20210210164036groupproject556_randy_powerpointsections5and6__2_1.pptx20210210163215jwi_556_team_charter_1196__19_1 x20210210014034jwi_556_assignment_2_11965
I’m studying for my Business class and need an explanation.
10 slides and the team charter template filled
the other templates needed in this are attached as well .. so i expect back a powerpoint file, and the template filled as well
i will also send the assignment 1 which you did in case unahitaji any information from there
Sender notified by
11/02/21, 06:55:25
Empowering Employees for Broad-Based Action
Removing Structural Barriers
Structural barriers such as scheduling or assigned roles must evolve. Having an organized system in place will help the company roll out training initiatives and keep employees energized throughout the process.
Providing Needed Training
Employees must have enough training to seamlessly transition into other roles as the need arises. Often companies provide a limited amount of training prior to the directive but little after. Our goal is to provide ongoing training that encompasses technical, social, and the attitude skills necessary to create a lasting cultural shift.
Aligning Systems to the Vision
HR professionals within the organization will help provide the leadership and vision to align with the new vision of having employees cross-trained and certified to work in multiple departments.
Generating Short-Term Wins (Examples)
50% Certification
* Our first win will be to certify 50% of our workforce within the first month of this initiative.
* We will reward those early adopters by letting them choose their preferred shifts for a week.
New Roles
* The first 10% of employees will be rewarded with incentive pay for hours worked outside of their conventional responsibilities.
* Workers will be motivated to get out of their comfort zone and embrace training.
Leaders Teaching
* The HR team will initiate training, but our short-term goal and win are to have leaders trained to teach our employees within three months.
* We will have an awards dinner for leaders and recognize those who have achieved the highest marks in training with reward certificates. Their accomplishment will be emailed throughout the entire organization and posted on the company website.
JWI 556 Leading Change by Putting People First Team Charter |
Team Contact Information |
Name Phone Time Zone (ex. EST, MST) Availability (ex. Mon – Sat 9PM-11PM) Email Address |
We chose the following HR and Talent Development change initiative for our Group Project:
We close this because…
Team Roles, Ground Rules and Guidelines
What are the general expectations for all members of the team? Please include any assigned roles (meeting organizer, notes taker, etc.).
Expectations for Time Management and Involvement
Address participation, communication with the team, accessibility, and communication tools to be used, etc.
Ensuring Fair and Even Contribution and Collaboration
What strategy will you use to ensure that all team members are contributing and collaborating appropriately? Describe the communication strategy you will use if a team member is not contributing and collaborating effectively. How will the team manage conflicts between team members?
Special Considerations
What do you, as a team, agree will make this team experience different from past team experiences?
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JWMI 556 – Assignment 2 Team Charter Page 2 of 2
JWI 556: Leading Change by Putting People First
Assignment 2
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copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This
course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
556 Assignment 2 (1196) Page 1 of 7
Assignment 2: Group Project, Leading Change in HR Teams
Due: Sunday, Midnight of Week 6 (25% of total course grade)
You are now at the midway point of the final course in the HR concentration of your MBA. In previous
courses, you explored how to attract and retain the top talent (JWI521) and what it takes for HR leaders
to earn a seat at the table (JWI522). Throughout your JWMI journey, you have had opportunities to learn
practices that are critical to building a winning organization. You’re probably bursting with great ideas that
you are anxious to put to work. Hopefully, you have been doing that already in keeping with our “learn it
today, apply it tomorrow” focus.
As you are seeing in this course, large-scale change initiatives take time. They need to be well thought
out, and they need concrete plans – like Kotter’s 8-Step Model – to provide structure and accountability in
order to make the change successful. The group project for this assignment will help you gain insight into
how this applies to leading change in HR teams.
Project Overview
Your instructor will assign you to a group by the beginning of Week 2.
There is a Team Workspace set up in in Blackboard for each group to exchange materials and
post to the group discussions.
The link is located in the main course menu on the left-hand side
of Blackboard. You will find instructions for accessing this in the assignment model in the course.
