It must include
- an explanation of the populations and communities.
- the differences between living and non-living; identifying and stating the characteristics of living.
800 words in APA format
The ability to reproduce is a
very important property of life.
Living things that cannot
reproduce will slowly
disappear from the life map
and become extinct. Several
factors can prevent living
things from being a successful
breeder; however, this will not
be covered at this time.
Reproduction takes place at all
levels of the organization
when a single cell can reproduce a multicellular organism
also can reproduce. The cells result of reproduction usually
resembles its parent if not identical in some cases.
The mechanism of reproduction can be one of several
Living things can reproduce sexually; this means male
and female organisms to produce sperm and egg, after
the sperm fertilizes the egg a new organism has been
Different organisms reproduce via asexual reproduction;
this does not require sperm and egg or fertilization at
the correct conditions a new organism will bud out from
the parent such as the Hydra.
The third mechanism can be seen in bacteria when one
cell is duplicated into two daughter cells.
For any of these mechanisms and any living organism’s
condition, the environment must be good for reproduction
for the offspring to survive.
Growth & Development
Growth means an increase in the size and the number of
cells, the human body starts after fertilization as one cell
that undergoes mitosis and continues to increase in
numbers. After birth this continues and results in building
different organs and structures developed to reach their
functional level, DNA controls the degree and level of
growth and development.
The stages of development are also different from one
species to another in some animals they can reach the fully
developed organism in weeks or months for others will
require years. Any delays in the growth will result in delays
in development, which can be very harmful to the organism.
Movement is another property of living things, this
movement can result from the movement at the cell level in
which the cell will move substances and material across the
plasma membrane in and out, the next level can be
detected at the organ level the heart pushes blood out, the
small intestate continues to move digested materials and
skeletal muscles move the hall body as one unit. These
movements come via precise control and coordination.
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Life on Earth
Life on earth is composed of
many different structures. The
goal of science is to explain
and identify all the
components. Biology is the
branch of science that aims to
explain life by identifying all
living things, differentiates
between them, recognize their
interactions with each other’s
and with their environments.
Biology recognizes certain
properties of life. These properties distinguish living from
non-living; only living things have these properties and they
growth and development
The pattern of organization is very important for all living
things to maintain their life. The organization is seen in all
life forms whether the organism is composed of trillions of
cells or it is just a single cell organism. The level of
organization is essential for functions because any changes
in the structure will result in a loss of the function.
Looking at the lowest level of an organization starts with
elements in which different atoms such as carbon,
hydrogen, and oxygen start to organize into molecules such
as water, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids, the building
process continues when those molecules get organized into
defined structures known as organelles each of them will
have a unique structure and specialized functions.
Organelles make up the next level as they become
organized into one unit called the cell. The cell represents
the basic unit of life as they may exit alone and have all the
properties of life, but they start to group and specialized
into four major tissues, the epithelium, connective, muscular
and nervous tissue. When tissues are organized and
attached according to genetically preset codes and ratios
that result in what is known as an organ, different organs
will be built each with a unique function such as the heart,
stomach, and lung, which then organized into a system
where each system is composed of several organs all of
their function complies as one unit, and finally, several
systems such as the respiratory, digestive, nervous and
lymphatic systems make up one organism.
The organization does not stop at organism, it continues
when a group of organism lived together and depends in
each other forming what known as a population, several
populations usually lived closed and interact with other
creating one community. All the communities in one
geographical area as they interact with non-living things
such as water and mountains will establish a higher level of
an organization called an ecosystem.
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Energy and Life
Energy is defined as the ability
to do work; all living things
require some level of energy
to keep them alive. The source
of energy is from the sun as
we are part of the solar
system. Living things have
different abilities in using this
energy in what is known as
metabolism activity. This
represents a sum of all
chemical reactions that take
place in living organisms and
result in the energy process. This energy can be used for all
different activities including growth, movements, and
Metabolism is composed of catabolic and anabolic reactions.
