20180628233847_smallscalequalitativeprojectwrite_uptemplate 20180628233840_interviewguidetemplate x20180628233908transcriptandcodingtemplate x20180628233859smallscaleresearchprojectoverview
interviewees (two or more), and how you will gain access to your participants and (b) a brief rationale for why you have chosen this topic and detailed information identifying why the interviewees are appropriate. Also preparing an interview by completing the Interview Guide Template, which models similar activities that you will have to complete if you are doing a qualitative research. this must included Primary Business Research Phenomenon, Research Question, Primary Research Goal(s),Initial Probe Questions, Targeted Interview Questions, Targeted Follow-up Questions, Wrap-up Question. The next step would be to code the transcriptions and identify themes. This will require completing the Transcript and Coding Template for both interviews. this includes the following: the research questions for these interviews, A list of the codes developed from the interview transcripts, A description of thinking or working process, explaining how it was developed with the codes, including any evolution of the coding system, In-text coding for the interviews (This means identify chunks of data [codes]. Then create a list of themes and their descriptions developed from the codes. Keeping the interview transcripts intact, and show where the codes have been applied to the text.) Finally a write up of 5- to 7-page synthesis in which it detail the process and results for the small-scale qualitative research project. With the synthesis, which is complete using the Small-Scale Qualitative Project Write-Up Template. this will included: Background of the Problem, Research Problem, Interview Questions, Data Collection (Interview Transcripts), Data Analysis (Coding and Theme Analysis, Presentation of Findings, Conclusion, References (in APA format)
Small-Scale Qualitative Research Project Write-Up
Doctor of Business Administration
Prospectus – Name of DBA Specialization
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Business Administration
XXXXX University
Student ID: A0000000
Small-Scale Qualitative Research Project Write-Up
Background of the Problem
Type text here. Address the background of the problem here. It will be helpful to review the DBA Doctoral Study Rubric to access specific details regarding this component
Research Problem
Type text here. Present the research problem here. You should use the information presented in the completed DDBA 8303 Small-Scale Qualitative Research Project Interview Guide Template.
Interview Questions
Type text here. Present the interview questions here. These questions were provided in the DDBA 8303 Small-Scale Qualitative Research Project Interview Guide Template.
Data Collection (Interview Transcripts)
Type text here. Remember, only use 20 minutes of transcripts if your interview goes over 20 minutes. Use APA headings for each interviewee (see examples below).
Interviewee 1
Type text here. Type transcription from Interview #1 here. Remember, only use 20 minutes of transcripts if your interview goes over 20 minutes. Use APA headings for each interviewee (as shown here).
Interviewee 2
Type text here. Type transcription from Interview #2 here. Remember, only use 20 minutes of transcripts if your interview goes over 20 minutes. Use APA headings for each interviewee (as shown here)
Data Analysis (Coding and Theme Analysis)
Table X depicts the coding and theme analysis.
Question/Response # |
Interviewee Response/Codes |
Theme |
Q/1 |
As you already know, this interview is part of a larger study to discover whether there is any connection between how well people do in college and the kinds of memories they have of their high school experiences. Would you start by telling me some of your most outstanding memories of your high school? |
1. Physically smaller and younger … subjected me to bullying. 2. Lifelong damaging effects. 3. Theme 3, etc. |
R/1 |
Well, it’s been two years—a |
Presentation of Findings
Theme 1 Title Here
Type text here. Here you would discuss the first theme.
Theme 2 Title Here
Type text here. Here you would discuss the second theme.
Type references here in correct APA format.
� The table used in the Week 5 Assignment can be inserted here. Add additional rows as needed.
� It is helpful to use colored text (red and blue in this case) to identify codes and associated themes.
Small-Scale Qualitative Research Project
Interview Guide Template
What one or two major concepts, ideas, phenomena (potentially related to the effective practice of management, leadership, or other organizational phenomena/problem) would you like to learn about from this interview? That is, what is the primary research phenomenon/problem that you are studying?
Reminder: This Assignment is built on the assumption that you will conduct a 15- to 20-minute interview with each interviewee you identified, so you need to focus, focus, and focus, as 20 minutes will pass extremely quickly!
[Insert primary research topic and question here.]
[Insert primary research goal(s) here….
Example: The purpose of this interview is to explore….]
Begin your interview by establishing a context and by exploring credentials and backgrounds of your interviewee as they relate to the topic under study. This should take less than 5 minutes.
INITIAL PROBE QUESTIONS: (Context, credentials/background, interest and knowledge of topics)
[Insert initial probe questions here.]
A second set of questions should focus more specifically on the topic at hand and should relate back to your primary learning objectives and research questions/phenomenon. These questions can and should relate to “what, who, and how.” This should take up to 10 minutes.
TARGETED INTERVIEW QUESTIONS – (link these to what you intend to learn about the topic)
[Insert targeted concept questions here.]
As you interview, you may find that opportunities arise for follow-up questions. At this point, it is very useful to explore “why” types of questions as well. Try to prepare and anticipate such follow-up questions, but use this template during the interview to take notes as you think of interesting follow-up questions.
[Insert targeted follow-up questions here.]
Finally, as time permits, try for a wrap-up question.
[Insert wrap-up question here.]
Remember, you are targeting a 20-minute interview with each interviewee, and if you get more than 20 minutes of information, you’ll only transcribe 20 minutes.
Now, go to the interviews, have fun, observe both verbal and non-verbal cues, be alert and flexible, and work with what your interviewees are providing. Don’t ask leading questions, and be sure to record the interviews and take notes.
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Small-Scale Qualitative Research Project
Transcript and Coding Template[footnoteRef:1] [1: The Transcript and Coding Template is intended as a guide/template to use for the Week 5 Assignment. Please adjust accordingly. Important: You must fill out this template for each interviewee.]