You will first read the Change Initiatives in HR Leadership and Talent Development document
on your own, and choose a change Initiative you find to be the most interesting/compelling. Then:
o Discuss this idea with your team and colleagues at work to gauge their reactions
o Post your completed Change Initiatives in HR Leadership and Talent Development
Template by in the Group Workspace by Sunday, midnight of Week 3
Your group will then discuss the templates submitted by each member, decide on a team focus
area for the project, and submit a Team Charter identifying your focus areas and agreed-upon
work process by Week 4
During Weeks 5 and 6 your team will draft, review discuss and edit the components of the project.
The final submission is a PowerPoint Presentation created by the group applying Kotter’s
change model to the selected change initiative. This is due by Sunday, midnight of Week 6 and
will be assigned a single grade for all group members.
JWI 556: Leading Change by Putting People First
Assignment 2
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copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This
course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
556 Assignment 2 (1196) Page 2 of 7
Detailed Instructions
1. Prior to your discussions with your group, review the “Change Initiatives in HR Leadership and
Talent Development” document posted in the assignment module in Blackboard. These ideas and
initiatives are taken from current and previous course readings, so they should all be familiar to
you. However, you may want to go back to the sources to remind yourself of the context and
rationale presented by the authors.
2. Select your favorite Change Initiative based on the following criteria:
a. The idea genuinely excites you.
b. It would have a significant positive impact within your team and within your organization if
it could be implemented.
c. There is a realistic opportunity for your team to lead the way in getting this practice off the
3. Each member will gather data to validate their selection using the “Change Initiatives in HR
Leadership and Talent Development Template” posted in the assignment module
in Blackboard.
a. Get feedback from your own team at work or another group of professional associates.
b. Using the template, summarize the feedback as well as industry and economic factors
that could impact the change initiative.
c. Each member will post their completed “Change Initiatives in HR Leadership and
Talent Development Template” in the Group Workspace by Sunday, midnight of
Week 3.
4. Over the next week, discuss your selected Change Initiative with your group.
a. It’s up to your group to decide how to coordinate communication. You may:
i. Use a virtual meeting tool such as WebEx, Zoom, GoToMeeting, Google
Hangout, etc.
ii. Share documents and/or videos via email or through the Team Workspace set up
in Blackboard.
iii. Schedule conference calls.
b. In the group discussions, explain how your chosen Change Initiative would have a
positive impact on your company and industry. Address the evidence you gathered in #3
supporting your position. Present your professional assessment of why this practice is
worth pursuing.
c. Respond to your teammates’ positions by addressing where you have consensus and
where you don’t. Debate, explore, learn from each other, and have fun.
d. As your team engages in discussion, make sure you consider how the insights and
models about the psychology of change covered in the course and used in your first
assignment should be leveraged to support a positive outcome.
JWI 556: Leading Change by Putting People First
Assignment 2
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copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This
course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
556 Assignment 2 (1196) Page 3 of 7
5. As a group, and leveraging the team feedback and data you have shared, narrow the field of
initiatives down to one focus area for the Group Project. Take note of the following:
a. It may be based on a single idea, or it may be a combination of several ideas that work
together as one initiative.
b. It must be non-trivial. In other words, it must be significant enough to warrant the effort to
make the change, and it must have the potential to drive larger enterprise-wide change.
c. The focus must be chosen by group consensus.
d. You must describe a change that can be driven within your immediate teams.
6. Carefully read the instructions for Applying Kotter’s Model to HR Change (below).
a. Discuss these with your group to make sure that everyone is clear on what is required.
b. If additional guidance is needed on any items, reach out to instructor immediately.
c. Decide, as a group, how the workflow will be organized.
i. Which members will own which components?
ii. How and when will drafts be submitted for group review?
iii. What process will be used to finalize edits and prepare the final deliverable for
iv. Remember, everyone must contribute to the assignment, and the grade that is
earned will be applied to all members of the group.
