tanyaoutline x
My Topic is Nike in Inida Corporate responsibilities
- Introduction and Background information a.Contextual information
Key facts about the company (history, parent country, founder, mission statement)
2. Rationale and significance a.Rationale (why this topic: Nike Corporate Social Responsibilities in India ?) b.Significance (why should we care about this topic)
- E.g. Organizational vision to be a fair and equal opportunity employer or lessons learnt from business failures of past investment
- E.g. Management’s plan for future expansion to other Asian countries
3. Key questions/issues to be answered/addressed (mix of what, how and why)
- Question #1 “What are key lessons learned from past episodes of CSR failures in India?You could focus on environmental issues if this is important aspect of the current CSR discussion
- Question #2 is typically around how should one approach the issue identified.In this case, consider changing to “How could Nike repositions or influence its CSR image in India?This will give you sufficient scope to discuss aspects of CSR actions based on lesson learned from past events etc
- For question #3, this is a good and relevant question “What measures are in place to ensure that outsourced factories are in compliance with Nike’s CSR policy and standards?”
- For each of the question, explain briefly the key aspects of the issues to be discussed.For example, for question #2, you could focus specifically on say human rights (in terms of working environment and fair wages) and/or on Nike’s CST outreach to the community (in terms of building schools and hospitals or sponsorship of community events etc)
4. Key theories/concepts and evidence required a.Key theories and concepts to be used (at least 2 theories)
- Review the lecture notes from IBS22201 on CSR and from IBS3342 on Ethics in International Business (Chapter 5. For example, CSR actions include the following
Provide quality products or services
Engage in ethical accounting and principled business practices
Be responsible for fair treatment of employees
Meet the firm’s obligations to all stakeholders
Customers, suppliers, creditors, lenders, and investors
Care for and protect the environment - For your case, the relevant theories and concepts should include Corporate responsibility in the areas of human rights protection, environment protection, corruptions, social responsibility to the community etc.
- On environmental issues, the concept of common tragedy may be relevant. It occurs when a resource held in common by all, but owned by no one, is overused by individuals resulting in its degradation
- Also relevant for your case could be the issue of ethics versus legal actions. For example, whether to enforce host country (India) standards for child labor versus upholding corporate policy to meet minimum wage in host country (India)
4b. Information/evidence to be collected.
- Need to be specific about the data to be collected and the reasons for these data to be collected and analyzed.For your case, you may need host country specific information such as labor laws on minimum wages, employee benefits, and perhaps environmental standards requirements.Therefore, certain common economic indicators such as GDP and PPP information may not be relevant.
- May be useful to consider collecting Corporate Social Responsibilities performance of competitors and also their CSR practices etc
5. Implications and Recommendations
- Need to provide some sense of key factors to be considered and perhaps initial recommendations which will be developed further as needed.
- For example, for question #2, what are the initial ideas that Nike should consider for influencing its CSR image in India?Establishing independent inspectors to its factories?Rewarding positive practices or discontinuing business with recalcitrant factories (repeat offenders?) or perhaps sponsorship of key community events or educational scholarship program etc.
6. Conclusion a.Summary of key findings and recommendationsReferences Comments on references
a. Ensure that you cite at least 2 journal articles.Note that Wikipedia is not a recognized academic source
b. Comply with APA formatting requirements (6th edition)
Please contact me if you have questions.
paper proposal due 6 Nov 2016 IBS3342 Global Business Management
Term paper proposal due 6 Nov 2016 IBS3342 Global Business Management
Term paper IBS3342 Global Business Management
Submitted by |
Tanya Mclean |
Title of Topic |
Nike’s corporate social responsibility in India |
Overall comments
Overall, good effort but more work required on rationale/significance of the topic and key theories etc.
(b) Consider fine-tuning title as “Nike Inc: The role and challenges of Corporate Social Responsibilities for multinational corporation in India”
(c) Consider incorporating relevant information about CSR related statistics and information to set the context of the paper.
Example, Nike outsource its manufacturing to less developed countries including India (where, how many factories, for what) and relevant CSR related news in recent past
(d) See below for some suggested edits to the key questions particularly Question #2
(e) May need to identify other data to be collected since your focus is on CSR such as labor laws, environmental protection laws. Traditional data such as GDP, PPP, FDI may not be relevant in this context
1. Introduction and Background information
a. Contextual information
· Key facts about the company (history, parent country, founder, mission statement)
Nike was founded in 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports and initially operated as a distributor for the Japanese shoemaker Onitsuka Tiger (now known as Asics). It officially became Nike
Inc. in 1971. The company was founded on January 25, 1964, as Blue Ribbon Sports, by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight and officially became Nike, Inc
. on May 30, 1971.Nike’s mission statement is “To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world.
