Paperinstructions x
Writing a report about international human resource management and how a multinational company like Nestle can use those concepts to support its growth strategy in the global market. please read the attached instruction paper carefully for more detail.
Paper general instructions:
– Should be in MS WORD format, use 12 Time New Roman Script
– Use Harvard reference system and citation “strictly” – in text citation an reference at the
– 15 -22 pages / 6000 words
– Plagiarism will be done in Turnitin and the max limit is 10% so be careful and use paraphrasing in case internet sources used.
– No copying or citing from any websites like:
o Etc…
– Use charts, diagrams, drawing, etc to enrich the paper (this is important for enhancing the marks)
Tasks specific instructions:
Assume you are the Head, Human Resources Management for Nestle SA. The Board has informed you of its decision to enter the international market. You, along with the other functional heads, have been asked to strategize for the multinational nature of Nestle SA.
You have been given two weeks to study the various related aspects and submit a report that are likely to influence the organization’s HR strategies in the international scene. The details of the expected project report format is given below links:
The report structure should be as follows:
Table of Content
1. Executive Summary ( 1 page)
[5 marks]
2. Introduction: Provide some background information on Nestle with a special focus on its human resources. (2 pages)
[10 marks]
3. Application of theory into practice:
a. Review of existing HRM practices
i. Critically review the existing HRM practices of Nestle. (2 pages)
[10 marks]
ii. Analyse the importance of HRM and its practices in Nestle with specific focus on how it helps in overcoming business issues/ challenges for better performance. (2 pages)
[10 marks]
b. Review of leadership theories
i. Critically review any two theories of leadership (trait, behavioural, contingency). (1 page)
[5 marks]
Assess the suitability of one of the leadership theories that you have analysed in the context of Nestle’s international plans. The analysis should include a careful consideration and justification of the factors determining the chosen leadership style. (2 pages)
[10 marks]
c. Discuss the behavioural dimensions that would be required in the management of human resources in the new foreign context of Nestle. Specifically, your report should cover the following:
i. Identify some of the key challenges that you are likely to face in the international environment (from a human resources point of view such as understanding human behaviour, identifying employee needs) (1 pages)
[5 marks]
ii. Strategies to attract and recruit local talent (1 pages)
[5 marks]
iii. Integrating cultural differences that results out of your internationalization plans and the organizational plans to respond to these challenges (1 pages)
[5 marks]
iv. Review and critically synthesize the various influences on behaviour in organisations and the interface with management in integrating and balancing these (1 pages)
[5 marks]
d. Analysis of best practices in IHRM. Specifically, you should:
i. Analyse other organizations belonging to similar industry e.g. Unilever, PEPSICO, etc for their international HRM best practices, with a special focus on compensation and performance management of expatriate employees. (2 pages)
[10 marks]
4. Conclusions and Recommendations:
i. Provide recommendations for the change of practices and perspectives required in managing human resources in the change from domestic to multinational set up. (2 pages)
[10 marks]
i. Discuss how this change will impact on the international nature of Nestle (2 pages)
[10 marks]
5. Harvard references