Literature Review
(30 points; with at least eight citations from academic journals and related to relationship or the variables under study. For the citations, the more relative the better; one or more citations from the introduction part can be used but the points from those citations should not be repetitions. Needs to discuss how researchers have known about the variables and their relationship so far so that your study will not repeat previous studies and “reinvent the wheel”. Three points deduction for each citation missing. This part should contain at least three paragraphs, two paragraphs about the findings of the two variables, and one paragraph about the findings of their relationship, with each paragraph containing at least 150 words. At the end clearly state your research hypothesis if you have enough confidence for your prediction of the relationship based on your review of previous studies or research question if you are still not sure about the relationship based on the literature reviewed.)
RQ/H: (choose one and remove the other, and then state your RQ or H here)
Literature Review
(30 points; with at least eight citations from academic journals and related to relationship or the variables under study. For the citations, the more relative the better; one or more citations from the introduction part can be used but the points from those citations should not be repetitions. Needs to discuss how researchers have known about the variables and their relationship so far so that your study will not repeat previous studies and “reinvent the wheel”. Three points deduction for each citation missing. This part should contain at least three paragraphs, two paragraphs about the findings of the two variables, and one paragraph about the findings of their relationship, with each paragraph containing at least 150 words. At the end clearly state your research hypothesis if you have enough confidence for your prediction of the relationship based on your review of previous studies or research question if you are still not sure about the relationship based on the literature reviewed.)
RQ/H: (choose one and remove the other, and then state your RQ or H here)
Template of the Research Proposal
(200 points in total. Please fill out the required section week by week. See the schedule in this syllabus for the weekly requirements. The instructions in italic fonts are here to help you to use this template and follow the report format. In week 8, when you polish the final report, please remove all the instructions to keep your final report coherent. Thanks.)
5 points
; should be about the relationship between two variables, and at least one variable should be predominately in communication or related areas):
The title about the introduction is about the “Use of Smartphones in Millennials” and it has been also referring as in the source of communication to report the stages and factors connecting two opposite variables.
(15 points
; should be at least two paragraphs, at least 150 words for each paragraph; needs to address why this relationship about the two variables are worth exploration with at least five citations from academic journals. One missing citation will cause a three-point deduction).
In the difference between two variables which should be inter-related to each other with the proper specification and it helps us to understand the positional areas in the research-based topic, so I have chosen the difference between the use of smartphones for the political information and in the current situation it is observed that majorly the individuals use it as the source of communication where it provides deliverance but also at the same point it has some of the disadvantages in the Gen Xers to not focus on the visual areas of communication (Ferrers, 2015). And for the political information, the use of smartphones in millennials have own 93% of smartphones to use it as the source of sharing views and opinion in the political site of the area. In the Gen Xers, the most profitable part is to refer the consciousness among the individuals to examine and understand the information relatable to the areas and signs to be motivated in an individual’s life (Koo et al., 2015).
Also, the areas in the millennials lifestyle have become an illusion for others who were not conspiring or cooperating with the use of smartphones as the use of communication to report their opinions and collecting specific information related to the political aspects and use it as the source of change in world or country. And the youth is also responsible for the different sections that deliver the signs of an individual’s point of view on the situation of the politics in their country (Brunner et al., 1984). This smartphone technology has been an effective program selection to regenerate those damaged parts of the country. Within this, public opinion can produce a massive change in the country’s development, and the justice system will also prevail (Ochs & Sauer, 2021). And the relationship between these variables, such as the uses of smartphones in politics and its value where the individuals of the 21st century have been using the signs for new changes while understanding the negative sides of the main moveable part of this topic (“Variable stroke length promises extended flexibility”, 2000).
Koo, C., Chung, N., & Kim, H. (2015). Examining explorative and exploitative uses of smartphones: a user competence perspective. Information Technology & People, 28(1), 133-162.
Brunner, R., Elder, C., & Cobb, R. (1984). The Political Uses of Symbols. Political Psychology, 5(1), 109.
Variable stroke length promises extended flexibility. (2000), 2000(408), 16.
Ferrers, R. (2015). Managing 21st Century Innovation: Lessons from Ten Years of Smartphones. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Ochs, C., & Sauer, J. (2021). Curtailing smartphone use: a field experiment evaluating two interventions. Behaviour & Information Technology, 1-19.
Literature Review
(30 points; with at least eight citations from academic journals and related to relationship or the variables under study. For the citations, the more relative the better; one or more citations from the introduction part can be used but the points from those citations should not be repetitions. Needs to discuss how researchers have known about the variables and their relationship so far so that your study will not repeat previous studies and “reinvent the wheel”. Three points deduction for each citation missing. This part should contain at least three paragraphs, two paragraphs about the findings of the two variables, and one paragraph about the findings of their relationship, with each paragraph containing at least 150 words. At the end clearly state your research hypothesis if you have enough confidence for your prediction of the relationship based on your review of previous studies or research question if you are still not sure about the relationship based on the literature reviewed.)
RQ/H: (choose one and remove the other, and then state your RQ or H here)
Research Procedure.
(40 points).
This is the section of the methodology part. Name your research method and discuss with at least three citations why this method is the best choice to answer your research question. Previous citations can be used but points should not be repetitions.
This is where you tell me about the research project you are planning, in a step-by-step way.
a. Research question or hypotheses
b. Proposed methodology (Include citations about the method you will be using and how it has been used before in communications research). Make sure that your procedure fits the requirements about the research methods of your choice in the readings and that overall principles of “objective, systematic, and replicable.”)
c. Sampling frame
d. Independent variables (quantitative only, include pre-existing scales, if appropriate)
e. Dependent variables (quantitative only, include pre-existing scales, if appropriate)
f. Timeline for data collection
(50 points) (
there is no page limit here, since every method is different)
With at least five citations, clearly define the meanings of the two variables under study and how specifically they will be measured in your study. One or more citations from the introduction and literature review parts can be used but the points from those citations should not be repetitions. You could just borrow the measurements used in the previous studies, or modify them for your own study with substantial argument to support the modification.)
When proposing your draft of measures/instrument, including either of the following based on the methods you choose
i. A codesheet/codebook for content analysis
ii. An experimental protocol and stimulus materials for experiments
iii. A draft of your survey if you’ve chosen a survey
iv. An interview guide for focus groups or in-depth interviews
Predicted results
(15 points)
Written in the future tense, you should give me some idea of the kind of information you believe you will have at the end of your study, and any results predicted by your own hypotheses, based on previous studies.
Exapnded references (15 points)
All the research studies/journal articles that you use to build you research proposal should have full references available in the appendix section
(Finally, the revision, polishing, and final submission counts for 20 points. Revise each part of the mini research project accomplished in previous weeks based on feedback from the class and put them into the final version of your research report. Polishing and proofreading it to eliminate any errors an make the final report logically fluent, coherent, and focused. Each error cause a five-point deduction. Before the final submission, please make sure that you remove all instruction in italic.