership along side the patient making decisions to benefit the patient Health.
81 years male, Mr George Walker
Lives with wife
No known allergy
Admitted in hospital due to SOB and high temperature
Monitoring his clinical observations like saturations, blood pressure, glucose level and temperature
Recording it appropriately
Helping and advising him how to use inhalers
Reviewing his mobility with physio and monitoring his news score
Work with respiratory nurse and doctors for further treatment like Pulmonary Rehabilitation, DVT and mental health referred
Asked to be referred to have chest x ray
Applying good communication skills to help manage his illness
Bronchodilators with steroid was provided as a part of a treatments to reduce the inflammation in the airways and to reduce the risk of flare ups as a maintenance of medication to help manage COPD e.g., fostair inhale (long-acting inhaler)
Oxygen 2ltrs of oxygen was provided to reach the target sats 88% -92%
Paracetamol was given to lower the temperature and antibiotic
COPD, SOB, chest infection, chronic cough
Lives with wife
Was a chain smoker 10 years ago
Used to go for fishing and socialize a lot
Due to 2ltrs of oxygen regular at home stopped socializing
Fully dependent on wife
Went on depression due to less interactive with social life and full dependent on oxygen and wife
Reference: British Lung Foundation (2017) Lung disease in the UK – big picture statistics. Available at:
Nursing Associate and all team working together in partnership along side the patient making decisions to benefit the patient Health.
81 years male, Mr George Walker
Lives with wife
No known allergy
Admitted in hospital due to SOB and high temperature
Monitoring his clinical observations like saturations, blood pressure, glucose level and temperature
Recording it appropriately
Helping and advising him how to use inhalers
Reviewing his mobility with physio and monitoring his news score
Work with respiratory nurse and doctors for further treatment like Pulmonary Rehabilitation, DVT and mental health referred
Asked to be referred to have chest x ray
Applying good communication skills to help manage his illness
Bronchodilators with steroid was provided as a part of a treatments to reduce the inflammation in the airways and to reduce the risk of flare ups as a maintenance of medication to help manage COPD e.g., fostair inhale (long-acting inhaler)
Oxygen 2ltrs of oxygen was provided to reach the target sats 88% -92%
Paracetamol was given to lower the temperature and antibiotic
COPD, SOB, chest infection, chronic cough
Lives with wife
Was a chain smoker 10 years ago
Used to go for fishing and socialize a lot
Due to 2ltrs of oxygen regular at home stopped socializing
Fully dependent on wife
Went on depression due to less interactive with social life and full dependent on oxygen and wife