I learnt that wicked problem is difficult to solve because of its complex independencies. It is interlinked with other problems. It creates other problems, such as inequality. In addition, poverty is a biggest issue in front of overall world. It is also depend on the economy of the country. However, poverty is interlinked with other things, such as hunger, homeless, education, and health. Poverty affects the social life and it is a social issue in front of most of the countries.
I learnt about the social issue, which is always in front of all the people, which is poverty. Poverty means people unable to meet basic needs, such as education, clothing, shelter, food, and health. In world, 815 million people are food insecure because of poverty. According to many surveys, 25 percent of children are stunted in world and because of lack of food 8 million dies in whole world (, 2018).
In present era, more than 1 billion people are not having shelter and because of it, they face physical and psychological problems. Another issue is education because of poverty. Based on educational surveys, 264 million children and youth are unable to join schools. Poverty is also affecting the health, as 400 million people do not have access to essential health services in whole world. Because of lack of money, 6 percent population pushed into poverty because paying for the health services from their pockets (Ana & Coughlan , 2018).
There are ten characteristics of wicked problems in social policy according to Rittel and Webber’s formation in 1973 (Camillus, 2008). These are the characteristics:
- Wicked problem are not having definite formation
- Wicked problems have no stopping rule.
- Solutions to wicked problem are better or worse but not true-or-false
- Each wicked problem is unique itself and it is no ultimate test for solutions
- Every solution to a wicked problem is counted significantly
- Wicked problem do not have an enumerable
- Every wicked problem can be considered to be symptoms of another problem
- Wicked problem have more than one explanation
- The existence of a discrepancy representing a wicked problem can be described by various ways
- The social planner has no right to be wrong (planner are responsible for their actions consequences)
I learnt from all that characteristics that wicked problem is not having a proper solution but they can reduce by proper actions on selected issues. It is observed that all the wicked problems are interlinked and if we solve one problem then it creates new one, therefore, balancing is so necessary to solve a wicked problem.
I learnt that poverty is a huge problem in front of world especially in developing countries, such as Ghana, and many more. Those people wants basic needs, such as food, shelter, educations, and health services to live properly. According to (Ana & Coughlan , 2018), wicked problem is difficult to solve but it can be reduces or balanced with proper and effective actions of government and other agencies. Poverty can be reduced by generating jobs and other works in rural areas. Therefore, they can earn money and acquire basic services, such as food, education, health, and shelter.
Assessment Task One Requirements
I leant that because of climate change many things are happened with environment, such as flood, bad weather conditions, and many more. I learnt that after flood and earthquakes are happened, people are helpless and they did not have basic facilities, as they lost all things in the crisis. However, government and international organisations are helping them to meet with basic facilities, such as food, shelter and other services ( Guy Peters , 2017).
I leant that wicked problems are near to impossible because they are increase day by day and there is no proper monitoring and controlling on those issues. Poverty is increasing day by day and it affects the other things, such as hunger, homeless, education, and health.
I leant that poverty is a social issues and it affects different things, such as economy, environment, and many other things. It is not justify that government leave this problem and consider only few things. Wicked problem is not resolve after unlimited efforts by people because it has a big and unique problem. It is difficult to identify solutions of the problem but it can be decrease using few methodologies.
However, Poverty is a social issue in front of whole world. People are not social because of fewer resources, such as food, education, health, and shelter. A hungry person is ready to do anything, which is legal or illegal because of food. Education is also necessary to make people social. Education is base of many things and poverty is blocking education in people (Peters & Pierre, 2014).
I learnt that wicked problem is most difficult thing in world and poverty is interlinked with many things. A person cannot do anything without money. In addition, because of less jobs and works, people cannot earn money. Education is also affecting the level of poverty. Lack of education is also a reason of poverty. They cannot get job because of lack of education. Because of poverty, they cannot get proper education.
I leant about the competing values framework and it is a useful application to handle or resolve a problem at level. Poverty is multidisciplinary and multifaceted. However, global poverty is measured base on the incomes and expenditure. Competing Values Framework (CVF) is having four parts, which are collaborate, create, complete, and control.
