Note: this assignment is in different part or stages, but I will need your help to do part 1, part 2, and part 3. For part 4 and 5 will happen later. I have attached the list of topics you can choose from as the main issue. Let me know if you have any question.
Issue Description
Directions: Identify a health policy issue that is of interest to you. A list is posted in the WIKI sign up. You may choose a topic from this list, but feel free to identify a different issue of your choosing. If you do decide to identify a different issue , i t should be a current issue, one for which government action (i.e., legislation, regulations or judicial action) has been proposed or is currently being considered. Please email your faculty your proposed topic for approval.
To prepare for Session 1:
Directions: In no more than 3 minutes, discuss the health policy issue or issues you are considering as the focus for your written work in the course. This is an opportunity to think through your topic and to receive feedback from the instructors and your colleagues. Please also be prepared to provide feedback to your colleagues about their possible topics.
To indicate which issue you are choosing:
· Please sign up by the end of Weekly Session 3 on the Issue Sign-Up Wiki.
· You can find the Wiki linked in Weekly Session 3 or on the Main Course Menu.
. During our final WebEx session, you will give a brief presentation of your issue.
. You can choose from different dates/times. If you choose a topic that someone else has already chosen, all we ask is that you sign up for a different session to avoid duplication.
Provide an explanation of the issue:
· What is the issue? Why is it important? Why is it of interest to you? (If it’s not of interest, choose a different topic!)
· What has been proposed or attempted to address the problem, and by whom?
· Focus on the issue. (If you identify a specific bill addressing the issue, you can cite and discuss it, but don’t focus only on the bill—focus on the issue).
· Your paper should be no more than 3-4 pages of text, double-spaced and written according to APA format. (For this assignment, you do not need to include an abstract).
· Include at least three sources. These do not need to be peer-reviewed journal articles, but they should come from an authoritative source. (Please do not cite Wikipedia, a personal blog or a social media post).
· This paper should serve as a starting point for your final paper.
· Don’t worry if you don’t know yet about the policy process—i.e., about the workings of legislation, regulation, or court decisions. That will come later. For now, focus on the issue.
Assignment: Hearing Summary
Directions: This assignment is to “observe” a virtual or recorded hearing related to your paper topic and to submit a brief summary of what you observed and learned.
· Although Congressional and state legislative committees may not be holding face-to-face hearings right now, at least not as frequently as usual, almost all are holding virtual hearings. In addition, C-SPAN is a rich source of past congressional hearings. Many states also have web-based archives of their legislative hearings. Many recorded hearings can also be found on YouTube. (We will post a list of resources–but don’t feel limited to those).
· This assignment is to “observe” a virtual or recorded hearing or other public meeting and to submit a summary (of no more than 2 pages) of what you observed and learned. The topic of the hearing should be related to your paper topic. The hearing does not need to be a current one—depending on the issue, you may find a hearing from previous years that is relevant to your issue. This may take a little digging, but it really should not be difficult to find. However, if you are having a hard time finding a relevant hearing, let us know.
In your summary:
· Identify the committee or other body that held the hearing and the date of the hearing.
. What was the subject of the hearing?
. Was it about a specific bill or a broader topic?
. Who spoke at the hearing?
. Were there witnesses who testified?
. Who were they? (If this was a very lengthy hearing, you can identify some of the major speakers/witnesses).
. Were they providing expert testimony or speaking on behalf of a specific organization?
. What did you learn about the topic by viewing this hearing?
Assignment: Policy Paper Draft
Directions: For this assignment, you will develop a policy paper on the issue on which you have been focusing this semester. Approach this paper as if it will circulate to the leaders of major nursing organizations, who are considering what position to take on your issue. Your paper should inform readers of the issue and its significance, proposals to address the issue, and your recommendations — what you believe should be done about the issue.
· You can and should build on what you’ve learned so far about the issue through your Issue Description and Hearing Summary.
