Answer questions in word doc attached
Assignment 1 will be a brief paper that answers specific questions regarding state government representation, controversial state issues, and legislation. Answer the following prompts:
· I am located in _______ (State of residence). Use Texas or New York
· The governor of my state is ______.
· I am located in State Senatorial district ______; represented by State Senator _________.
· I am located in House district ______; my state Representative is ________.
· I am located in U.S. House district ______; represented by ____________.
· My U.S. Senators are _________ and __________.
· A useful website for understanding government in my state is _______. (Write a brief paragraph describing some of the information that can be explored using this website.)
· A current controversial social policy issue in my state is ______. (Write a brief paragraph explaining why this is a controversial issue.)
· Go to your state homepage and see if you can find a piece of legislation on a topic that interests you. The legislation you select should be a piece of legislation that is either currently being considered by your state legislature or one that has recently become a law. In a short paragraph of 3-6 sentences, answer the following questions:
· What is the name and number of the bill?
· Who is the sponsor of this bill?
· Briefly, in your own words, summarize what this bill is about. Be sure to include a link to a website where additional information on this bill can be found.