Week 2: Core Argument Structures
Identifying the Rhetorical Situation
Assignment Sheet and Grading Rubric
Step 1: Choose an argument that you have previously written or that you are currently drafting. You need to
describe the context of your previous argument; Consider questions like What class did you write it for? How
long was the argument? What were your main points? Evaluating what you now know about rhetorical appeals,
can you identify any in the original draft? Was your argument effective? Who was your audience? Supporting
your answer with specific examples from the original text.
Step 2: Revise the argument with explicit focus on increasing its appeals to logos, ethos, pathos, and kairos via
audience-based reasons and other strategies. Consider especially how you might improve ethos by building
bridges to the audience or improve pathos through concrete language, specific examples, metaphors, or
connotations of words. Finally, consider the extent to which your reasons are audience-based.
You do not need to rewrite and resubmit your original argument/essay/paper. What this assignment is asking
you to do is critically evaluate a piece of writing you’ve previously completed and consider areas that could be
made stronger. Your reflection does not need to be in essay format but should include an original title and can
be divided into two sections as follows:
Step 1) Argument Identification
Step 2) Argument Evaluation and Innovation
This journal reflection does not require citations but should be formatted according to MLA formatting criteria
and meet a minimum word count of 750.
Adapted from p. 82 exercise from Writing Arguments: A Rhetoric with Readings 11e
Criteria Below Expectation
Meeting Expectations
Nuts and Bolts
Did student fully complete the journal activity and assignment reflection meeting a
minimum length of 750 words? Did students submit in an acceptable word or
x format?
__/ 5
Did students create an original title following assignment criteria? Did students follow
formatting instructions for journal reflection as divided by section headings?
__/ 5
Did students adequately developed and explain ideas? Are argument evaluations
supported by specific examples from the student’s original text?
__/ 5
Does the student establish context for the original text? Does the student clearly
identify the components of the rhetorical situation and explicitly name rhetorical
appeals? Does the student explicitly consider the relationship between audience and
__/ 5
MLA Citation
and Formatting
Times New Roman 12-point font, 1-inch margins, double-spaced, MLA heading,
header (last name and page numbers in upper right corner)
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