Implement Graph algorithm based on the starter code provided and test your algorithms on multiple graphs.You must implement all the public functions in the starter code. You can (and should) write private functions to support the public functions. Some of the critical functions are:
- Constructors: Graph()
- Destructor: ~Graph()
- Helpers: contains, verticesSize, edgesSize, vertexDegree, getEdgesAsString
- Modifiers: add, connect, disconnect, readFile
- Algorithms: dfs, bfs, dijkstra, mstPrim
Run ./ > output.txt 2>&1 and examine the output.txt file for any issues that need fixing
# shortcut to compile and run the program
rm -f a.out
g++ -g -std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra -Wno-sign-compare *.cpp
#include “graph.h”