Comment by Jonathan Ng: Important to indicate that Nike Inc is an American multinational corporation in the athletic and sport wear industry Comment by Jonathan Ng: Need to check if Nike has a CSR policy statement since this is your focus area.
· Industry and nature of the industry (retail, manufacturing, automobiles,
Nike manufacturing and worldwide marketing and sales of footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories and services. In addition to manufacturing sportswear and equipment, the company operates retail stores under the Niketown name. Nike sponsors many high-profile athletes and sports teams around the world, with the highly recognized trademarks of Comment by Jonathan Ng: May be useful to identify its key competitors in the industry
“Just Do It” and the Swoosh logo.
· International footprints (number of international stores, locations etc. and size)
The total number of Nike retail stores worldwide from 2009 to 2016. In 2015, Nike operated a total of 931 retail stores throughout the entire world. The number of Nike’s non-U.S. retail stores from 2009 to 2016. In 2016, Nike operated 588 NIKE factory stores outside the United States. The leading department stores in the United States in 2015, based on retail sales. In that year, Macy’s was the leading department store in the United
States based on retail sales of about 26.76 billion U.S. dollars
Comment by Jonathan Ng: Given your focus on CSR, it is needful to clarify that Nike appoints or outsourced its manufacturing to factories in developing countries. Identify these countries as relevant to give a sense of the industry and its challenges in terms of CSR. May need to indicate the number and locations of these factories around the globe as well as any history of CSR related news
Comments on contextual information
(a) Given your topics, it may be useful to check if Nike has a CSR policy statement and how it is organized to ensure CSR compliance
(b) Similarly, it is useful to clarify that Nike appoints or outsource its manufacturing to factories in developing countries. Identify these countries as relevant to give a sense of the industry and its challenges in terms of CSR. May need to indicate the number and locations of these factories around the globe
(c) May be useful to indicate any significant history of CSR related news for Nike. This help sets the stage for subsequent discussion based on the key questions identified
b. Scope and perspectives
· Areas of focus. Corporate social responsibilities
Nike Corporate Social Responsibilities Comment by Jonathan Ng: Need brief overview of CSR to set context of discussion. For example, it is about employees as well as the community. Therefore the discussion is about CSR actions which relate to employees in Nike designated factories as well as the community in that location
· Perspectives to be addressed. May be target customers in this foreign country or potential business partners in this joint ventures or public perception of a company’s
corporate social responsibilities or combination of perspectives,
Comments on scope and perspectives
(a) Explain briefly the focus areas and the components to be discussed. Example CSR is defined as “A firm’s obligations to society, including the welfare of people and places affected by its activities”.
(b) Clarify that the discussion is about Corporate Social Responsibilities actions which relate to employees in Nike designated factories as well as the community in these locations in India (perspectives). Be specific if needed.
2. Rationale and significance
a. Rationale (why this topic?)
b. Significance (why should we care about this topic)
· E.g. Organizational vision to be a fair and equal opportunity employer or lessons learnt from business failures of past investments
· E.g. Management’s plan for future expansion to other Asian countries
Comments on rationale/significance
(a) The rationale given does not seem to make sense
(b) Need to explain why CSR in India is important and significant for Nike. For example, Nike’s poor reputation in recent past? the significant number of factories in India appointed by Nike or its agents or perhaps HQ’s emphasis on repositioning Nike’s policy on CSR etc.
3. Key questions/issues to be answered/addressed (mix of what, how and why)
a. Question/Issue #1 (What/why)
· What are the policies that Nike has used to contribute to the community of India’s factories? – In the case of the India’s water supply being polluted by harmful dying during production of Nike products. Why have they been using Home country’s EPA policy to protect the individuals that need to be healthy in order in addition to working Nike’s factories.
· E.g. What are the relevant social compliance challenges in this country (ethical and legal issues) and why? (e.g. previous negative press reporting)
b. Question/Issue #2 (How?)
● What are the current labor practices of Nike employees? -Is there a difference in the rights/benefits of those employee in the home country versus those working in outsourced factories/
c. Question/Issue #3 (How then?) What measures are in place to ensure that outsourced factories in India follow Nike’s ethical standards? -Is there ways that they can make changes to policy to demonstrate social compliance.
