I study journalism in college. I have a assignment that needs to be done. This assignment is related to news majoring. You need good writing and grammar skills. This assignment is important to me. You can not copy the opinions of anyone else from anywhere. You have to do it independently. I will check it.
Read and answer the questions at the end of the pdf.
The assignment is expected to be typed in English, in a 12-point font, double-spaced, at least 300 words long, and free of errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar. Students are expected to present a clear thesis and to construct valid, logical arguments with supporting evidence in responding to the question. Most of the assignment should be written by the student, not just quoting sources. Every written assignment is expected to be original work that the student personally researched and wrote for this course.
• News-Gathering Gone Too Far?
After 13-year-old Milly Dowler
was kidnapped on her way
home from school in southern
England, her parents made des-
perate and tearful pleas for her
safe return. The disappearance
and the parents’ anguish made
headlines throughout British
media. Six months later Milly’s
body was found dumped in the
woods. Years later a nightclub
bouncer was convicted of the
From the beginning, the
horrific crime ranked high for
newsworthiness. In 2011, nine
years after the-disappearance,
it became clear exactly how
aggressively one newspaper,
News of the World, had
pursued the story. It turned
out that reporters at News
of the World had hacked into
Milly Dowler’s voicemail for information and tips. The revelation,
even all those years later, incensed the British public.
But the revelations about the newspaper’s aggressive news-gather-
ing went beyond tasteless invasions of privacy. The newspaper hackers,
when they realized that Milly Dowler’s voicemail box was full, secretly
deleted messages from their remote site. This was during the months
that police, desperate for clues, were checking Millie Dowler’s incom-
ing calls. In their quest for more headlines, the hackers wanted more
messages. Indeed, there were calls, all hoaxes as it turned out, from
weirdos pretending to be the kidnapper.
The phone-hacking. scandal deepened with allegations that News
of the World had also hacked into the phones of families of soldiers
.•. Hacked Off.
When actor Hugh Grant was tipped
that his voice-mail exchanges with
woman-friend Jemina Khan may have
been hacked by News of the World,
he went to court. Ajudge ordered po-
lice to share what they knew so Grant
could decide what to do next legal/y.
Grant is among celebrities involved
with the Hacked Off lobby group
that is campaigning for a rigorous
inquiry into eavesdropping by British
You can’t have a freepress without the
press being free. This means uninhibited
killed in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as members of the royal family,
including Prince William. Politicians and celebrities were hacked. Actor
Hugh Grant claimed phone messages with a woman friend were inter-
cepted. Within months of the revelations, 7,000 people had contacted
attorneys with claims that their phones had been hacked by News of
the World.
For years the newspaper’s titillating and shocking headlines
screamed for reader attention. News of the World, at 2.4 million circu-
lation, was among Britain’s most profitable tabloids. But people were
unaware of how the stories came to be. The presumption was that it
all was good old-fashioned news-gathering, aggressive to be sure,
but hardly to the extent of interfering with police investigations. Or
violating privacy laws. Strict free press advocates argue that the media
should have no limits in pursuing information.
The idea has roots with 17th century thinker John Milton who ar-
gued for uninhibited inquiry: “Let truth and falsehood grapple, whoever
knew truth put to the worse in a free and open encounter.” Traditional
libertarianism, strictly applied, trusts good things to come eventually if
not immediately from the fullest array of information being available
through mass media.
But what of decency? What of mucking up a police investigation?
What of pressing political leaders into favorable policy by suggesting that
embarrassing information gathered by the newspaper would be kept out
of print? It was all tawdry, to say the least.
Under intense pressure from Parliament, Rupert Murdoch acknowl-
edged that his News of the World had gone too far. The admission sur-
prised many people because Murdoch had made his fortune, estimated
at $7.6 billion, with no-holds-barred tabloid newspapers and television
for decades. Others thought the admission was typical Murdoch, who has
a history of elasticity to preserve his media empire. In fact, so threatened
was the empire in Britain that Murdoch fired executives at the newspaper
left and right, some of whom went to jail. Then, under continuing pressure,
including the withdrawal of millions of dollars in advertising accounts, he
shut down News of the World. All the while, Murdoch claimed he had no
idea about the hacking,
Assignment 2
News Gathering Gone Too Far? ..
To what extent do you agree with the claim that “you can’t have a free press withou~ the pr~ss being ..
free” or with the claim that “decency should trump news gathering that has nothing to do with servmg a public
good.” Provide reasons and evidence to support your point of view.