Is Breakfast Really the Most Important Meal of the Day?
Name ____________________
Needs Work
1 pts
2 pts
3 pts
4 pts
Topic Sentence
The topic sentence does not state what is being argued, and there is no clear stand taken. •Lacking a concluding sentence or current one does not close the paragraph
The topic sentence states the topic being argued, but it may not take a clear stand. Concluding sentence exists but does not tie into topic
The topic sentence is fairly well developed. But it is not very engaging or creative. Concluding sentence ties back into topic sentence/
Very well developed topic sentence. It engages the reader and creates interest. It clearly states the topic being argued and takes a stand. • There is a concluding sentence that gives the reader something to think about
Supported by Details and Examples.
Reasons for the argument are not stated, or there are obvious fallacies that contradict the details and examples. Perhaps the argument is an unsupported rant.
Reasons for the argument are stated, but there are few concrete and specific details or examples to support the argument adequately or logically.
Reasons for the argument are stated and there are enough details and examples to support the argument adequately and logically.
Reasons for the argument are clearly stated, and there are enough details to support the argument effectively and thoroughly. Concrete and specific examples are presented that effectively support and strengthen the argument.
No discernible organization. Reasons are either missing or not in any discernible order. They do not support the argument or there are obvious fallacies in the proposed logic.
Reasons are in a discernible order, but there are not enough to effectively support the argument.
Reasons are in a clear, effective order and they adequately support the argument.
Reasons are effectively supported by details and examples that are presented in a very effective order that enhances and strengthens the argument.
Citation Use
No References Page. No citations indicated.
References page is included, but does not conform to APA style. Fewer than three citations are included.
Proper References page is included; fewer than three citations are included or they do not conform to APA style.
Proper APA style References page is included; at least three citations are included using correct APA style
Style: sentence flow, tone, and
Writing is confusing and hard to follow. Contains fragments and/or run-on sentences. The tone and purpose is inconsistent and difficult to determine. Transitions are either missing or inappropriate.
Writing is clear, but sentences may lack variety. The tone is inconsistent and word choice, while adequate, could be better. While transitions are present they do not add to the overall effectiveness of the paragraph.
Writing is clear and sentences have varied structure. There is consistent tone and word choice is appropriate with fairly good use of transitions to guide the reader.
Writing is smooth, skillful, and coherent. Sentences are strong and expressive with varied structure. Consistent and appropriate tone and word choice is used throughout the paragraph. Transitions are appropriate and add to the effectiveness of the paragraph.
Distracting and major errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization.
Few errors in punctuation, grammar, spelling, and capitalization. While distracting, the meaning and intent of the paragraph can still be discerned.
Few minor errors in punctuation, spelling, grammar, which do not detract from the overall meaning and effectiveness of the paragraph.
No errors in punctuation, spelling, grammar, or capitalization.