· The paper should be 5-7 pages, written in APA format, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font and 1-inch margins. (Be sure to include a title page, abstract, and a list of references–these do not count toward the 5-7 pages).
A draft of the paper is due by the end of Session 9. You will receive feedback from the instructors and a classmate , which you can incorporate when you revise your paper . This draft is worth 12.5 % of your grade—so you want to make this as much of a finished product as possible. (The final paper is due by the end of Session 13).
Include the following:
· Issue Description
. Describe the issue, its background, and why people are—or should be—concerned about it. You can incorporate content from your Issue Description assignment.
· Proposals to Address the Issue
. What proposals have been put forward to address this issue? Who has proposed them? Who –which interest groups or other stakeholders—support or oppose these proposals? What, if any, evidence do they give for their positions? If there are several proposals, or several stakeholders support ing or opposing them, focus on the major ones.
· Recommendations
. Based on what you know about the issue and about proposals to address it, what do you think should be done? What should nursing organizations support, and why?
. You might agree with a proposal that has already been made, or you might suggest something else, such as a combination of different proposals. (Of course, this depends on the issue, the evidence, and your perspectives).
· References
. Include a minimum of 5 references from authoritative sources—these might include peer-reviewed journal articles, government reports, white papers, reliable newspaper articles, etc. They do not include Wikipedia, personal blogs, or social media posts.
· You may also include a brief Introduction and Conclusion if that helps you in organizing the paper.
· Submit your draft paper via the Turnitin Submission Link Below.
Assignment: Peer Review of Paper Draft
Directions: For this assignment, you will read and review a colleague’s draft paper and provide feedback. The instructors will randomly match each student with another and post in this space. You will each email a copy of your paper to your partner, then review your partner’s paper and use this form this form – Alternative Formats to provide feedback. Email your form to your partner and copy your instructor on the emai: Please use this opportunity to provide constructive feedback!
Note: Your assignment must be uploaded to the gradebook The email copy does not serve as assignment submission and will not be graded.
Assignment: Final Paper
Directions: Based on the feedback you have received from the instructor and from your peer review, revise your draft paper.
· The revisions you make might be substantial or relatively minor—that depends in large part on what you believe is necessary to improve the paper. (Keep in mind that even the best writers always have room to improve).
· Otherwise, the directions for this paper are identical to those for the draft.
· The grading rubric is also the same.
Possible Topics—Health Policy Issues, NURS 4205
(These are in alphabetic order—not topical order or in order of importance. When considering
different issues, if any topic isn’t clear, try Googling it to find out more. And remember, you
are not limited to topics on this list).
• “Vaccine passports” (requiring COVID-19 vaccination for travel, work, etc.
• Access to health care coverage for undocumented immigrants
• Addressing health issues related to detention of undocumented immigrants and asylum-
• Aid in Dying (aka Death with Dignity; Provider-Assisted Suicide)
• Allowing access to psychedelic drugs to treat anxiety and depression
• Banning menthol cigarettes
• Building the public health infrastructure
• Business liability for contracting COVID-19
• Decreasing health risks in jails and prisons
• E-cigarettes—age restrictions, marketing restrictions
• Expanding access to telehealth services
• Federal protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender
identity in health care
• Full practice authority for APRNs
• Government role in addressing climate change
• Government role in ensuring PPE availability
• Government role in reducing gun violence
• High-Deductible Health Plans: Impact on Payment, Cost and Access to Care
• Hospital and health insurance price transparency
• Lack of access to rural health care services
• Legalizing clean needle exchange programs (in states where it is not yet legal)
• Mandatory nurse-to-patient staffing ratios
• Mandatory vaccination for schoolchildren (and limiting exemptions)
• Medicaid expansion
• Medicaid work requirements
• Medicare—making it available for purchase by people younger than age 65
• Medicare—negotiating drug prices
• Mental health parity (requirements for insurers to cover mental health services equally
to coverage of physical health services)
• Neonatal abstinence syndrome—screening, reporting, treatment availability
• Policies to promote preparedness for the next pandemic
• Price controls on drugs
• Reducing maternal mortality
• Reducing violence against health care workers
• Removing patent protection for COVID-19 vaccines
• Requiring calorie labeling by restaurants
• State laws restricting access to abortion
• State laws restricting transition surgery for transgender children
• Surprise medical billing
• The opioid epidemic
• U.S. membership in the World Health Organization
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Rubric Detail
A rubric lists grading criteria that instructors use to evaluate student work. Your instructor linked a rubric to this item and made it available to you. Select Grid View or List View to change the
rubric’s layout.
