According to Carol Dweck, many employers feel that “we’ve already created a generation of young workers who can’t get through the day without an award” (Stanford, 2014, 3:16). Given our need to understand the influence of psychology in the workplace, this milestone provides you with the opportunity to examine the psychological dynamics of a growth mindset as it applies to professional development. Completion of this milestone will prepare you for Project Three.
For this assignment, make sure to refer to the video,
Developing a Growth Mindset With Carol Dweck
. Respond to the following criteria in 3 to 5 sentences each, citing all sources in APA style:
· Describe how a growth (versus fixed) mindset affects professional development.
· Describe why understanding the difference between “the tyranny of now” and “the power of yet” is critical to professional development.
· Describe what potential strategies could be used to promote the development of a growth mindset environment in the professional setting.
· Describe how professional growth mindset environments can promote communication and collaboration.
· Describe how you would apply Dweck’s assertions in your efforts to lead others.
All sources and ideas requiring attribution must be cited according to APA style.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit your Module Six Milestone assignment as a Word document, with all sources cited according to APA style.