hypothetical interview with a human service professional who has been practicing for at least three years. Introduce the person you interviewed, where they work, and how long they have been in the Human Services filed. Provide a summary of the interview and should be at least 500 words.
- Conduct a semi-structured interview and explore the following areas:
What are some of the specific roles and tasks associated with your position?
What are the greatest rewards and challenges in your job?
Can you provide a description of some of types of crisis or traumatic situations you have handled?
How do you handle the stress associated with the crisis you encounter at work?
What type of training did you receive to prepare you for handling crisis that happen on the job?
What suggestions or advise do you have for someone who is interested in pursuing a position in your field?
2. second page 500 words. Personal reflections should address the following:
- How did the information you received compare to your initial expectations?
- What did you like best about the job?
- What did you like least about the job?
- How do you think you will be able to handle facing the traumatic events identified by your interviewee?
- How do you currently handle the stress associated with your daily life (e.g. school)?
- How do you think you would respond to the crisis situations described in the interview?
- How do you think you can best prepare yourself for responding to crisis situations?
3. a note wrote to the professional that was interviewed thanking them for their time and sharing their experiences 300 words