General guidelines for the assignment can be found below.
Students will select a topic of interest from the approved nursing/healthcare topics list and develop a professional poster and a 3-5 minute presentation. The topics list is derived from AACN’s Essentials of Baccalaureate Education. The poster development and presentation is a rigorous and scholarly project, which should reflect integration and synthesis of knowledge, skills, theories, and concepts learned in the BSN program. Students may select a topic of special interest or a clinical issue/concern. All topics must be supported by current nursing research and evidence based practice.
Please refer to the course syllabus for when the poster draft is due; each group should submit their draft to the discussion board by the due date listed on the course syllabus. Then, students will provide critique for (as well as acknowledgment of good work) as a learning experience for both sides of the interaction. Guidelines for professional critique techniques and etiquette will be posted in the associated discussion board.
Students will present their posters on the date listed on the course syllabus. Members of the university community, relatives, friends, peers, preceptors, and guests will be able to view the poster presentations. Students should use PowerPoint to develop their posters and must use the poster template provided by the course instructor.
Poster Topic
selected topic of interest related to nursing practice.
Leadership and Delegation: How nurse leaders can address burnout among nurse
Required Elements of the Poster
1. Introduction
Introduce the problem or issue as it relates to nursing practice. Describe the significance of the problem/issue and why it is important to explore/study.
2. Review of Current Research/Literature
Complete a review of the current literature and best evidence based practice. Cite a minimum of 5 references from the nursing literature published within the last 5 years – all 5 must be research/evidence based. Please note – editorials, textbooks and Wikipedia may not be used as references.
Application of Evidence Based Practice
After reviewing the most current research related to the issue/ problem, answer the following (each should be included in a section of your poster and addressed in your presentation). Example: what does the literature suggest as best practice to prevent medication errors and ensure quality patient care in the emergency department?
3. Clinical Practice: Based on your research, what did you conclude is the best nursing practice for this issue/problem?
3. Education: What are the current guidelines for patient/family teaching for this problem/issue? What are the policies/guidelines for educating healthcare providers about care for this issue/problem? What are the guidelines or best practices to improve patient health outcomes?
3. Research: What are the priorities for further study (from a nursing perspective) related to this problem?
1. Conclusion
Analyze and synthesize nursing implications from the research and evidence based practice related to the specific issue/problem. Based on your research, what did you conclude is the best nursing practice for this issue/problem? This section should summarize your poster’s content, rather than introduce new information.
1. References
Develop a reference list of no less than of 5 references from the nursing literature – must be published within the last 5 years. You may have more references, but at least 5 of them must be from nursing journals. All references must be research/evidence based practice – editorials, textbooks, and Wikipedia may not be used as references.
Poster Guidelines
Students will prepare and develop their posters using the PowerPoint template provided by the course instructor.
· All poster topics must be approved by the course instructor.
· Students will submit all poster drafts and final posters to their assigned course instructor by the due dates outlined in the course syllabus.
· The professional poster will be displayed virtually at the Poster Presentation Session.
· The poster must have a scholarly and professional appearance as well as adhere to APA formatting guidelines.
· The poster is a visual communication to get your message across with effective visual displays of data and small blocks of supporting text. Think of your poster as an illustrated abstract.
· Include all group members’ names on the front of the poster.
· Prepare and deliver a 3-5 minute verbal explanation. In making such a presentation, don’t read the poster. Instead, give the big picture, explain why the problem is important, and use the graphics on your poster to illustrate and support your findings and recommendations.
· Submit Poster Draft (PowerPoint slide) and Reference List (word document) in Blackboard through Group assignment link (one submission per group) by
· Post Poster Draft (PowerPoint slide) to associated Discussion Board by
· Submit Final Poster (PowerPoint slide) and Reference List (word document) in Blackboard through Group assignment link (one submission per group) by
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Rubric Detail
A rubric lists grading criteria that instructors use to evaluate student work. Your instructor linked a rubric to this item and made it available to you. Select Grid
View or List View to change the rubric’s layout.
Minimal or Less Competent Pro�cient
Poster Content 17.5 (17.50%)
•Inaccurate •Missing
headings/criteria •Confusing
•Based on opinions •Missing
some of the required
28 (28.00%)
•Generally supported •Limited
research or heavy reliance on
professional websites
•Content adequately
presented but support or
development of the research
on topic is somewhat general
•Missing some of the required
poster elements
35 (35.00%)
•Accurate •Supported with
research •Strong material.