Novice Competent Pro�cient Excellent
Completeness 0 (0.00%) – 9 (9.00%)
The paper fails to include a
well formulated, or
thoughtful approach to the
chosen area, demonstrates
and re�ects a poor
understanding of the key
policies and politics related
to the area chosen area
10 (10.00%) – 14 (14.00%)
The paper includes a partly
formulated and somewhat
thoughtful approach to the
chosen area and
demonstrates and re�ects an
understanding of some of
the key policies and politics
related to the chosen area.
15 (15.00%) – 19 (19.00%)
The paper includes a well
formulated, thoughtful
approach to the chosen area
and demonstrates and
re�ects an understanding of
most of the key policies and
politics related to the chosen
20 (20.00%) – 25 (25.00%)
The paper includes a fully
formulated, thoughtful
approach to the chosen area
and demonstrates and
re�ects an understanding of
the all or nearly all the key
policies and politics related
to the area chosen area.
Clarity of analysis 0 (0.00%) – 9 (9.00%)
Rarely demonstrates
evidenced based or clear
critical thinking and
reasoning and rarely
provides useful information
to others and rarely poses
thoughtful questions to
peers to foster additional
critical thinking experiences).
10 (10.00%) – 24 (24.00%)
Sometimes demonstrates
evidenced based and clear
critical thinking and
reasoning and provides one
or two useful information to
others; poses thoughtful
questions to peers to foster
additional critical thinking.
25 (25.00%) – 34 (34.00%)
Frequently demonstrates
evidenced based and clear
critical thinking and
reasoning and provides some
useful information to others
and poses some thoughtful
questions to peers to foster
additional critical thinking.
35 (35.00%) – 40 (40.00%)
Always or nearly always
demonstrates evidenced
based and clear critical
thinking and reasoning and
provides useful information
to others and poses many
thoughtful questions to
peers to foster additional
critical thinking.
Evidence base 0 (0.00%) – 9 (9.00%)
Minimal References provided
are NOT appropriate OR up
to date (e g not from peer-
10 (10.00%) – 14 (14.00%)
Some references are
appropriate and up to date
(e g peer-reviewed journals
15 (15.00%) – 19 (19.00%)
Most references are
appropriate and up to date
(e g peer-reviewed journals
20 (20.00%) – 25 (25.00%)
All references are
appropriate and up to date
(e g peer-reviewed journals
Name: Hearing Summary Assignment
Grid View List View
1/15/22, 12:31 AM Rubric Detail – 202201_Nurses Role Health Care …… 2/2
Novice Competent Pro�cient Excellent
to date (e.g. not from peer
reviewed journals or
trustworthy sources)
(e.g. peer reviewed journals
or trustworthy sources)
(e.g. peer reviewed journals
or trustworthy sources)
(e.g. peer reviewed journals
or trustworthy sources)
Organization and structure 0 (0.00%) – 2 (2.00%)
Paper is submitted late and
and/or paper does not
observe APA format and/or
does not utilize proper
grammar, and/or there are
multiple spelling errors.
2 (2.00%) – 6 (6.00%)
Paper is submitted on time.
Paper sometimes observe
APA format and utilize
proper grammar, with few to
no spelling errors.
