1. After viewing the program in its entirety, students are to write an essay of a minimum of
one thousand (1,000) words in length addressing the two sections described below.
Points will be deducted if this length requirement is not met. To earn the maximum
points (100) for this writing assignment, both of these sections must be completed fully:
Section 1: Program Summary (50
In this section the student should provide, in their own words, a reasonably
detailed summary of the salient information presented in the program.
Section 2: Analysis, Concept Identification, and Personal Reaction (50
In this section the student should provide their analysis of the significance and
relevance of the information in the program to the scientific data presented in
the textbook and their personal reaction to this information. The RWA must
identify and associate information in the documentary with relevant specific
information and concepts found in the textbook, citing the textbook information
with APA formatted in-text citations like those used in the Discussion Question
Responses (DQR). See DQR section in Course Syllabus for specific instructions