Needs Analysis
Your first assessment is to write a 3–5 page Needs Analysis. This will become the first chapter in your final report. The assessments are cumulative, so that in Unit 10, they will be synthesized into one document.
As a researcher, your goal is to obtain information that is valid, reliable, and accurate. First, you must determine what is to be measured. This step in planning a survey is to identify the information needs, which is done through dialog among the researcher, the sponsor, and any other stakeholders. Information needs will depend on the purpose of your research.
For example, a survey could be designed to measure any of the following:
· Attitudes.
· Decisions.
· Behavior.
· Affiliations.
· Demographics.
Choose a psychological construct to measure. Make believe you are a consultant for a firm that helps develop psychological profiles. Imagine the dialog between you and the company that is hiring you. Develop your information needs as if you were hired to measure the construct you have selected.
Assignment Requirements
Assume a hypothetical situation of your choosing as a context for your survey. The pre-design phase consists primarily of conducting a needs assessment, to establish the need for the survey. In this phase you must address the following:
· Purpose—Establish the reason for the survey. Include:
. Factors that have revealed the need for a survey.
. How those factors were identified.
. The identity of the stakeholder or organization that will use results from the survey.
. Whether or not the survey will be newly developed or a modification of an existing survey.
. The rationale for developing a new survey or a modifying an existing survey.
· Population—Describe the group of people that the survey will collect data from. Provide results for and explain the rationale for targeting the specific population. Include:
. The intended population.
. The rationale for targeting this particular population.
. The demographic characteristics of the intended population, such as age, gender, and education.
. Why the demographic information is important or relevant to the data to be gathered by the survey.
· Explain why this particular target population is appropriate for your survey. Describe the process that will be used to identify a potential group of individuals to represent the targeted population, and evaluate potential challenges. Include:
. The sampling frame that will be used to identify potential survey participants.
. The advantages of the chosen sampling frame.
. The types of errors that might be associated with the chosen sampling frame.
. Strategies for minimizing the errors associated with the chosen sampling frame.
. Specify the minimum sample size needed.
· Evaluate potential challenges associated with the sampling frame.
· Sampling Procedure—Describe the specific procedures that will be used to select participants. Include:
. The specific sampling procedure that will be used to select potential survey participants.
. The advantages of the chosen sampling procedure.
. The types of errors that might be associated with the chosen sampling procedure.
. Strategies for minimizing the errors associated with the chosen sampling procedure.
· Ethical Principles and Standards—Analyze how the survey design addresses key ethical issues. Include:
. The ethical principles relevant to the data that will be collected.
. Procedures for making sure the ethical principles will be upheld.
As you write this summary, include specific concepts and survey-related terminology presented in the course. Support your decisions with relevant references, citations, and empirical research.
Prior to creating and submitting your needs analysis, refer to the Needs Analysis Scoring Guide to ensure that you meet the grading criteria for this assignment. Check out the Survey Construction Project Description and Scoring Guide for context.
Submit your needs assessment as an attachment in the assignment area.
Submission Requirements
· Written communication: Writing is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
· APA formatting: Resources and citations are in accordance with APA (7th ed.) style and formatting.
· References: Provide a minimum of five references to support your ideas.
· Length: 3–5 double-spaced, typed pages.
· Font: Times New Roman, 12 point.