20191101204519irp_data_source x20191101204520irp_template_2018 x
In the Independent Research Project (IRP), students conduct an analysis project using SAS primarily and Excel as needed to analyze real-world data.
- In the first assignment (IRP Research Question and Data Set), you identified the data set you wanted to use, developed a research question, and identified a statistical question that could be answered analytically.
- In this assignment, you will create and submit a business memo (template attached) that clearly communicates your analysis of the data set you identified in the previous assignment. When you submit this draft of your IRP, you will get feedback from your classmates and your instructor. You should use this feedback to improve your IRP.
I have selected the data, and the teacher suggested me to use AR model, I need you use IRP data source to complete IRP Template 2018 . A
Oct 12, 2019
Subject: IRP Research question and Data set
Weather is one of the crucial factors for manufacturing company as well as logistics. It affects traffics, and the risk of having road accidents. However, the current technology can forecast the weather accurately despite that is not 100% accurate sometimes. A logistic company intended to analyse the relationship between rainfall and other factors such as windspeed, humidity, etc.
1. Your research question for your IRP.
Is there a statistically significant correlation between rainfall and windspeed9am, windspeed3pm, humidity9am, humidity3pm, cloud9am, cloud3pm and Rain Today. In other words, whether the rainfall can be agitated by these factors. If so, how strong is the correlation that these factors dealing impact on rainfall?
2. Your statistical question that you hope to answer by analysing the data set you picked.
In order to find out the relationships and correlations between rainfall and other factors, I will use Linear Equations, Summary Statistics, One-way ANOVA, and Correlation Analysis.
a. The dependent variable will be the rainfall.
b. The independent variables are WindSpeed9am, WindSpeed3pm, Humidity9am, Humidity3pm, Cloud9am, Cloud3pm, and Rain Today.
3. The name, source, and a link to your data set. Do not submit your data set at this time.
a. Name: Rain in Australia
b. Source:
c. Link:
4. Conclusion: There are 24 Attributes and 142193 records. However, I will apply 8 attributes for the research question which include rainfall for dependent variables. On the other hand, I will apply WindSpeed9am, WindSpeed3pm, Humidity9am, Humidity3pm, Cloud9am, Cloud3pm, Rain Today for independent variables.
1 November
To: Dr.Lee
Subj: Independent Research Project Report: Analysis
IRP Summary:
Think of this section as an abstract or overview of your research paper. This entire report should be four to six pages, including tables and charts. Try not to exceed ten pages. Everything that you put into this paper should have a purpose and add value to your analysis. In the first paragraph of this section, provide a brief overview of the analytical question you are trying to answer in this analysis. Try to quickly, but effectively answer the who, what, why, when, where questions of your topic and why we should care about the topic.
In the second paragraph of this section, discuss the SAS tools and tasks that you used to complete the analysis, and identify the nature (origins, date, owner – the “meta data”) of the data set you used for analysis.
In the third paragraph of this section, briefly summarize your findings, conclusions, and clearly communicate your recommendation. If the decision maker agrees, they may not read past this section of your report (but your instructor will).
Issue Identification:
In this section, discuss the issue that your analyzing. Consider more deeply the “who, what, why, where, when, and how?” questions as you discuss the issue, going into more detail than you did in the “IRP Summary” section. Make sure you identify the primary issue, not a symptom of your problem or opportunity. This can take some research, and critical thought to arrive at the primary issue.
Issue Analysis:
In the first part of this section, briefly discuss your analysis plan. How do you plan to answer the question you have about your issue? Make sure you clearly identify the question that you are hoping to answer.
Discuss in detail your data, where it came from, how you cleaned it, etc. Provide a table with descriptive statistics from SAS. This is the section that you fill in based on the “IRP Research Question and Data Set” assignment.
In this section, discuss your analysis in detail. Include any relevant tables and charts. Do not change the margins, and make sure all graphics fit on the page and do not break across pages.
In this section, clearly identify the analytical conclusion you have reached after your analysis of the data. Make sure you interpret your findings, parameters, and what you learned from the analysis.
Course of Action Development
In this section, discuss at least three courses of action that could be used to improve a problem or take advantage of the opportunity identified by your analysis. Try to think of different ways to address the issue given the resources. Try to think “out of the box”. Consider expensive and inexpensive solutions, fast or permanent solutions, high quality versus low quality solutions for example.
In this section, discuss your recommendation on how to improve a problem or take advantage of the opportunity identified by your analysis. Defend your recommendation using the results of your analysis, but be brief and clear.