Weekly Progress Assessments are an essential means of communication between student and clinical faculty. In order to individualize your learning experience and get the most out of your clinical experience, you will identify and evaluate your personal learning plan in these weekly reports. Refer the to “PLP Guidelines” document for more details of this assignment.
Please click on the link above to complete weekly Progress Reports.
NOTE: Most of my patient were in the inpatient rehabilitation unit. This type of rehabilitation has nothing to do with alcohol or drug.
I have attached the rubric, the Preceptorship Learning guide PLP, the PLP weekly progress assessment template. I have also attached the PLP goals you help me to answer for the previous assignment. I hope all this information help to clarify the assignment.
So use the PLP weekly template to do the assignment.
PLP Weekly Progress Assessment
Part I. Reflection
Instructions: Complete all areas below, answering thoroughly and thoughtfully for each section.
1. List the disease processes of the types of patients you helped care for this week.
Age |
Admitting Diagnosis |
Additional Disease Processes |
Ex: 66 yo |
Shortness of breath |
pulmonary edema secondary to new onset AFib; hx uncontrolled DM II, HTN |
2. List learning experiences and skills completed this week with your thoughts. Select one skill/experience and research the most current EBP on that skill; compare and contrast the literature to your experience and briefly discuss. Include a citation and a reference list at the end of this document; use APA format.)
Skill/Experience |
Thoughts? Surprises? More difficult/less difficult than you thought? |
Example: Hung a bag of TPN (other ex: communicating with a challenging patient/family member, initiated a Code Blue, observed bone marrow biopsy, assisted holding for a lumbar puncture, provided patient education re: care of JP tube, etc.) |
I had no idea so many medications and even IV fluids were incompatible with TPN! The IV compatibility chart is super helpful. We really had to think through how we could give the patient all their meds with only one access port from a double lumen PICC. I also realized that because of the TPN, we have to monitor for hyperglycemia even though the patient was not diabetic, so the patient was getting tested three times a day. However, I found some evidence from Rohrmann, et al. (2017) recommending BG checks twice a day after 36 hours of being on TPN. I will discuss this with my nurse during my next shift to get his thoughts! |
3. List your strengths and areas of improvement identified this week:
Strengths |
Areas of Improvement |
4. How are you feeling about this past week? How are you doing… really?
5. Would you like to personally check in with me this week? Anything you need or any questions you have for me?
Part II. Goals
Instructions: Complete the table below using your objectives and goals from the PLP Goals assignment. Reference the “PLP Guidelines” document for more detailed information on the requirements of this assignment.
Learning objective: What are you trying to achieve? (This is what you are trying to learn- NOT what you are going to do.)
Plan: What will you do to achieve this? What actions will you take? Be specific. Also, consider which resources you might utilize.
“I will…” Your goal should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-specific.
Objectives and Goals:
1. Patient Assessment Learning Objective: Identify a learning objective to develop or improve in this dimension of nursing practice. (Example) Learn how to complete an appropriate nursing assessment of a critically ill patient. |
Plan: Identify at least four different strategies to meet your objective. (Example) · Observe and collaborate with my preceptor about how they perform their assessment. · Review ventilation settings and monitoring in the AACN Covid Module. · Begin assessing patients under my preceptor’s supervision. · Observe other nurses perform their patient assessments. |
SMART Goal: Identify a specific goal to meet within the first half of preceptorship. (Example) I will demonstrate proper assessments of at least two critically ill patients by the end of my 5th shift (practicum midpoint.) |
Unmet |
Evaluation: If the goal was met, describe how and what your takeaways are. If the goal is in-progress, give an update on what you did this week to get closer to meeting your goal. If the goal was unmet by your intended timeframe, revise your goal as needed and discuss what your plan is for achieving it. |
SMART Goal: Include as many goals as you want under each objective. Remember that if you met a goal, you will need to identify a new one for next week. |
Evaluation: |
2. Planning of Patient Care Learning Objective: |
Plan: |
SMART Goal: | Evaluation: | ||||||||
Evaluation: |
3. Medication Administration Learning Objective: |
Evaluation: |
4. Communication Learning Objective: |
5. Documentation Learning Objective: |
SMART Goal: |
6. Personal Goal Learning Objective: (Think about the areas of improvement you listed above and identify something you want to learn.) |
Nursing Preceptorship Learning Plan
List learning experiences and skills you are hoping to have during your preceptorship experience.
