The Institute of Medicine stated that patient-centered care refers to “providing care that is respectful of, and responsive to, individual patient preferences, needs and values, and ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions.” Patient-centric care is also a collaborative approach between the patient and the healthcare team. There are a number of technologies that are considered patient-centric such as patient portals and EHR; however, there may be challenges from both the patient and the healthcare worker’s perspective.
Validate the importance of patient-centric technologies.
Include the following aspects in the discussion:
1) Discuss if your doctor’s office utilizes a patient portal. If so, please discuss the pros and cons of utilizing it.
2) If your doctor’s office does not utilize a patient portal, what is the process of viewing your medical records, making appointments, communicating with your providers, etc.?
3) What can be done to reduce resistance by healthcare professionals in reference to patient-centric technologies?
Patient-centered care is oriented on the patient and the individual’s designed to address specific requirements, to encourage patients to participate directly in their treatment. Not only commercial or community health institutions but also the Department of Defense (DOD), have altered their services in response to digitalization and contemporary needs. According to Mendez (2019), Since 1968, the DOD has created, bought, and maintained computerized systems to record health care services provided to service members, retirees, and their families. The Department of Defense (DOD) is modernizing aging electronic health records (HER) systems including Composite Health Care System (CHCS), Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application (AHLTA), Essentris, and the Corporate Dental System (CDS), as well as digitizing all its paper medical data. CHCS helps with appointment scheduling and lab test ordering. AHLTA electronically saves all clinical data. Essentris is the sole paper-based recorder. CDS is a dental database. Veterans, retirees, and their families have long used TRICARE as their main patient portal. This is done through many sites.
Military Health System (MHS) Genesis is the new electronic health record (EHR) that will play the role of TRICARE and deliver enhanced and secure technologies for the management of medical data. (MHS Genesis, 2022) To help patients and their loved ones stay on top of their appointments and stay in touch with their doctors, MHS Genesis offers a secure website that is open round the clock and all days of the week. MHS Genesis is a one-stop shop for healthcare inquiries and information, and it contains almost all the information you might need. Facilities use MHS GENESIS to provide continue to succeed services, dentistry, emergency room, ancillary services such as pharmacy, Labs, x-rays, immunization, vision, and optometry. (DHMSM, 2017) MHS GENESIS uses for providing administrative support, as well as logistics and billing for the procedures. Service members are no longer concerned about the health and health-related care because they can access almost all of them via a single site. As a result of using this new gateway, military members and their family’s overall health will be improved. This site is reasonably user-friendly since it is an improved version of the previous portal.
Although MHS Genesis offers plenty of new features, there are a few issues to address. When tracking military medical and dental preparedness using MHS Genesis, Mendez (2019) found that there was a lack of consistency, technological issues, and clinical inaccuracies. An inadequacy of training and administrative routines led to prolonged resolution processes. Success for MHS Genesis will be dependent on the ability to enhance network efficiency while also modifying record management and optimizing training for target service.
MHS Genesis focuses on patient-centered care by delivering all essential services via a single portal, so to make the lives of both clinicians and patients simpler. The focus on easy accessibility and essential improvements of MHS Genesis will transform health records storage and availability.
DOD Healthcare Management System Modernization (DHMSM) (2017) Modernized Interoperability Across the Continuum. Retrieved from:
Mendez, B.P. (2019, October 19) MHS Genesis: Background and Issues for Congress. Congressional Research Service: Informing the legislative debate since 1914.
MHS Genesis (2022, January 22). MHS Genesis is Here! Retrieved February 06, 2022, from,TRICARE%20Online%20at%20this%20facility.