- Introduction Please review the guidelines appended carefully for the paper which is to be posted individually Section A: Administrative guidelines The following administrative guidelines relate to the submission of the Term paper: The completed assignment shall be submitted as a Word document with Times New Romans font, size 12 with a one-inch margin. (a) The assignment is expected to be about 10 to 12 pages (excluding the cover page). The cover page shall indicate the names and the title of the Term paper (b) All references shall be formatted in accordance with APA standards (6th edition) (c) The Term paper shall comprise the following specific sections and sub sections. Note the recommended page length for different sections:1. Introduction and background information a. Contextual information b. Scope 2. Rationale and significance a. Rationale b. Significance 3. Key questions to be addressed a. Question #1 b. Question #2 c. Question #3 4. Findings and Analysis (4 to 6 pages) a. Findings: Question #1 b. Findings: Question #2 c. Findings: Question #3 5. Recommendations (4 to 6 pages) a. Recommendations: Question #1 b. Recommendations: Question #2 c. Recommendations: Question #3 6. Conclusion (1/5 page) References Tables/figures Section B: Expected content quality guidelinesYou should carefully review specific tips and expected content for the different sections 1. Introduction and Background information (1 page) a. Contextual information · Key facts about the company (history, parent country, founder, mission statement) · Industry and nature of the industry (retail, manufacturing, automobiles), · International footprints (number of locations overall and in host country) b. Scope · Focus area. corporate social responsibilities etc. E.g. this paper focuses on the business opportunities and risks associated with… o Repositioning Nike’s image in Corporate social responsibilities and specifically towards workers in designated factories in host country, its community and the environment 2.Rationale and significance (1/2 page) a. Rationale. This topic is of specific interest because … · It needs to reposition itself as a socially responsible company given the series of CSR failures in recent times b. Significance. E.g. This is a matter of specific concerns to management because…. 3. Key questions/issues to be answered (1 page) a. Question #1 (What/why) · E.g. What are key lessons learned from past episodes of CSR failures in India? To address this question, this paper will examine lessons related to gaps in working conditions in approved factories, pay discrimination as well as community relationships etc. b. Question #2 (How?) · E.g. How could Nike change its CSR image in India? o To address this question, this paper will examine how Nike’s CSR policy could be applied and enforced in approved factories in India c. Question/Issue #3 (How then?) 4. Findings and Analysis (4 to 6 pages) a. This is where you demonstrate your understanding of the key theories and concepts in evaluating/discussing the 3 questions identified by reviewing relevant data collected. b. For example, for Question #2, you could discuss the following · based on data collected. · Porter’s Diamond model (factors, demands, supporting industries, alignment with firm’s strategy and culture etc. and analyze data collectedo Economic indicators, GDP per capita, GNI, Growth rate, inflation rate, Foreign exchange, PPP index o Corruption perception index, FDI risk index, environmental standards, Trade Law and tariffs, Corporate tax rate, Trade Agreements and specific areas · Hofstede’s 5 dimension of national differences in culture (individualism, risk avoidance, muscularity, time orientation, power distance) and analyze data collectedo Individualism scores between customers of home and host country and impact on product strategy o Power distance between managers of home and host country and impact on management styles to be adopted at the host country o Perception of Muscularity between customers in home and host country and impact on promotion strategy · Corporate Social Responsibilities (employees, community and environment) and extent in which conditions in host country did not meet the CSR policy established by home country HQ o Labor laws, legal versus actual wages paido Number of approved factories o Number of reported cases of CSR violations reported by media c. Key sources of information or articles to be cited · Globaledge.msu.edu. · WTO website. World Bank, OECD, UNCTAD · US Department of Commerce, journal articles, books etc. 5. Recommendations (4 to 6 pages) a. Recommendations (how should the company address the issue) · Specific recommendations to address Question #1. For example o To tap this underserved customer segment in this market, it is recommended that ………. . specifically, this means conducting market research in targeted cities · Specific recommendations to address Question #2. For example o To capitalize on this government incentives and push for environmentally friendly cars, it is recommended that the company ….………. . Specifically, this involves ….. · Specific recommendations to address Question #3. For example o To ensure that the joint venture partnership work successfully, the company should consider implementing several controls to track performance, customer feedback etc. specifically this means….….………. 6. Conclusion a. Summary of key findings and recommendations References This should be in accordance with APA format (6th edition). See examples of citations for different sources of information. General motors corp Annual/10K report (2010). (). ANN ARBOR: ProQuest Annual Reports. Retrieved fromhttp://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.library.berkeley.org/docview/190640855?accountid=38129 Gupta, M. (2012). Corporate social responsibility in the global apparel industry: An exploration of indian manufacturers’ perceptions (Order No. 3525764). Available from ABI/INFORM Collection. (1039154386). Retrieved fromhttp://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.library.berkeley.org/docview/1039154386?accountid=38129 Hybrid cars: What’s really motivating automakers to build electric cars? (2016). Chatham: Newstex. Retrieved fromhttp://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.library.berkeley.org/docview/1826009227?accountid=38129 Intellinews – africa daily. (2012). (). Beverly: Emerging Markets Direct Media Holdings, LLC. Retrieved fromhttp://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.library.berkeley.org/docview/1022481884?accountid=38129
Tokatli, N. (2008). Global sourcing: Insights from the global clothing industry–the case of zara, a fast fashion retailer. Journal of Economic Geography, 8(1), 21-38. doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy.library.berkeley.org/10…. Skapinker, M. (2003, Jan 15). Empires of ignorance: Companies should look to history for lessons in how to operate in foreign cultures. Financial Times Retrieved fromhttp://search.proquest.