-Is there more of a focus on making money or treatment of workers the goal of the MNE.
Comments on key questions/issues
(a) Question #1 “What are key lessons learned from past episodes of CSR failures in India? You could focus on environmental issues if this is important aspect of the current CSR discussion
(b) Question #2 is typically around how should one approach the issue identified. In this case, consider changing to “How could Nike repositions or influence its CSR image in India? This will give you sufficient scope to discuss aspects of CSR actions based on lesson learned from past events etc
(c) For question #3, this is a good and relevant question “What measures are in place to ensure that outsourced factories are in compliance with Nike’s CSR policy and standards?”
(d) For each of the question, explain briefly the key aspects of the issues to be discussed. For example, for question #2, you could focus specifically on say human rights (in terms of working environment and fair wages) and/or on Nike’s CST outreach to the community (in terms of building schools and hospitals or sponsorship of community events etc)
4. Key theories/concepts and evidence required
a. Key theories and concepts to be used (at least 2 theories)
Comments on key theories/concepts
(a) Review the lecture notes from IBS22201 on CSR and from IBS3342 on Ethics in International Business (Chapter 5). For example, CSR actions include the following
· Provide quality products or services
· Engage in ethical accounting and principled business practices
· Be responsible for fair treatment of employees
· Meet the firm’s obligations to all stakeholders
· Customers, suppliers, creditors, lenders, and investors
· Care for and protect the environment
(b) For your case, the relevant theories and concepts should include Corporate responsibility in the areas of human rights protection, environment protection, corruptions, social responsibility to the community etc.
(c) On environmental issues, the concept of common tragedy may be relevant. It occurs when a resource held in common by all, but owned by no one, is overused by individuals resulting in its degradation
(d) Also relevant for your case could be the issue of ethics versus legal actions. For example, whether to enforce host country standards for child labor versus upholding corporate policy to meet minimum wage in host country
b. Information/evidence to be collected.
· E.g. Economic indicators, GDP per capita, GNI, Growth rate, inflation rate, Foreign exchange, PPP index,
· Cultural and social indicators. workforce profile, education, Minimum wage. Minimum age for employment. This must be researched in order to provide a comparison of how Nike compensates its workers in India. Main focus will be age for employment and wage.
· E.g. Geographical factors. Landlocked or sea locked countries, transportation and infrastructure etc.,
· E.g. Political economy indicators. Corruption perception index, environmental standards, -The reasoning is to find ways that Nike can incorporate waste elimination of dyes and chemicals to preserve the environment.
c. Key sources of information or articles to be cited ● Globaledge.msu.edu.
· WTO website. World Bank, OECD, UNCTAD
· US Department of Commerce, journal articles, books etc.
Comments on types/sources of information
(a) Need to be specific about the data to be collected and the reasons for these data to be collected and analyzed. For your case, you may need host country specific information such as labor laws on minimum wages, employee benefits, and perhaps environmental standards requirements. Therefore, certain common economic indicators such as GDP and PPP information may not be relevant.
(b) May be useful to consider collecting Corporate Social Responsibilites performance of competitors and also their CSR practices etc
5. Implications and Recommendations
a. Key considerations (what important factors to be considered)
· Sourcing, transportation and logistics support costs
· Social media and impacts, digital literacy
· NGO and special interest groups or watch dog organizations
· Talent management issues, compensation and repatriations issues
· Market intelligence and market research
b. Recommendations (how should the company address the issue)
· Prelim ideas or recommendation to Question/Issue #1: They should require that EPA methods of waste removal be introduced. Also, to fund clean water projects to give water to the areas that are affected.
· Prelim ideas or recommendation to Question/Issue #2: Have a Nike quality control officer to oversee the standards of employment are upheld.
· Prelim ideas or recommendation to Question/Issue #3: Setup a series of surpise visits to improve transparency and violations cause Nike to no longer do business with factory.
Comments on implications and recommendations
(a) Need to provide some sense of key factors to be considered and perhaps initial recommendations which will be developed further as needed.
(b) For example, for question #2, what are the initial ideas that Nike should consider for influencing its CSR image in India? Establishing independent inspectors to its factories? Rewarding positive practices or discontinuing business with recalcitrant factories (repeat offenders?) or perhaps sponsorship of key community events or educational scholarship program etc.
6. Conclusion
a. Summary of key findings and recommendations
Comments on references
(a) Ensure that you cite at least 2 journal articles. Note that Wikipedia is not a recognized academic source
(b) Comply with APA formatting requirements (6th edition)
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