Leadership Style Paper
Course Name: Leadership and Issues in Nursing
Course Number: NM480
Understand the importance of leadership characteristics in quality improvement processes in a health care setting and the impact nursing leadership has on measurable patient outcomes (Learning Objective 5).
Leadership is a very important part of being a professional nurse and understanding the various leadership traits and qualities will aid in being an effective nursing leader. In this paper the student will choose two leadership styles and compare and contrast the various elements of the leadership styles. The student will also discuss the impact the chosen leadership style has on the interaction the nurse leader has within the multidisciplinary team at various health care settings. The student will discuss how the chosen leadership styles impact patient outcomes.
Leadership Styles Examples:
1. Transformational Leadership
2. Autocratic
3. Democratic
4. Laissez-faire
5. Situational
6. Affiliative
7. Coaching
8. Transactional
**These are only a few leadership styles**
Paper Requirements (200pts):
1. Length and elements: The paper length will be 5 pages maximum (do NOT go over the page limit), double spaced and typed (this does not include your title page, abstract, or references page). You must include a cover sheet with the title of your paper and your name. After the cover page (but before the body of the paper) you must include an abstract, which is a brief, comprehensive summary of the paper, no longer than 120 words. Finally, references should be listed on a separate page after the body of the paper. Margins should be no wider than 1″. Please number your pages.
2. Number of references: Your paper should include a minimum of 5 references. Appropriate sources include: (a) research articles from scientific journals (not popular articles such as Psychology Today and Omni) (b) books (but not encyclopedias or textbooks). I want you to use sources that have strong evidenced based support. You must be able to cite your source according to APA formatting.
3. Appearance: All final papers should be submitted to the assignment center on Canvas and sent through Turn-It-In with only 20% similarity.
4. See Rubric for additional paper requirements.
NM 480 Leadership Style Paper
Topic: Name:
Criteria |
Mastery High Proficiency |
Competent Moderate High Proficiency |
Satisfactory Proficient |
Unsatisfactory Low Level/Non-Proficient |
Total Points |
This criterion is liked to a learning outcome Introduction |
19-25 points Deliberate, creates interest. Has a clear, concise and specific thesis statement. |
14-19 points Adequately introduces topic. Thesis statement may be lacking specificity. |
10-14 points Introduction is too short and thesis statement is vague. |
0-10 points Components are missing. Thesis statement is poor or unidentifiable |
/25 |
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Abstract |
Abstract is Contained in Paper and is a clear and concise summary 300 words or less |
Abstract is vague and is over 300 words |
Abstract is weak, difficult to follow and is over 300 words |
Abstract is not contained in paper |
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Body and Organization |
19-25 points
Organized throughout. Logical with a clear sequence. Exhibits critical thinking. Has excellent consistent transitions. Proper intext citations. |
14-19 points
Some organization concerns and gaps in flow. Thesis could use more support. Is weak in original thought. Majority of citations are correct. Has some transitions. |
10-14 points
Difficult to follow. Does not prove or support the thesis. Citations are incorrect. Very few transitions. |
0-10 points
No sequence. Jumps topics frequently. No intext citations. No transitions. |
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome
Body: Fluency & Mechanics |
19-25 points
Uses excellent vocabulary. Stays on topic. Correct tense/point of view. Has sentence variety. Correct spelling and writes in scholarly style. |
14-19 points
Attempts higher level vocabulary with some success. Stays on topic. Mostly correct tense/point of view. Few sentences lacking in variety. Few spelling errors. Writes scholarly style. |
10-14 points
Range of vocabulary. Some tense/point of view errors. Occasionally strays off topic. Some sentence fragments and run-ons. Several spelling errors with the majority of writing style is formal |
0-10 points
Improper word choice. Many tense and point of view errors. Many mechanical errors. Major spelling errors. Writes informally. |
/25 |
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Conclusion |
19-25 points
Deliberate closing strategy. Does not introduce new material. Paraphrases thesis but does not merely repeat introduction. |
14-19 points
Adequate closing. Does not introduce new material. Restates thesis but does not completely repeat introduction. |
10-14 points
Weak closing. Does not introduce new material. Merely repeats introduction. |
0-10 points
No formal closing. New material introduced. Does not reference introduction. |
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Appearance |
19-25 points
No APA errors in margins, font type and size, and citations. |
14-19 points
Has 1-4 APA formatting errors |
10-14 points
Has 5-7 APA formatting errors |
0-10 points
No evidence of APA in paper. |
/25 |
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Content |
Paper will be 5 pages or less following Paper Requirements |
Paper is between 5-7 pages |
Paper is between 7-8 pages |
Paper is over 8 pages |
/25 |
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome References |
Paper contains a minimum of 5 references |
——————- |
——————– |
Paper contains less than 5 references |
/25 |
Total Points: 200 |
/200 |