Need by Tomorrow, January, 25, 2022
Please see attached documents for further instruction! Please be sure to refer to attached template when assisting me in brainstorming ideas. Thank you!
Lesson Plan NEEDS to be preschool or Kindergarten
Need by: January 25, 2022
Will pay: $15 now / $15 Complete
Lesson Plan Development Part 1
In this assignment, you will create your first lesson. Begin by brainstorming, using any methods such as
mind mapping, lists, flowcharts, or other graphics to think about what your class and lesson plans will
involve. Use this section to inform your decisions and have a basic road map upon which to build your
class and lesson plans.
● What would you like to teach?
○ Consider subjects, activities, lesson hooks, and other items that you might want to
include in your lesson.
● Is your lesson plan part of a single subject plan or is this interdisciplinary?
● Which factors affect what you can teach: class size, available time, resources, classroom space?
Class Description
● Include a detailed demographics section.
○ Note that this piece is longer than a real classroom lesson plan because your peers need
to understand the setting and students in your class.
■ Describe the school setting and environment.
■ Describe the students’ demographics, including age, gender, socioeconomic
class, ability levels (gifted), students with disabilities, and ELL (English language
■ Include any other pertinent information about the classroom, such as unusual
schedules or other staff who are part of the classroom.
● Identify at least three potential advantages to teaching this mix of students.
● Identify at least two potential challenges to teaching this mix of students.
● Define the time necessary to teach your lesson.
○ What classroom or school resources can you use in your lesson, such as a computer lab,
science lab, Smartboard, manipulatives, space in your classroom for circle time, or
breakout groups?
● Describe how your plan fits into either a single-subject curriculum or how it connects as an
interdisciplinary plan.
Create an extended lesson plan in which you address the following:
● Discuss the subject to be taught, including activities, lesson hooks, and other factors that impact
● Include a detailed demographics section, addressing school setting, environment, and student
● Identify at least three potential advantages and two potential challenges to teaching this mix of
● Define the time necessary to teach the lesson and other classroom or school resources to be
● Describe how the plan fits into a single-subject curriculum or how it connects as an
interdisciplinary plan.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to
the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any
additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
● Create a lesson plan that outlines objectives and the instructional and assessment strategies.
EDU 573: Instructional Methods
Week 3 Assignment – Lesson Plan Development Part I
Dr. Hau Nguyen – Course Instructor
Strayer University
January 24, 2022
Lesson Plan
Teacher’s Name
Date of Lesson
Time of Lesson
Subject (✓ – Check
appropriate box on the
Single Subject or Interdisciplinary Unit
Factors (Describe what
factors (class size, time,
space, etc) that can
affect what you can
Class Demographics
(describe the school
students demographics
{age, gender,
socioeconomic status or
class, ability levels,
etc.}, schedule, teachers’
qualities and other traits.
List and Describe Three
potential advantages to
teaching this mix of
List and Describe Two
potential challenges to
teaching this mix of
1. Define the time to
teach this lesson.
2. Identify classroom
resources (computer
lab, science lab,
space, circle time,
breakout groups,
3. Describe how this
lesson plan fits into
either a
curriculum or
connects as an