6 (6.00%) – 8 (8.00%)
Paper is submitted on time
and observes APA format
and utilize proper grammar,
with few to no spelling
8 (8.00%) – 10 (10.00%)
Paper is submitted on time
and fully observes APA
format and utilize proper
grammar, with few to no
spelling errors.
Name:Hearing Summary Assignment
1/15/22, 12:32 AM Rubric Detail – 202201_Nurses Role Health Care …… 1/2
Rubric Detail
A rubric lists grading criteria that instructors use to evaluate student work. Your instructor linked a rubric to this item and made it available to you. Select Grid View or List View to change the
rubric’s layout.
Novice Competent Pro�cient Excellent
Completeness 0 (0.00%) – 9 (9.00%)
The paper fails to include a
well formulated or
thoughtful approach to the
chosen area, demonstrates
and re�ects a poor
understanding of the key
policies and politics related
to the area chosen area.
10 (10.00%) – 14 (14.00%)
The paper includes a partly
formulated and somewhat
thoughtful approach to the
chosen area and
demonstrates and re�ects an
understanding of some of
the key policies and politics
related to the chosen area.
15 (15.00%) – 19 (19.00%)
The paper includes a well
formulated, thoughtful
approach to the chosen area
and demonstrates and
re�ects an understanding of
most of the key policies and
politics related to the chosen
20 (20.00%) – 25 (25.00%)
The paper includes a fully
formulated, thoughtful
approach to the chosen area
and demonstrates and
re�ects an understanding of
the all or nearly all the key
policies and politics related
to the area chosen area.
Clarity of analysis 0 (0.00%) – 9 (9.00%)
Rarely demonstrates
evidence-based or clear
critical thinking and
reasoning and rarely
provides useful information
to others and rarely poses
thoughtful questions to
peers to foster additional
critical thinking experiences).
10 (10.00%) – 24 (24.00%)
Sometimes demonstrates
evidence-based and clear
critical thinking and
reasoning and provides one
or two useful information to
others; poses thoughtful
questions to peers to foster
additional critical thinking.
25 (25.00%) – 34 (34.00%)
Frequently demonstrates
evidence-based and clear
critical thinking and
reasoning and provides some
useful information to others
and poses some thoughtful
questions to peers to foster
additional critical thinking.
35 (35.00%) – 40 (40.00%)
Always or nearly always
demonstrates evidence-
based and clear critical
thinking and reasoning and
provides useful information
to others and poses many
thoughtful questions to
peers to foster additional
critical thinking.
Evidence base 0 (0.00%) – 9 (9.00%)
Minimal References provided
are NOT appropriate OR up
to date (e g not from peer-
10 (10.00%) – 14 (14.00%)
Some references are
appropriate and up to date
(e g peer-reviewed journals
15 (15.00%) – 19 (19.00%)
Most references are
appropriate and up to date
(e g peer-reviewed journals
20 (20.00%) – 25 (25.00%)
All references are
appropriate and up to date
(e g peer-reviewed journals
Name: Final Paper
Grid View List View
1/15/22, 12:32 AM Rubric Detail – 202201_Nurses Role Health Care …… 2/2
Novice Competent Pro�cient Excellent
to date (e.g. not from peer
reviewed journals or other
authoritative sources)
(e.g. peer reviewed journals
or other authoritative
(e.g. peer reviewed journals
or other authoritative
(e.g. peer reviewed journals
or other authoritative
Organization and structure 0 (0.00%) – 2 (2.00%)
Paper is submitted late
and/or paper does not
observe APA format and/or
does not utilize proper
grammar, and/or there are
multiple spelling errors.
2 (2.00%) – 6 (6.00%)
Paper is submitted on time.
Paper sometimes observes
APA format and utilizes
proper grammar with few to
no spelling errors.
