I was part of a group of 4 other students to write a final paper in Nursing on The Human Touch in the Future of Nursing. This assignment is writing how well we worked together as a group. (See guidelines below) (For reference I felt it was difficult to work with those who are unprofessional and rude. When working under those circumstances motivation is diminished. As RNs it is expected to act in a professional manner. Being condescending and rude does not lend itself to being a good leader) Group Peer Review Assignment Some of the purposes for group assignments: Establish group process Facilitate group process Support one another with a common goal Work collaboratively Individual and group learning. Please share your group experience by responding (individually) to the following questions. You may refer to the first group assignment for group activities and collaborative processes. What did your group do well? What could your group have done better? How did your strengths and weaknesses help or hinder the group work? What did you learn by completing this group project; and what did you learn about: Yourself Your peers The topic The group process Share some advice for the next class who will complete this project. What suggestions do you have for improving this assignment and for application to your future role and practice?