A little bit of information I was able to find.
Education Reform is a topic that has been lingering in government and in the education system for over a quarter of a century.
Is the current education system in the United States sufficient? Dealing with the current education system in the United States, have efforts for change improved the quality of education. If not, what changes are still to be made to improve the system?
Education Reform Talk
Education reform is the process of reforming the educational system in the United States due to the failing current educational system. Being a major topic in electoral debates and campaigns the issue of educational reform has been a challenge for more than 25 years. This issue began with the U.S. Department of Education’s “A Nation at Risk” report in 1983 shedding light on the rising education disparities.
Since this issue was brought to light in 1983 there was not much done to fix these issues. The article inspired the thoughts of a very ambitious education reform that would surpass anything the country has seen. But it wasn’t until the birth of the No Child Left Behind Act that any major changes occurred. With help from Bill Clinton, the act was signed by George Bush in 2002. The Act is supposed to encourage more performance-based testing and hold teachers accountable for performance.
Problems With No Child Left Behind
Many feel that the implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act has hurt students more than it has helped. The state standardized tests, as required by the act, have put a strain on the quality of education that students receive. The test has required more teachers to spend the majority of the year teaching towards the preparation of a test.
This helped to improve mathematics skills and vocabulary from an applicable standpoint, but decreased the social learning and understanding of life that is supposed to come with the knowledge. Since this is a math and reading-focused test, many students lose out in their learning of history and the arts, which is paramount to socially excel in this culturally diverse nation.
U.S. Education Compared to other Nations
American students attend school 180 days a year, compared to a 195-day school year in Germany and 200 plus days in many Asian countries. Students in the United States receive about 2 hours of homework a night and usually do not receive added weight from parents or teachers, or receive extra learning such as tutoring. Because of this, I always try to
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Some education leaders, like Japan and India, put heavy emphasis on after-school tutoring and extra learning.
In addition, American students spend about 6 and a half hours in school a day, while countries like Sweden and Denmark are pushing close to 50 hours a week in the classroom. This may be the reason as to why, out of the 30 countries that make up the Organization for Economic and Cooperation Development (OECD), American students average scores in science were lower than 16 other countries and lower than 23 other countries in math.
Suggested Reform Approaches
To begin addressing the issues, law makers should start by taking notice to factors and concerns that they have in come with other nations. Studies have shown in the Market Education that understanding educational needs are most important in determining routes to pursue. Public opinion research from around the world has shown that parents agree on the importance of general academic subjects. As a reminder, when
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Another major world concern is children’s preparation for the work force once they have completed school. Using basic premises, law makers should consider looking at avenues taken by their fellow OECD members who have surpassed the U.S. in education.
U.S. Education Failing Behind those of other Countries
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