Engaging with the patients to know their need of improvement |
Enhancing my critical thinking skills |
Enhancing my Data collection skills and proper coding and billing |
Providing proper education to the patients |
Improving bedside shift report |
Proper administration of medication |
1. List your strengths and areas of improvement as you enter this clinical:
Strengths |
Areas of Improvement |
Good communication skills |
Time management |
Empathetic |
Getting emotionally attached to the patient |
Flexibility |
Detail attention |
Instructions: Complete the table below with consideration to what you would like to learn and accomplish in the first 60 hours of practicum. Makes sure to reference “PLP Guidelines” document for more detailed information on the requirements of this assignment.
Objectives and Goals: First half of Preceptorship
1. Patient Assessment Learning Objective: Learn how to do a comprehensive data assessment in order to know the patient’s problem. |
Plan: Identify at least four different strategies to meet your objective. · The first strategy is working closely with my supervisor to understand how a comprehensive assessment is completed. · Collaborating with all the other healthcare workers so that I can learn from them. · Observing how the floor nurses are handling the patients. · Improve my communication skills to help get as much information as possible. |
SMART Goal: · By mid point of the practicum, I will show proper assessment skills and will have assessed at least 4 patients. |
SMART Goal: Include as many SMART goals as you want under each objective. Note: Once you meet a goal, you will need to set a new goal for your next week in preceptorship. |
2. Planning of Patient Care Learning Objective: The major objective is learning how to determine the goals of the patient, setting priorities, developing expected outcomes of nursing care and selecting proper interventions. |
· Working closely and collaboratively with the other healthcare workers to meet my goals and objectives. · Observe and collaborate with my preceptorship on how to develop a therapeutic plan of care for my patient. · With the help of my preceptor, I will include and consider the goals and desires of my patient. · With the assistance of the nurse and evidence-based practice guidelines, nursing publications develop a plan of care · With the help of my preceptor and nurse, I will involve the patient family in the plan of care. |
SMART Goal: I will work with my Preceptor closely to help at least to patients in setting their priorities by midpoint of the practicum. |
SMART Goal: help at least two patients in developing their healthcare goals by midpoint of the practicum. |
3. Medication Administration Learning Objective: learning proper administration and correct dosage. |
· I plan to work closely with my Preceptor to learn proper dosage and timing as appropriate dosage described in the prescription label is essential. · Will review ATI safe medication dosage calculations and guidelines. · Ensuing the six rights of medication administration to administer drugs safely. · Observe other nurses’ safety administering medication. |
SMART Goal: work closely with my Preceptor and administer correct medication dosage to at least 4 patients in two weeks time. |
SMART Goal: I shall specify the right dose ranges at least three times each day to prescribe drugs. |
4. Communication Learning Objective: The ultimate goal is to create a joyful, welcoming, and empathetic patient experience Creating meaningful patient interaction and offering patient education efficiently. |
· My plan is to become a better communicator by getting to know my patients and learning how they interact with the floor nurses. · Demonstrate how to communicate with health care members and patient with the supervision of my preceptor. · Observe other nurses communicate with the other health care members and patient. · Review ATI book as a resource for therapeutic communication guidelines. |
SMART Goal: in the next two weeks I will learn how to use information system to collect the patients’ information in order to provide an effective means of communication, share information between healthcare providers, and collect health information for patient’s educational purposes. |
SMART Goal: During the following two weeks, I plan to learn how to use patient’ data to help in offering effective education to the patient. |
5. Documentation Learning Objective: Improving my clinical judgment and understanding the role of documentation in the treatment process. |
Plan: · I plan to prepare a complete record of handwritten or electronic evidence regarding the care of a patient. · Revise ATI documentation guidelines or handbook procedures to document patient data properly. · Observe my preceptorship documenting patient data on the HER. · I will demonstrate documentation of patient data with the supervision of my preceptor. |
SMART Goal: I will practice proper documentation methods in the next two weeks time which includes working with a brain sheet containing all the information about each patient and time each patient will take |
SMART Goal: I will learn how to fill form 8584 regarding comprehensive nursing assessment in the First half of my Preceptorship |
6. Personal Goal Learning Objective: I want to learn about how I can properly manage my time as lack of proper time management may lead to failure of addressing problems in the organization work and care coordination. |
I plan to ensure that I can prioritize items and make a list of necessary tasks to help remove possible distractions and meet my goals and objectives. Be constantly aware that time management is crucial to being successful as a nurse hence perfecting my skills of using EHR with the supervision of my preceptorship for proper care. |
SMART Goal: report to work every day 30 minutes earlier to give me room for preparation |
SMART Goal: creating a time budget and prioritizing tasks. |
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Rubric Detail
A rubric lists grading criteria that instructors use to evaluate student work. Your instructor linked a rubric to this item and made it available to you. Select Grid
View or List View to change the rubric’s layout.