It has four directions to solve a problem, which are internal, external, flexible, and focused. All are used to consider different approaches to mitigate the problem. In collaborate (CLAN), long-term development plans are created to solve a wicked problem, such as education, health and other things. In create (adhocracy); sudden action is required in few cases, such as flood, bad weather conditions. As an example, Rohingya crisis is required fast action.
Characteristics of Wicked Problems in Social Policy
Furthermore, in complete (Market), short-term goals are considered to reduce problem. It provides fast results and overcome the effects of the problem. In control (hierarchy), incremental goals are sets to overcome issue. It considered precautions for the problem. In case of poverty, CVF is useful to reduce or overcome the impacts of poverty at country level and international level ( Kolko , 2012).
I leant that there are many implication and interplay are identified to competing values in the wicked problem. Poverty is attached with the many things, therefore, it require more concentration to overcome it. It requires short-terms, long-term goals to handle it in a proper way. Many stakeholders are responsible to reduce this social issue and convert it into a normal situation. However, poverty is a long-term issue in front of governments.
Furthermore, poverty cannot remove from the world because of its complex dependencies. World Bank is highly worried about this wicked problem and provides many facilities to the developing countries to overcome global poverty level (Head, 2008).
I learnt that culture is also affecting the wicked problems. Clan culture leadership role is affecting the problem. In long-term missions are helping to resolve the issues. The mentor is a caring and empathetic. This person is provided knowledge about the problem; therefore, people can involve in the problem solving and decision-making. Adhocracy culture is affecting the problem in fast way. Innovator provides different innovation to overcome the wicked problem. Poverty can be resolved by creating jobs and work for poor people. In hierarchy culture, the coordinator is dependable and reliable person. He or she maintains the flow and structure of the work. In market culture, the producer is work-focused and task oriented (Kelloway, Weigand, McKee, & Das, 2013).
Leadership is matter a lot in solving poverty. It is a unique problem in front of whole world. Therefore, everyone support to resolve this problem as soon as possible. There are many potential implications in front of leaders (Day, Fleenor, Atwater, Sturm, & McKee, 2014). To resolve poverty, it requires many things, such as good education, motivation, income, and many others. A leader can provide few things to them but it is affecting the other aspects ( Cherry, 2018).
In addition, Leader can motivate them for education but requires money and time. Therefore, many things to avail for resolve this problem (Clapp-Smith, Vogelgesang, & Avey, 2009). According to many survey, lack of education is a big reason of poverty. World Bank is funding all those countries, which is below the poverty level ( Hoch, Bommer, & Dulebohn, 2016).
Competing Values Framework (CVF)
I learnt that transitional leadership is helpful for educating people and it will help in resolving the poverty. Poverty can overcome with the help of good guidance and income source (Gilley, Dixon, & Gilley, 2008). A leadership approach is change the scenario of the country or area. Lack of innovations and education are the biggest reason of poverty (Bolden, 2016).
A good leader has few good qualities in them, which are as:
- Have a vision in their works
- Provide honest feedback
- Willing to adopt changes
- Priorities in communication
- Ready to handle risks
All these things make a person a good leader. Leaders can change the culture and thoughts of the people, which can helpful to remove poverty at a level. It can be reduce with the help of short-term and long-terms goals of different stakeholders, such as local government, national government, federal government, and international organizations.
It is concluded from the previous parts of this essay that wicked problems are unique and it is difficult to solve them in a proper way. In addition, poverty is a biggest issue in between all the issues in world. Therefore, some changes are requires to overcome this wicked problem at global level. This essay has described about the identification of wicked problem and discussed about the characteristics of wicked problem. Poverty is affected many things, such as education, health, food, and many other things. This essay has explained about the CVF for poverty, which describes about the different phages of CVF and critically analyze it.
Finally, it is concluded that leadership is highly required to overcome the poverty from whole world through different efforts.
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