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Demonstrating a connection between cause and effect is rarely simple. The writer must be
careful to avoid false assumptions. Don’t assume that just because one event follows another
that the earlier event is the cause of the later events
. This common fallacy is known as “post
hoc”, from the Latin
post hoc, ergo propter hoc
, meaning “after this, therefore because of this.”
Describe an example of a post
hoc fallacy from your own experienc
es or observations of
modern life.
About 250 words
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Demonstrating a connection between cause and effect is rarely simple. The writer must be
careful to avoid false assumptions. Don’t assume that just because one event follows another
that the earlier event is the cause of the later events
. This common fallacy is known as “post
hoc”, from the Latin
post hoc, ergo propter hoc
, meaning “after this, therefore because of this.”
Describe an example of a post
hoc fallacy from your own experienc
es or observations of
modern life.
In About 250 words No need for a title page or references
Demonstrating a connection between cause and effect is rarely simple. The writer must be
careful to avoid false assumptions. Don’t assume that just because one event follows another
that the earlier event is the cause of the later events. This common fallacy is known as “post-
hoc”, from the Latin post hoc, ergo propter hoc, meaning “after this, therefore because of this.”
Describe an example of a post-hoc fallacy from your own experiences or observations of
modern life.