Families encounter risks of varying degrees every day. For some, every day is a matter of survival and making ends meet. These families may deal with various types of risks often. For example, “Family X” experienced a house fire that made their house uninhabitable. When they purchased their home, they choose not to take advantage of homeowner’s insurance as they felt it was too expensive.
In a 1-2 page reflection paper , discuss what you think about this. In your paper be sure to include your thoughts to these questions:
- What type of risk this family is taking?
- What are some possible reasons this family can have for believe that paying the cost of insurance is a greater risk than going through a catastrophe without insurance?
- How would you assist this family to work through the risk to create a plan to prevent the problem of not having homeowners insurance?
- What would you do to motivate the family to research and purchase homeowner’s insurance?
Risk Identification
5 possible points (12.5%)
Student clearly identifed what type of risk the family is taking and made strong connections to course learning.
Family Reasoning
10 possible points (25%)
Student clearly identifies reasons the family may have decided to take the rist of not having insurance. The student makes strong connections to course learning.
Family Support
10 possible points (25%)
Student clearly describes how they would support the family to create a plan to obtain homeowners insurance BEFORE a diaster strikes and makes connections to course learning.
Motivate the Family
10 possible points (25%)
Student clearly identified how they would work to motivate the family to purchase homeowners insurance. Student provides ideas and resources to assist families and makes strong connections to course learning.