TurkeyPoint is a nuclear power plant in Homestead Florida and recently asked the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission permission to build two more reactors.
Although the utility has not made a final decision on whether they plan to go through
with construction, discuss the following.
• What are some advantages and disadvantages associated with nuclear energy?
• List some concerns given by groups opposed to the building of these new
reactors and cite some responses to those concerns.
• If you had the authority to give a final decision on whether to build the new
reactors, would or wouldn’t you? Give reasons for either decision.
• Write a short essay or paragraph of at least 300 words.
• Use concrete examples/details and avoid generalities.
• Address all questions.
• Use proper grammar and punctuation.
• If you researched your topic and are using information from what you learned, remember to
cite your sources.
• Include at least 2 references in your discussion and cite your sources
• Do not plagiarize.