Assignment Title: Reflective Journal (CO 1-8)
Overview: Journaling is a way to use reflection as a tool to reinforce learning. It also helps with self-awareness- looking at strengths and things that you are proud of, as well as things that you would like to improve upon. Sometimes, it allows us to plan for a course of action that we would like to take on certain situations. It lets us explore feelings about topics that perhaps, we don’t want to share with others, but want to be able to acknowledge and process for ourselves.
Directions: Write about your reaction to the course content, the readings, and your own leadership style. Reflect on your personal growth, understanding, and development as a leader that has occurred as a result of this course. Discuss what will be your focused continued leadership development areas after this course ends.
Rubric: Full credit for this assignment will be awarded if all components are included. These are your thoughts and feelings- they really can’t be ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. Please be sure to thoughtfully consider all of the points in the directions above.
Reflective Journal Instructions
Journaling is a way to use reflection as a tool to reinforce learning. It also helps
with self-awareness looking at strengths and things that you are proud of, as well as
things that you would like to improve upon. Sometimes, it allows us to plan for a course
of action that we would like to take on certain situations. It lets us explore feelings about
topics that perhaps, we don’t want to share with others, but want to be able to
acknowledge and process for ourselves.
1. Write about your reaction to the course content, the readings, and your own
leadership style.
2. Reflect on your personal growth, understanding, and development as a leader
that has occurred as a result of this course.
3. Discuss what will be your focused continued leadership development areas after
this course ends.
• You journal will be at least three paragraphs to address the above three items
Full credit for this assignment will be awarded if all components are included. These are
your thoughts and feelings- they really can’t be ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. Please be sure to
thoughtfully consider all of the points in the directions above.
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Rubric Detail
A rubric lists grading criteria that instructors use to evaluate student work. Your instructor linked a rubric to this item and made it available to you. Select Grid View or List View to change the
rubric’s layout.
Unsatisfactory Pro�cient Excellent
Reactions to Course
0 (0.00%) – 17.25 (17.25%)
Reactions to course content, readings,
and leadership style not discussed; no
examples provided of what
contributed to learning.
17.5 (17.50%) – 22.25 (22.25%)
Discusses reactions to the course
content, readings, and leadership
style in a very broad way. Provides a
single example of what contributed to
22.5 (22.50%) – 25 (25.00%)
Thoroughly discusses reactions to the
course content, readings, and
leadership style. Cites at least two
speci�c examples of what contributed
to learning.
Re�ections on Professional Growth
and Development
0 (0.00%) – 17.25 (17.25%)
No re�ections shared.
17.5 (17.50%) – 22.25 (22.25%)
Re�ections of the course shared. No
tie in to how student will use this
content in the future to change
practice or search out professional
development opportunities.
22.5 (22.50%) – 25 (25.00%)
Re�ections shared that tie the course
content to how the student plans to
change their practice and plan for
future development opportunities.
Discussion of Goals for Continued
0 (0.00%) – 17.25 (17.25%)
No goals identi�ed for continued
professional development.
17.5 (17.50%) – 22.25 (22.25%)
At least one goal identi�ed for
continued professional development.
Not formatted as a SMART goal.
22.5 (22.50%) – 25 (25.00%)
At least one goal identi�ed for
continued professional development.
Formatted as a SMART goal.
Logic and Completeness 0 (0.00%) – 17.25 (17.25%)
Journal organized in a haphazard
manner. Jumps from topic to topic.
More than one topic not addressed or
17.5 (17.50%) – 22.25 (22.25%)
Journal follows a logical and easy to
understand train of thought. One
topic not addressed or well
22.5 (22.50%) – 25 (25.00%)
Journal follows a logical, easy to
understand train of thought. All
components addressed and well
Name: Re�ective Journal Rubric
Grid View List View
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Unsatisfactory Pro�cient Excellent
More than one topic not addressed or
well developed.
topic not addressed or well
components addressed and well
Name:Re�ective Journal Rubric