For your answer to this discussion forum Please watch and analyze a movie of your choice that you think exemplifies a specific period of child development- infancy, early childhood, middle childhood or adolescence. Part of this assignment is your ability to find an appropriate movie for yourself. You will analyze how cultural context, socioeconomic status and historical contexts affected the main character’s development in the movie. Boy staring at a TV with only a white image on it Cultural context is explained throughout our text. If you are having trouble with this concept please revisit the following pages of our text: 7, 258, 277, 281, 284, 301 Socioeconomic status is explained on pages 8, 264, 283, 286, 303, 307, 308 of our text. “Child from birth to adolescences Book” Historical context is explained on pages 8-9 of our text. Basically, what was going on in the specific time period the movie took place. How did the historical context affect the main character and/or the key figures in the main character’s life? You can find movies on Kanopy, PBS video and Films on Demand for free= MPC Documentary Link. You can check movies out from your public library or the MPC library. You can also use a movie you already have available at home or borrow one from a friend. Where you find the movie is up to you. Please title your entry with the title of the movie you chose including the year it was produced. Then label each analysis with its developmental effect, as done below: Answer format: Movie Title & Year: Cultural Analysis Socioeconomic Status Analysis Historical Analysis