NRS-524 Health Policy, Advocacy and Economics in Healthcare
NR533: Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
NRS-524 Health Policy, Advocacy and Economics in Healthcare
Question: 1
For this week’s discussion, choose one of the following options for your initial post: (300 Words).
1. Select one of countries in the video “Sick around the world”. Briefly describe one key element of that country’s healthcare system, and state why you believe it would or would not be beneficial in improving access and quality or lowering costs in the United States healthcare system.
2. Discuss how access to education affects health outcomes.
Week 10: Required Readings
· Bodenheimer & Grumbach,
· Chapter 14
· (2008, April 15).
Sick around the world (video). – Frontline. (1 hour)
(click on link for video) (used in this weeks discussion)
· Robbins, R. E. (Director). (2016).
Girl rising – Nepal Chapter (video).
10×10 Studios, (13 min)
Access to the complete
Girl Rising Documentary (2 hour)
(Library Link) – Nepal Chapter starts at 19:00 min.
NR533: Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
Question: 2
Reflective Journal
Separate groups: Group A
The Reflective Journal is a place to write short reflections that are posed during the course in Lessons and elsewhere. These are private between student and instructor and allow a non-formatted space for reflecting about your weekly learning and help you realize how you have changed based on the learning you have accomplished during the course.
Please make sure to enter a “Heading” for each reflection that your are entering to keep them separate.
Please be honest about your reflections as these should be your actual thoughts not regurgitation of textbook content.
Assignment – Quality improvement project (written paper)
Question: 3
This assignment provides students with the opportunity to design, develop, implement and evaluate a quality improvement project in their practice setting. The Model for Improvement is used for improvement and to test change(s) using Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle on a small scale. See the criteria below for full descriptions.
Write a Quality Improvement Paper using the criteria below and following APA Guidelines of 10-15 pages (excluding title and
). (12 Pages)
Criteria |
Item Description |
Title |
· Title indicates an initiative to improve healthcare. |
Problem |
· Define the nature and significance of the local problem, and the focus of your proposed QI project. · Describe the local context: · type and size of organization · details about the staff members · brief description of patient population. |
Aim Statement |
· Time-specific and measurable; it should also define the specific population that will be affected (, 2017). · Use the S.M.A.R.T. criteria: · Specific · Measurable · Achievable · Realistic/Relevant · Timely |
Project Objectives |
· Use the S.M.A.R.T. criteria to write each objective. |
Background |
· Summarize and synthesize the literature. · What is the existing evidence about why the problem exists? · Is there evidence for what works and what does not work to solve the problem? |
Design |
· Describe the change(s)/intervention(s) that you implemented to improve the quality of care. |
Strategy Model for Improvement (MFI) Part 1: Three fundamental questions Part 2: Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle |
· Explain the strategy for improvement and discuss how you implemented your improvement cycles. For Part 1: · State and respond to the 3 fundamental questions from the MFI 1. What are we trying to accomplish? 2. How will we know that a change(s) is an improvement? 3. What change(s) can we make that will result in improvement? · · Use the PDSA cycle to conduct the rapid test(s) of change on a small scale (, 2017) · Each phase of the PDSA cycle must be described in sufficient detail so the reader can replicate the cycle. |
Results |
· Provide a summary of the results using quality tools, e.g. run charts, control charts. · Describe the variation in your data. Were the change(s)/intervention(s) responsible for improvements? Compare your results to your baseline data (measurement). · Comment on how you assessed whether the data was complete and accurate. Was there any missing data? Please comment on whether there any unintended consequences such as unexpected benefits, problems, failures or costs with the change(s)/intervention(s). |
Conclusion |
· Reflect on the background knowledge including research, noting what is already known on this topic and what your project adds. · Refer to aim statement; did your project achieve its purpose/aim? Was it a useful project? Were your measures appropriate and did you use balancing measures? · Give an assessment of whether you think your project is sustainable and spread? |
Week 10: Required Readings
Nash, Joshi, Ransom, & Ransom
: Chapters 7 & 8.
· Adcock, S., Kuszajewski, M. L., Dangerfield, C., & Muckler, V. C. (2020).
Optimizing nursing response to in-hospital cardiac arrest events using in situ simulation (PDF)
. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 49, 50-57.
(Copywrite permission granted)
· Berwick, D. M., Nolan, T. W., & Whittington, J. (2008, May-June).
The Triple Aim: Care, health, and cost.
Health Affairs, 27(3), 759-769. (Library Link)
· Brazil, V., Purdy, E. I., & Bajaj, K. (2019, Nov.).
Connecting simulation and quality improvement: How can simulation really improve patient care?
BMJ Quality and Safety, 28(11), 862-865. (Library Link)
· Jung, D., Carman, M., Aga, R., & Burnett, A. (2016, Jan.-March).
Disaster preparedness in the Emergency Department using in situ simulation.
Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal, 38(1), 56-68. (Library Link)
· Wheeler, D. S., Geis, G., Mack, E. H., LeMaster, T., & Patterson, M. D. (2013, June).
High-reliability emergency response teams in the hospital: Improving quality and safety using in situ simulation training.
BMJ Quality and Safety, 22(6), 507-514. (Library Link)
Content in weeks Lesson
· IHI. (2019, Feb.). An Overview of the IHI Triple Aim.IHI Open School. (Video)
· Portico Network. (2014, April). How simulation can benefit patient safety and quality education. Portico Network. (Video)