Expectations and Scoring
Re�ection 0 (0.00%) – 20 (20.00%)
Thoughtfully and thoroughly answers questions in the weekly
progress assessment template. At least one skill/learning
experience researched using current EBP (5 years old or less).
Learning Objectives 0 (0.00%) – 15 (15.00%)
Objectives describe what will be learned and are realistic to level of
ability, achievable within the preceptorship time frame, and relate
to clinical objectives and/or clinical performance evaluation
Name: Rubric For Weekly Progress Assessments
Description: Instructors will score each area based on the extent of achievement within each of these areas:
Grid View List View
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Expectations and Scoring
to clinical objectives and/or clinical performance evaluation
criteria. A minimum of six (6) active Learning Objectives are
identi�ed for each of the �ve dimensions of nursing practice plus
one personal goal. (Active=in progress.) As learning objectives are
met, new learning objectives are identi�ed to ensure there are a
minimum of one active learning objective under each of the six
categories. For each new learning objective, the student completes
a new plan and identi�es new SMART goals.
Plan (Strategies) 0 (0.00%) – 15 (15.00%)
Thoughtful consideration for meeting learning needs using variety
of approaches including existing resources. A minimum of 4
strategies identi�ed for EACH learning objective and are updated
as needed.
SMART goals 0 (0.00%) – 15 (15.00%)
Goals are focused with consideration made to the population the
student will be caring for on their assigned unit (speci�c). Goal has
a tangible outcome; it is clear how the student will know they
achieved the goal (measurable). Goals are reasonable to student’s
level of skill and scope of practice (attainable). The reason for
setting the goal is understood based on the student’s self-
evaluation and is clearly focused on important learning needs
(relevant). Meeting goals are thought about in regards to the
overall practicum experience including what the student wants to
complete in/by the �rst half of practicum and, after practicum
midpoint, in/by the second half of preceptorship; each have a
realistic time frame (time-oriented). New SMART Goals are
identi�ed to ensure a minimum of one active SMART goal for each
learning objective.
Evaluation 0 (0.00%) – 30 (30.00%)
Thorough and thoughtful evaluation of PLP each week: Learning
objectives are assessed via thoughtful and thorough evaluation of
each SMART goal every week Existing barriers and an alternate
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Expectations and Scoring
each SMART goal every week. Existing barriers and an alternate
plan is included for any goals that were unmet. Revised goal, as
needed, to ensure attainability. Goals that are in-progress include
description of actions completed during that week that are getting
the student closer to meeting the goal; description of how student
will meet the goal is included in the evaluation. If the goal was met,
student describes how it was achieved and what major takeaways
the student has. A learning objective can have one or many goals
until it is met, however, if the overall learning objective was met,
another evaluation is provided of how the goals adequately met
the learning objective and what takeaways the student has and
how it will be applied to future practice.
Professional 0 (0.00%) – 5 (5.00%)
Professional work submitted without gross grammatical and/or
spelling errors. Clear, concise, and professional writing.
Assignment to be completed using provided template. Expected to
use APA formatting properly for all citations and reference list.
(Assignment does not need to follow other APA formatting
guidelines including: title page, page numbers, running header,
Name:Rubric For Weekly Progress Assessments
Description:Instructors will score each area based on the extent of achievement within each of these areas:
TheGeorge Washington University
School of Nursing
The purpose of the Preceptorship Learning Plan (PLP) is to identify where you are and where
you want to be by the end of the preceptorship experience. Learning objectives and goals
should be individualized to your own learning needs. Once you have identified your learning
objectives, you should consider your plan (strategies) for meeting the objectives then determine
your goals.
Considering that each student will have a unique practicum experience, it is important for
objectives and goals to be personal to your needs. Your goals for your preceptorship experience
will depend on the population you will be caring for, the experience you bring into this clinical,
personal areas of improvement, and other unique factors. Thus, you will be responsible for
identifying goals and evaluating your progress throughout your preceptorship experience.
PLP Goals:
While your PLP will not fully encompass the rich experiences of your clinical experience, it will
serve as a purposeful guide for you to help meet your weekly goals and allow for your preceptor
and faculty to support your successes. You will identify a minimum of six (6) learning objectives
and SMART goals for the first half (60+/- hours) of your preceptorship experience. (Remember
learning objectives describe what you will learn, not what you will do.) As you get further along
in your clinical experience, your goals will shift and you should consider what you want to
accomplish in the last half of your preceptorship.
Your learning objectives and goals will be based on the dimensions of the nursing practice and
your personal learning needs. You will submit these to your clinical faculty who will provide
feedback to ensure your objectives are appropriate for your scope of practice as a student and
your goals are SMART. Students will revise goals as required and post to Blackboard using the
correct assignment link for “Revision PLP Goals”.