6 (6.00%) – 8 (8.00%)
Paper is submitted on time,
observes APA format, and
utilizes proper grammar,
with few to no spelling
8 (8.00%) – 10 (10.00%)
Paper is submitted on time,
fully observes APA format
and utilizes proper grammar,
with few to no spelling
Name:Final Paper
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Rubric Detail
A rubric lists grading criteria that instructors use to evaluate student work. Your instructor linked a rubric to this item and made it available to you. Select Grid View or List View to change the
rubric’s layout.
Novice Competent Pro�cient Excellent
Completeness 0 (0.00%) – 9 (9.00%)
The paper fails to include a
well formulated or
thoughtful approach to the
chosen area, demonstrates
and re�ects a poor
understanding of the key
policies and politics related
to the area chosen area
10 (10.00%) – 14 (14.00%)
The paper includes a partly
formulated and somewhat
thoughtful approach to the
chosen area and
demonstrates and re�ects an
understanding of some of
the key policies and politics
related to the chosen area.
15 (15.00%) – 19 (19.00%)
The paper includes a well
formulated, thoughtful
approach to the chosen area
and demonstrates and
re�ects an understanding of
most of the key policies and
politics related to the chosen
20 (20.00%) – 25 (25.00%)
The paper includes a fully
formulated, thoughtful
approach to the chosen area
and demonstrates and
re�ects an understanding of
the all or nearly all the key
policies and politics related
to the area chosen area.
Clarity of analysis 0 (0.00%) – 9 (9.00%)
Rarely demonstrates
evidence-based or clear
critical thinking and
reasoning and rarely
provides useful information
to others and rarely poses
thoughtful questions to
peers to foster additional
critical thinking experiences).
10 (10.00%) – 24 (24.00%)
Sometimes demonstrates
evidence-based and clear
critical thinking and
reasoning and provides one
or two useful information to
others; poses thoughtful
questions to peers to foster
additional critical thinking.
25 (25.00%) – 34 (34.00%)
Frequently demonstrates
evidence-based and clear
critical thinking and
reasoning and provides some
useful information to others
and poses some thoughtful
questions to peers to foster
additional critical thinking.
35 (35.00%) – 40 (40.00%)
Always or nearly always
demonstrates evidence-
based and clear critical
thinking and reasoning and
provides useful information
to others and poses many
thoughtful questions to
peers to foster additional
critical thinking.
Evidence base 0 (0.00%) – 9 (9.00%)
Minimal References provided
are NOT appropriate OR up
to date (e g not from peer-
10 (10.00%) – 14 (14.00%)
Some references are
appropriate and up to date
(e g peer-reviewed journals
15 (15.00%) – 19 (19.00%)
Most references are
appropriate and up to date
(e g peer-reviewed journals
20 (20.00%) – 25 (25.00%)
All references are
appropriate and up to date
(e g peer-reviewed journals
Name: Issue Description
Grid View List View
1/15/22, 12:31 AM Rubric Detail – 202201_Nurses Role Health Care …… 2/2
Novice Competent Pro�cient Excellent
to date (e.g. not from peer
reviewed journals or other
authoritative sources)
(e.g. peer reviewed journals
or other authoritative
(e.g. peer reviewed journals
or other authoritative
(e.g. peer reviewed journals
or other authoritative
Organization and structure 0 (0.00%) – 2 (2.00%)
Paper is submitted late
and/or paper does not
observe APA format and/or
does not utilize proper
grammar, and/or there are
multiple spelling errors.
2 (2.00%) – 6 (6.00%)
Paper is submitted on time.
Paper sometimes observes
APA format and utilizes
proper grammar with few to
no spelling errors.
6 (6.00%) – 8 (8.00%)
Paper is submitted on time,
observes APA format, and
utilizes proper grammar,
with few to no spelling
8 (8.00%) – 10 (10.00%)
Paper is submitted on time,
fully observes APA format
and utilizes proper grammar,
with few to no spelling
Name:Issue Description