Well summarized. •Clearly
shows development of
research on topic. •Strong
conclusion and implications
presented •All required poster
elements included
Poster Organization 5 (5.00%)
•Topic or information is not
clear. •Information presented
i h t f i
8 (8.00%)
•Topic or information is
apparent. •Presentation of
i f ti ld � i
10 (10.00%)
•Topic or information is clearly
evident •Layout of poster is
l i l d id
Name: Poster Draft
Grid View List View
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Minimal or Less Competent Pro�cient
is somewhat confusing information could use re�ning logical, and provides
sequential information from
intro to conclusion and
Poster Appearance 5 (5.00%)
•Poster was inadequate;
needs work to improve visual
appeal through better
utilization of fonts, colors,
headings, and white space
•Font/text is not readable
•Selected diagrams or
graphics are not related to the
topic and do not enhance or
reinforce textual content
8 (8.00%)
•Poster was adequate but
could improve e�ectiveness
through better use of space
through font size, colors,
headings, and white space
•Selected diagrams/graphics
are somewhat related to the
topic but may not enhance or
reinforce textual content
10 (10.00%)
•Visually appealing and
strongly e�ective
presentation. Easy to read.
•Professional appearance in
use of fonts,headings, colors,
and white space. •Selected
diagrams/graphics are
appropriate and align to the
topic enhancing and
reinforcing textual content
APA Format and Referencing 10 (10.00%)
•Missing references •No EBP
•APA citation is poor and/or
contains many major errors
16 (16.00%)
•Less than 5 references from
the nursing present
•Reference(s) not from last 5
years •APA citation contains 3
or fewer minor format errors
20 (20.00%)
•5 references from the current
nursing literature present (last
5 years) •Information is cited
in perfect APA format
Spelling, Grammar 2.5 (2.50%)
•Greater than 5 grammar
and/or spelling error
4 (4.00%)
•Less than or equal to 5
grammar and/or spelling
5 (5.00%)
•Less than or equal to 3
grammar and/or spelling
Individual Level of
0 (0.00%)
•Minimal to little participation
•Di�cult to reach •Late work
10 (10.00%)
•Acceptable participation
•Timely in responses
20 (20.00%)
•Excellent teamwork •Acted as
leader in the research,
th i d l t f th
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Minimal or Less Competent Pro�cient
synthesis and layout of the
Name:Poster Draft
Below is the list of articles for the references
TOPIC: Leadership and Delegation: How nurse leaders can address burnout among nurses
1. Caruso, C. C., Baldwin, C. M., Berger, A., Chasens, E. R., Edmonson, J. C., Gobel, B. H., Landis, C. A., Patrician, P. A., Redeker, N. S., Scott, L. D., Todero, C., Trinkoff, A., & Tucker, S. (2019). Policy brief: Nurse fatigue, sleep, and health, and ensuring patient and public safety. Nursing Outlook, 67(5), 615–619.
0. Diehl, E., Rieger, S., Letzel, S., Schablon, A., Nienhaus, A., Pinzon, L. C.E., & Dietz, P. (2021, January 22). The relationship between workload and burnout among nurses: The buffering role of personal, social and organisational resources. PLOS. Retrieved January 26, 2022, from
0. Gilasi, H., Naseri-Borujeni, N., Pourebrahimi, M., Gilasi, Z., Jenabi-ghods, M., & Sadeghi-Gandomani, H. (2019). Assessment the relationship between fatigue and medication errors in nurses working in Shahid Beheshti Hospital of Kashan. Iranian Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 5(3), 55–62.
0. Jun, J., Ojemeni, M. M., Kalamani, R., Tong, J., & Crecelius, M. L. (2021). Relationship between nurse burnout, patient and organizational outcomes: Systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 119, N.PAG.
0. Kelly, L. A., Lefton, C., & Fischer, S. A. (2019). Nurse Leader Burnout, Satisfaction, and Work-Life Balance. The Journal of nursing administration, 49(9), 404–410.
0. Kodama, Y., & Fukahori, H. (2017). Nurse managers’ attributes to promote change in their wards: a qualitative study. Nursing Open, 4(4), 209-217.
0. Mudallal, R. H., Othman, W. M., & Al Hassan, N. F. (2017). Nurses’ Burnout: The Influence of Leader Empowering Behaviors, Work Conditions, and Demographic Traits. Inquiry : a journal of medical care organization, provision and financing, 54, 46958017724944.