Research Question: Type research question here.
Question/Response #
Interviewee Response/Codes[footnoteRef:2]
[2: It is helpful to use colored text (red and blue in this case) to identify codes and associated themes. ]
As you already know, this interview is part of a larger study to discover whether there is any connection between how well people do in college and the kinds of memories they have of their high school experiences. Would you start by telling me some of your most outstanding memories of your high school?
1. Physically smaller and younger … subjected me to bullying.
2. Lifelong damaging effects.
3. Theme 3, etc.
Well, it’s been two years—a
long two years
! But I can’t
forget certain things
. I probably won’t as long as I live. For example, I entered the
ninth grade a year younger than average
, so I
got bullied
around quite a bit by the other boys. . .got my
nose bloodied
in gym when I was paired with a guy with about
six inches longer reach
than I had.
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Small-Scale Qualitative Research Project Overview
The primary Assignments for this course (done over multiple weeks) involve the completion of a small-scale qualitative research project, which is intended to walk you through some of the conceptual challenges you will face when doing qualitative research and to help you build skills in doing such research. This series of Assignments focuses on you conducting interviews with at least two individuals and then transcribing the interviews and coding the interview transcriptions into a qualitative research format.
The purpose of this handout is to provide supplemental information to help you successfully complete this series of Assignments.
Elements of Your Study
Selecting Your Small-Scale Project Subject
, you should identify at least two potential interviewees and the topic for your small-scale qualitative research study. Ideally, you would seek to identify individuals who may be related to a general topic that you intend to examine for your Doctoral Study (that is, choose a “purposive sample”).
However, given the short timeframe in which you are to choose a topic and identify your interviewees, you may have to rely on what is termed “convenience sampling.” That is, you could choose a topic and people that will allow you to run through the processes of conducting a good qualitative research interview and write-up, but that have nothing to do with your Doctoral Study—or even business. In other words, you would choose a topic and people that you can access conveniently in order to complete the project in a timely manner.
What is important is that you structure the interviews to talk about an issue of substance and that you choose a topic that you can then analyze and write up. The closer you can get to conducting interviews about a topic related to business, or related directly to your Doctoral Study, the better, but that is not a formal requirement for this series of Assignments.
Once you have chosen your topic and interviewees, post (a) a two-paragraph summary of the process by which you selected your business problem, your interviewees (two or more), and how you will gain access to your participants and (b) a brief rationale for why you have chosen this topic and detailed information identifying why the interviewees are appropriate.
The Interview Guide
, you will prepare for your interview by completing the Interview Guide Template, which models similar activities that you will have to complete if you are doing a qualitative research design for your DBA Doctoral Study.
You will submit your completed Interview Guide Template, which will include the following components:
· Primary Business Research Phenomenon
· Research Question (Level 2)
· Primary Research Goal(s)
· Initial Probe Questions
· Targeted Interview Questions (Level 1)
· Targeted Follow-up Questions
· Wrap-up Question
Conducting the Interviews
you will begin planning the interview process and preparing for your interviews. You will review the Required Media on planning and conducting interviews in preparation for conducting your interviews and submitting your interview transcriptions next week. Remember, your interviews should last 15–20 minutes and must be audio-recorded, since this is the standard for good practice in qualitative research interviews. As a reminder, there is no submission due this week, but you should work to complete your interviews and transcriptions for next week.
Conducting the Interviews
(if you have not already done so), you should conduct the actual interviews. Seek to conduct the interviews in a location that is comfortable and quiet for both you and your interviewees. Bring your prepared Interview Guide Template and a dependable recording device that can accommodate 20 minutes of interview material. Note: This does NOT have to be a tape recorder; you could use a computer, iPhone or other smartphone that has a recording application, or other recording device.
You are required to record the interviews, as that is a baseline practice for effective qualitative research. You should also take notes, however, that would allow you to reconstruct the interviews should your recording fail. This means that you should write down, within quotations, key phrases and important segments so you can reconstruct if need be. You will submit your completed interview transcriptions, which each should include no more than 20 minutes of transcribed material.
Coding of the Interview and Theme Analysis
you will use your completed transcription document, and you will code your transcriptions and identify themes. You will complete and submit the Transcript and Coding Template for both interviews, to include the following components:
· Your research questions for these interviews
· A list of the codes you developed from your interview transcripts
· A description of your thinking or working process, explaining how you developed your codes, including any evolution of your coding system
· In-text coding for your interviews (This means that you are to select and identify chunks of data [codes]. Then create a list of themes and their descriptions developed from the codes. Keep your interview transcripts intact, and show where you have applied the codes to the text.)
Small-Scale Qualitative Research Project Write-Up
Finally, in Week 6, you will write up and submit a 5- to 7-page synthesis in which you detail the process and results for your small-scale qualitative research project. Your synthesis, which you will complete using the Small-Scale Qualitative Project Write-Up Template, should include the following components:
· Background of the Problem
· Research Problem
· Interview Questions
· Data Collection (Interview Transcripts)
· Data Analysis (Coding and Theme Analysis)
· Presentation of Findings
· Conclusion
· References (in APA format)
At the completion of this series of Assignments, you will have a small working model of the process that one undertakes during a qualitative research project! Remember, you worked on just a 20-minute sequence, based on two interviews. When you begin to work on your actual Doctoral Study using qualitative methods (should you use a qualitative or mixed design), the research design will be much more complicated, and you will spend considerable amounts of time preparing for multiple interviews, collecting data from various sources, analyzing and coding large segments of data, and writing up the final results.
Qualitative research is extremely rewarding, but it requires considerable planning and time to execute properly. You now have experience with some of the basic techniques required for successful qualitative research!
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