PLP Weekly Progress Assessments:
Due to the autonomy of this clinical experience, addressing your preceptorship experience and
learning plan progress through weekly reporting is an essential means of communication
between students, preceptors, and clinical faculty. Every week, you will complete a unique
reflection of your week and evaluate your objectives and goals to determine if you have been
successful. As goals and/or learning objectives are met, you will set new objectives and/or goals
for the following week. You will share these weekly objectives and goals with your preceptor so
they can assist you in obtaining experiences to meet your goals.
All students will complete 5 total progress assessments: Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, and a Final Progress
Assessment after their final shift in week 5.
The “Goals” section of the Weekly Progress Assessments is a living document will continuously
be added to as you update it weekly. As you meet goals/objectives, leave the completed areas
on the document and add new rows/tables for your new objectives/goals. Your Final Progress
Assessment should be a thorough record of accomplishments in your preceptorship experience!
Guidelines for Writing the Preceptorship Learning Plan
Step 1. Self-assessment of learning needs
Identify your strengths and areas that need to be improved or developed during your
preceptorship experience.
Step 2. Write six (6) individualized Learning Objectives
Based on the areas identified as needing to be developed or improved, write your learning
objectives for this clinical preceptorship experience based on your learning needs. The learning
needs are written as objectives and must be: (1) realistic to your level of ability; (2) achievable
within the preceptorship timeframe; and (3) relate to course objectives and/or clinical
performance criteria found on the Clinical Performance Evaluation Form. A minimum of one (1)
learning objective should be identified for each of the following dimensions of practice:
• Patient Assessment
• Patient Care Planning
• Medication Administration
• Communication (consider Interdisciplinary Team members as well as patient/families)
• Documentation/EHR System
• Personal Growth
Ideas for personal growth objectives include: critical thinking,
prioritization/organization, adaption to rotation shifts, self-care, or unit-specific goals,
i.e. a Psych Unit might include leading groups, or an ICU might include learning to use
complex equipment.
Step 3. Develop a minimum of four (4) strategies (plan) for meeting each learning objective.
List ways you plan to meet the learning objectives you have identified. What specific actions will
you take? Are there resources available you could use? For example, if your learning objective is
to improve leadership skills, who/what can help you achieve this objective? Consider your
preceptor, charge nurse, shift supervisor, team leader, articles about leadership in the literature,
evidence-based practice, continuing education workshops, conferences, seminars, etc. Note:
Each learning objective must have at least 4 specific strategies (plan) to identify how it will be
Step 4. Develop at least one (1) SMART goal for each learning objective
Create a minimum of one (1) SMART goal for each learning objective based on your
• Specific- Focused with a tangible outcome. (I want to get in shape vs. I will run 2 miles 3 x
• Measurable- Ask yourself: How will I know when I accomplished the goal?
• Attainable- Reasonable to achieve it.
• Relevant- Is this truly a priority focus for you? Is it worthwhile?
• Time-based- Set your target date for a realistic time frame. Think about your initial goals
being set for what you want to accomplish in the first half of your preceptorship.
Step 5. Share, Evaluate, and Revise
Students will assess each learning objective every week by evaluating each SMART goal. This will
be accomplished by utilizing the Weekly Progress Assessments templates.
Evaluating SMART goals:
As you achieve your objectives and/or goals, you will want to continue your success by setting
new ones! You should always have six learning objectives with a minimum of one active (in-
progress) SMART goal for each objective throughout your clinical experience.
• If a goal is not met, students need to analyze and discuss what barriers existed, revise
the goal, and discuss the new plan for achieving it. Ensure the revised goal is realistic
based on existing barriers.
• If the goal is in-progress, give an update on what you did that week to get closer to
meeting your goal.
• If the goal was met, describe how you achieved the goal and what your takeaway is.
Evaluating Learning Objectives:
A learning objective can have one or many goals until it is met. If there are still active goals, then
only an evaluation of the SMART goals is needed. However, if a learning objective was met,
students will need to include an additional evaluation regarding how the achieved goals
adequately met the learning objective, key takeaways, and how meeting this learning objective
will be applied to their future practice.
Your clinical faculty will grade your Weekly Progress Assessments using the rubric and will
provide weekly feedback to ensure you are on the right track. In addition to submitting these
assessments to your clinical faculty, you should share the PLP learning objectives and goals with
your preceptor- not just at the beginning of your practicum- but throughout the clinical
experience. Not only can the preceptor look for opportunities for you to meet your goal, but
they can also offer guidance on keeping your goals realistic.