Histof Psy 6
Textbook Reading
An Introduction to the History of Psychology (Henley, T
, Hergenhahn, B. R.)
Chapter 14: Gestalt
Chapter 17: Humanistic (Third Force) Psychology
Video Presentations:
Post your response to the following, being sure to address all aspects of the question thoroughly and referencing appropriate learning resources to support your response.
Your writing must be 200-300 words in length and demonstrate course-related knowledge
1). What is third-force psychology?
2). What did the third-force psychologists see as the limitations of the other two forces?
3). What are the main tenets of humanistic psychology?
4). Summarize the criticisms and contributions of humanistic psychology.
5). In what ways are the main tenets of humanistic psychology compatible or incompatible with the Christian worldview?