Catabolic means the breakdown of macromolecules into
basic building blocks. Anabolic means using the materials
that resulted from the breakdown to rebuild the new
Living things are divided regarding metabolism into different
. Autotroph – represents those organisms that can
produce their own food, because; they have the ability
to perform photosynthesis capturing the sunlight and
converted into stored chemical energy in food.
2. Heterotroph – organisms that can’t make photosynthesis
and depend on produced foods.
3. Decomposers – the last group that is responsible to
recycle all the materials.
The energy level is conserved between these three levels of
living organisms.
Homeostasis is a very
important concept of life, this
means staying within a level
of constant (staying the
same). Living things are part
of the ecosystem and that
means they have some kind of
interactions and changes, they
will never stay exact at all
times. This mechanism allows
them to adjust and come back
to the previous point. The
changes represent internal
and external causes that if not correct will cause harm to
the organs.
Homeostasis is a mechanism that has several components
to be functional.
First, it required a cause which is called a stimulation such
as a temperature or level of glucose in the blood, this has to
be detected by receptors and reported to a control center in
the nervous system where the information will be processed
and a design will be established and the order is carried to
target or effectors how will respond and make the
adjustments such as sweating.
Let us look at the example of temperature. If you stand
outdoors and the weather temperature is 105, heat will start
to go into your body if this continues your internal
temperature will be equal to the environment, this does not
happen because receptors in your skin detect this and
report to the hypothalamus, the hypothalamus sends orders
to targets, as a result, you will notice increase heart rate,
increase respiration, increase urination, and sweating this
will keep your body temperature the same. This is known as
the negative feedback loop, homeostasis also uses a
positive feedback loop in some conditions such as childbirth.
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Since living things are part of an
ecosystem and all the things that
construct it, they are affected by
everything in that system. Weather and
other living organisms could affect living
Successful organisms will manage to
make the required changes and
modifications that allow them to meet the current
conditions. The changes are triggered by modification in the
genetic inheritance to survive. If we look at the organism
that adapted to the condition we will find some differences
from the original population, and the one the adopted would
be the fit.
Reviewing the literature, we have many theories that try to
explain adaption and the way organisms evolve. The natural
selection theory provides some explanations, other theories
use fossils, comparative anatomy, and finally DNA studies to
trace and recognize evolutions.
When we survey living things we find a massive number of
different things, they have so many similarities and some
differences among them. Scientists were looking for a
system that will allow them to group and classify all those
living things and avoid confusion and conflicts among living
things. Taxonomy was the science that solves this problem.
Taxonomy recognized and identified living things and placed
them in groups from the most to the least level. At each
level, the groups have similarities among them. This was
very useful because of the great number of different
Taxonomy starts by identifying the Domains as the most
inclusive level. Three domains were identified and they are:
. Bacteria: contain microscopic unicellular prokaryotes
2. Archaea: bacteria that look like unicellular bacteria
3. Eukaryote: includes most of the known living organisms
in which they are further organized into kingdoms.
Five kingdoms are recognized as the Monera, Protista, Fungi,
Plantae, and Animalia. Each kingdom is then grouped into
different phylum’s and each of them is broken into several
classes. Each class contains different orders and each order
has several families, and family into genus and finally each
genus have several species.
The Scientific Method
The processes of science
come via a mechanism that
builds knowledge utilizing the
scientific method. This
mechanism starts from just an
observation and leads to a
theory or a law.
Observation is the first step
when a researcher noticed a
condition that he cannot
explain or understand. This
will trigger the process in which he will start to investigate
the conditions. The investigation starts reviewing the
previous data and literature to see if this observation was
addressed earlier in the literature and will help him in the
formulation of his research questions or what is known as
the hypothesis.
After proposing the research questions the research will
design an experiment to test the questions. At the end of
the experiment the data and results will be collected and
references about the questions, which lead him to reject,
some hypothesizes and accept the others.
The final stage would be to conclude the observation, this
conclusion will explain them, and several conclusions
usually will create a theory. When the theories reach more
acceptance via more scientific evidence then it will be
known as a law.
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