Follow the social policy below to complete assignment.
The social problem Addressed in the policy
Racial inequality is the social problem identified in the policy. Men are the mainly impacted individuals. The African American population has been treated in the society as the second-class citizens for many years. The African American boys tend to be the most vulnerable. They are not exposed to positive influences and mostly tend to struggle their way through life and injustices to avoid sinking. African Americans as well do not have developments regarding income, wealth, education, family structure as well as other aspects. Slavery was as well linked to African origin (Loury, 2021).
Regarding racial inequality, social workers are expected to know how discrimination tends to have deleterious impacts on the targeted groups, people, families as well as communities. Social workers are expected to promote social justice and social change on behalf of the client. Social workers are expected to make sure that access to the required data, services and resources, opportunity equality as well as meaningful participation in decision making for all persons regardless of their race. The policy not only addresses discrimination regarding race rather it majors on reducing discrimination based on race, color, sex, gender reassignment, disability, marriage, pregnancy, religion, sex as well as nation origin.
Populations impacted by the Problem
Racial discrimination among the blacks is because of self-interest which is the main cause of racist beliefs. People from Africa were viewed to be less of human and thus they were treated as slaves in the lands to grow tobacco, sugar as well as cotton. Science tends to justify some racist beliefs such as mixed raced kids tend to have more health problems as well as shorter life spans. The media tens to keep the racial stereotypes alive which tend to fuel racism. For instance, the black people are represented in news stories on poverty. The black people are overrepresented as perpetrators of violent crime. The Equality Act 2010 is a law that protects against discrimination. It protects the black people from discrimination in the workplace as well as in the society. It assists them to understand if there have been treated unlawfully. It protects people from unfair treatment and maintains a fair as well as equal society. This tends to advance equality of opportunity for all which aids in fostering good relations (Equality and Human Rights Commission, 2020).
Summary of the Excerpt from the Policy
The excerpt aided in identifying the state of racial inequality in the United States. The excerpt identified the various techniques in which inequality exists as well as the various contexts that the inequality takes place. Some of the outlines racial disparities that exist include wealth, poverty rate, educational chances, unemployment rates, bankruptcy, housing pattern as well as crime levels. The excerpt as well describes the former ways in which racial inequality was identified as well as the actions taken to deal with the issue. This aids in identifying the gaps that exist in the ways to deal with the issue. However, the excerpt does not describe the various methods that can be implemented to reduce racial disparities. Basically, we are not aware of the potential punishment for those found guilty of discriminating others.
A racial inequality policy should contain the types of discrimination that it is protecting; the punishment if found guilty of being discrimination and the benefits of practicing racial equality in the society.
social policysocial work
Submit a 3- to 5-page paper, addressing the following:
· Issue Statement: Create a 1-paragraph issue statement that hooks your audience and concisely communicates the imperative to address your selected social problem. Include the following:
· In 1 paragraph, define your social problem and the population impacted by it.
· In 1–2 paragraphs, explain your critical reasons for why the public and decision makers, as well as social workers, need to advocate for change.
· In 1–2 paragraphs, describe what happens in communities if your goal to alleviate the problem is realized.
· Policy Review: Summarize your selected policy, its relationships to the social problem, and the expected results. Then address the following:
· Is your selected policy dictated by local or state statute—or a combination thereof?
· How does the policy address your issue statement? Or what is missing?
· What are the different sections, or components, of the policy?
· How long has the current policy been in place?
· Who supports and who opposes the policy?
· What changes, or amendments, have been made to the policy?
· Explain how this policy affects clients you might see in a clinical setting and why, as a clinical social worker, it would be important to advocate for change.