PreventativeHealthcareMaintenanceProgram1 x
Preventative Healthcare Maintenance Program
Hye Zahid
DeVry University- Online
April 1, 2021
1. What is the size of the market? Describe the methods used to determine the size of the market?
The number of uninsured residents in San Bernardino county rose from 7.6% in 2017 to 8.7 in 2018. Nevertheless, despite this 1% decrease, it is important to indicate that the number is a huge improvement from 2012 when the percentage of uninsured residents within the same area stood at 20.6%. Most importantly, the San Bernardino County number of people without medical insurance is lower compared to the national score that stands at 8.9%. nevertheless, the region is still lagging behind counties like Orange County at 7.0%, San Diego at 8.4%, Riverside at 8.1% and the greater California county at 7.2% (San Bernardino County, 2021). Additionally, it is important to state that 12.3 of the minorities lack the access to medical insurance cover with 11.3 Latinos having being uninsured as well. The method used to categorise these residents is on the basis of their races and socioeconomic status (SES).
Chino County, California has a population of 87,735 people, a 2.48% increment from 2019. The largest group of race is whites at 24.5%, Europeans at 24.5%, Latinos at 24.3%, Asian Americans at 12.3% and Blacks at 6.12%. It is imperative to state that 90.9% of the residents in Chino County have access to healthcare coverage; typically, 53.7% have employer healthcare cover, 19% are on Medicaid, 7.61% of Medicare 9.69% on self-sponsored insurance covers and 0.8% are covered under veteran insurance plans (Delloite, 2021). Most importantly, spending per capita on health and related services stands at $7,500 as of & years ago and a 4% increment from a decade ago. Alternatively, the primary care providers for both Chino and San Bernardino are private physicians that handle about 1700 patients per annum in comparison to 1400 who seek dental and about 500 in need of mental health assistance.
2. What are the specific needs of the market in terms of the product or services?
Currently, both Chino and San Bernardino are in need of preventive healthcare services. The COVID-19 pandemic has not only strained the access to healthcare services but also predisposed individuals suffering from terminal ailments to high levels of mortality rates. It is imperative to indicate that as of 25th March 2021, San Bernardino and Chino have been involved in the immunization of the elderly people aged 50+ with the intention of protecting them from the dangerous COVID-19 (Chino Hills Government, 2020). Additionally, those eligible for the vaccination included the family members to people aged 65 years and above and all service providers working in the health and food sectors. Therefore, the healthcare markets of Chino and San Bernardino Counties are in need of more vaccination drives and mass testing of the locals; these services will go a long way in ensuring that the regions have lower infection rates.
Chino and San Bernardino counties have been listed as red-zone areas with an infection rate of 5.2% for every 100,000 residents. Therefore, the municipal governments of both cities have implemented measures such as 25% partial lockdowns of social areas such as gyms, eateries, schools, libraries and museums. The counties are both striving to attain infections rate of 3.9% and lower for every 100,000 residents (Chino Hills Government, 2020). This objective is hinged upon ensuring that all essential service providers get vaccinated. Additionally, both cities are looking forward to leverage massive vaccination of minor and the greater population with the intention of restoring normalcy. Furthermore, with the counties intending to fully open it economy, the priority of the preventive healthcare initiatives is individuals aged between 16 to 64 years with underlying medical conditions.
Chino Hills Government. (2020). Coronavirus | Chino hills, CA. Chino Hills, CA – Official Website | Official Website.
Delloite. (2021). Chino, CA. Data USA.
San Bernardino County. (2021). Health care access. San Bernardino County Community Indicators.