7. Select one member of your group to post your TEAM CHARTER by Sunday, midnight of
Week 4. The Team Charter template can be downloaded from the Assignment Module in
Blackboard. In the template:
a. Identify the Change Initiative your group selected.
b. Complete the fields on workflow and ownership for the group project.
8. Over the next two weeks, work with your group to complete the assignment. Your submission
of the POWERPOINT DECK is due by Sunday, midnight of Week 6. You will select one group
member to submit on behalf of the group.
JWI 556: Leading Change by Putting People First
Assignment 2
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copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This
course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
556 Assignment 2 (1196) Page 4 of 7
Applying Kotter’s Model to HR Change
Working as a group, and leveraging what you have learned about leading change, create an Executive
Level Overview using PowerPoint of your chosen HR Change Initiative leveraging the first six steps of
Kotter’s model as your guide. Your submission must address the following:
1. Establishing a Sense of Urgency
a. What is the current level of urgency around this issue in this team and at your various
b. What is driving the urgency or complacency? Is it a lack of insight into market conditions,
bureaucracy, makeup of the workforce, or something else?
c. What can be done to elevate the sense of urgency? Why do you believe this will be
2. Creating a Guiding Coalition
a. What groups/roles should be involved? There is no need for specific names of
individuals; just focus on groups, their place in the hierarchy, and what functional areas
they impact.
b. Why did your team select these groups/roles? What influence do these people have?
3. Developing a Vision and Strategy
a. Create a vision statement for the change initiative.
b. Explain the future state.
c. Outline the strategy for how this change would be rolled out.
d. What happens if your teams don’t make the change?
4. Communicating the Change Vision
a. What specific tools will work best in your organization(s) to ensure effective
b. Why did you identify these?
c. How will communication within your team be different than communication beyond your
team as you roll out your change initiative?
d. Create a RACI map using the template provided to support and explain your
communication plan.
5. Empowering Employees for Broad-Based Action
a. Identify a minimum of three specific actions that will empower your team members to take
b. How will these be initiated and supported?
6. Generating Short-Term Wins
a. What short-term wins are needed to demonstrate your change initiative is working?
b. When will these happen, and how will they be measured?
c. What rewards and celebrations should be part of recognizing these wins?
JWI 556: Leading Change by Putting People First
Assignment 2
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copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This
course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
556 Assignment 2 (1196) Page 5 of 7
Professional Formatting and Submission Requirements:
Leverage the benefits of the medium to include colors, graphics, charts, and diagrams to create
an engaging presentation. Don’t just fill the slides with text. Make sure the deck is complete and
can stand on its own to address all the required components of the assignment.
References must be included and provide appropriate information that enables the reader to
locate the original source. Application and analysis of course materials and resources is
expected, and additional research is welcome.
Include all data and supporting documents from each group member for step #3, above.
Include a cover slide containing the title of the assignment, the group members’ names, the
professor’s name, the course title, and the date.
The suggested length is 10 slides, excluding a cover slide. You may exceed 10 slides, but be
sure that what you include adds value to your submission and is not redundant.
JWI 556: Leading Change by Putting People First
Assignment 2
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This
course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
556 Assignment 2 (1196) Page 6 of 7
Rubric: Assignment 2
25% of Total
Course Grade
NOTE: Grade Will Be Evaluated Collectively for the Group
Criteria Unsatisfactory Low Pass Pass High Pass Honors
1. Supporting
evidence was
organized, and
clearly presented
in the Change
Weight 15%
evidence and data
are missing,
incomplete, and/or
do not provide a
clear and
connection to
main themes and
key ideas.
All group
submitted basic
evidence and
connections to
main themes
and key ideas
are present, but
in need of further
All group
submitted relevant
evidence and
data, and made
good connections
to support main
themes and key
All group
delivered very
good evidence
and data, and
made excellent,
logical, and clear
connections to
support main
themes and key
All group members
delivered exemplary
evidence and data,
and made clear and
connections to
support main
themes and key
Included additional
relevant research to
add further support.
