1. For Thursday, Please read pp 1069-1090 on American Modernism.
2. Then, please view this Youtube video:https://youtu.be/iVNBy5GHuqo
3. Read the selections on Jean Toomer and Cane, Georgia Dusk, and Fern. pp 968-972
Watch this Youtube video:https://youtu.be/WacfkDJUaLw
4. Read the selections on Langston Hughes poetry pp 1036-1090 and watch this Youtube video:https://youtu.be/ir0URpI9nKQ
5. Finally, write a critique on either Jean Toomer OR Langston Hughes, discussing their writing and explaining how it shows Modernism. Length: 1 1/2 to 2 pages. This will count as Critique #3. Please don’t forget to quote at least once in the writing.