It is a short (1200 – 1500 words) research essay on a work written before 1660. This work may have been written in any language so long as the writer has been translated into English. You are not restricted to fiction; works about myth, religion, science, medicine, history, etc., are valid as well. Although you may briefly discuss the author′s background in the introduction, your essay must focus on a particular work and NOT the life of the author. Follow MLA guidelines for your essay. If you are not familiar with MLA guidelines, the Reference Desk at almost any library will have them, or you may purchase a copy of the latest version at the bookstore or online book seller of your choice. Do make sure your copy is current. Citing online research is tricky. Make certain to print everything concerning any online source you plan to use. It may not be available or easy to find later. Your total number of sources (online and print) must be at least three, excluding the primary text. Avoid such websites as Wikipedia and Sparknotes in favor of scholarly sources. Use Galileo to find scholarly articles.