2. Identification
of, and rationale
for, focus area
and focus area
selection process
in the Team
Weight: 10%
Does not or
identifies the
change focus
area. Rationale for
selection is
missing or
unclear. Missing
or unclear
synopsis of how
group arrived at
final selection of
focus area.
Identifies the
change focus
area. Rationale
for selection is
superficial or
Synopsis of how
group arrived at
final selection of
focus area is
satisfactory, but
lacks detail.
Identification of
the change focus
area is clear and
logical. Rationale
for selection is
and provides
sufficient detail to
understand the
process and the
Very good
description of, and
logic for, the
identification and
rationale of the
change focus
area and the
process used by
the group.
describes the
identification and
rationale of the
change need, the
specific focus
area, and the
process used by
the group.
Includes additional
relevant details on
group meetings,
discussions, and
3. Develops the
change initiative
according to the
first six (6) stages
from Kotter’s
understanding of
practices and
Weight: 35%
Does not or
develops the
change initiative
according to
minimal under-
standing of
change leadership
practices and
develops the
change initiative
in at least 4
stages according
to Kotter’s
Demonstrates a
basic under-
standing of
practices and
develops the
change initiative
in at least 5
stages of Kotter’s
Demonstrates a
good under-
standing of
change leadership
practices and
themes, but lacks
focus on their
application to
leading change in
HR teams.
develops the
change initiative
in all 6 of the
required stages of
Demonstrates a
deep under-
standing of
change leadership
practices and
themes and their
application to
leading change in
HR teams.
Meets all criteria of
HP, plus includes
additional relevant
insights and
supports to connect
the HR team change
to a larger divisional
or company-wide
JWI 556: Leading Change by Putting People First
Assignment 2
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This
course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.
556 Assignment 2 (1196) Page 7 of 7
25% of Total
Course Grade
NOTE: Grade Will Be Evaluated Collectively for the Group
Criteria Unsatisfactory Low Pass Pass High Pass Honors
4. Addresses best
practices, key
actions, and open
issues that are
critical in keeping
a “people first”
focus during the
change initiative.
Weight: 30%
Does not or
addresses critical
actions and issues
in 3 or more of
Kotter’s stages.
Does maintain a
“people first” focus
critical actions
and issues in at
least 4 of
Kotter’s stages.
“People first”
focus is present,
but unclearly
developed or
poorly connected
to the HR
change focus
Addresses critical
actions and
issues in at least
5 of Kotter’s
“People first”
focus is present
and connected to
the HR change
Addresses critical
actions and
issues in all 6 of
the required
stages of Kotter’s
“People first”
focus is well-
developed and
with a clear and
direct connection
to the HR change
Meets all criteria of
HP, plus includes
additional relevant
research, tools, and
insights to elevate
the role of HR as a
change leader.
5. The submitted
work PPT is a
team effort and is
includes in-text
references, and is
free from
Weight: 10%
formatted. May
not include cover
slide and
headings, and/or
lacks professional
layout, font, or
References are
not consistently
cited in text,
and/or not
included in a
manner that
enables the
reader to quickly
identify sources.
There are
mechanical and/or
usage errors.
Meets minimum
May not include
a cover slide
and/or lacks
layout, font, or
References are
not consistently
cited in text or
not included in a
manner that
enables the
reader to quickly
identify sources.
There are some
mechanical or
usage errors.
Includes a cover
slide and
headings, but may
have minor font
and layout issues.
References may
not be
consistently cited
in text, or may not
be included in a
manner that
enables the
reader to quickly
identify sources.
There may be
minor mechanical
or usage errors.
Includes a cover
slide and
headings, and is
free from font and
layout issues.
All references are
consistently cited
in text, and are
included in a
manner that
enables the
reader to quickly
identify sources.
There are no
mechanical or
usage errors.
Exceptionally well-
formatted. Highly
professional in look
and easy to quickly
locate information.
Includes a cover
slide, headings,
professional font,
and layout.
All references are
consistently cited
in the text, and are
included in a
manner that
enables the reader
to quickly identify
There are no
mechanical or
usage errors.