Answer discussion questions and reply to classmate post.
Discussion 1 Must use textbook provided for this. Chapter 3-4. 300 words
Discuss the possible physical, personal and interpersonal benefits individuals can gain from knowledge and understanding of their body and how it functions. To accomplish this task read chapters 3 and 4 and answer the following:
· What role, if any does media play in shaping a woman’s self-image regarding the appearance of her genitals?
Be sure to discuss the relatively new cultural phenomenon of shaving or waxing one’s pubic region and/or genital piercings.
· Explain why penis size has historically been so important and how it has affected men’s masculinity and/or self-image. Describe penile augmentation procedures.
· Males tend to be more comfortable with their genitals than females are with their genitals. This in part accounts for the greater rates of masturbation among males than females. What are the underlying reasons for such gender differences? Are they consistent cross-culturally?
Reply 1 100 words
There are many physical, personal, and interpersonal benefits by knowing oneself body. For females knowing one’s physical-self, such as the vulva, labia majora, clitoris, etc this allows for a better understanding of how the body works and be able to know when medical attention is necessary. Knowing the female body will also allow for a better understanding of when to expect menstruation, ovulation, and menopause will occur. I never fully understood the process of my cycle until my early 20’s but knowing how long my individual cycle lasts and the full process helps me better plan for everyday life. The role the media plays in shaping a woman’s self-image can be positive and negative. The media portrays an over-exaggerated perspective about the menstrual cycle for women; further, the phase before menstruation otherwise known as Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) as some may have mood swings (Crooks et al, 33). Apparently, women are more self-conscious of their genitals than men due to the way pornography airbrushes and even removes some inner labia from the film (Crooks et al, 49). Currently, genital alteration consists of things like body piercings for better sexual enhancement or shaving/waxing for the new grooming trend.
Penis size has historically been important as it has been portrayed as a form of masculinity. This goes as far back as slavery, where many thought a larger penis meant more fertile. Some men even define penis size as a crucial trait in defining their worth as a lover (Crooks et al, 96). Penile augmentation procedures exist for many reasons and consist of lengthening the penis, increasing girth, or even both. A surgeon may use ligaments to extend the portion that is typically inside the body to drop down to the exterior, giving an added inch or more. Finally, males tend to be more comfortable than females when it comes to their genitals and/or sexuality largely due to porn. Some males generally masturbate more than females. Such gender differences do not vary as much by gender in countries with greater gender equality.
Crooks, R., Baur, K., & Widman, L. “Our Sexuality”. (2021) Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Reply 2 100 words
(Crooks, 2021) Before the 1990s removing hair was a less common practice among women and was commonly only found on those who were porn stars or exotic dancers. As time has evolved some cultural differences now exist in regards to pubic hair grooming. In the U.S. women are more likely to groom pubic hair unlike women in Korea, who believe pubic hair is a sign of sexual health and fertility. Another alteration we have see become a part of women genital appearance through media play is genital piercings. This practice is a new form of “body art” and has allowed others to self-express their “kinky” side. In the last 30 years more women have had cosmetic surgery to alter the size and shape of their labia minora and breast. These procedures like the labiaplasty help women make their labia smaller or more symmetrical. The increase in pornography viewing may contribute to women’s belief that their genital parts should look differently than they do naturally. (p. 47-49)
(Crooks, 2021) Penis size is attributed to how men define their masculinity or their worth as lovers. This is a common thought as men perception on penis size is from pornography and other media resources. Pornography is a prime example where we see men who have under went cosmetic surgery such as penis augmentation and others have been edited in film making. Although many individuals have undergone this procedure there is no stable evidence or strong results that suggest an impressive change in male genitals. Penis augmentation is thought to be disfiguring and dangerous among many cultures. (p.96-97)
(Crooks, 2021) Men are typically more aroused by sexual sights. Most women display physiological measurable arousals. With this being said men are more likely to be aroused by visual or audio erotica than women. This could indicate why women have more difficulty then men identifying signs of sexual arousal in their bodies. Women, on average, have low correlations between their objective genital responses and their sexual arousal. Therefore the presence of genital arousal may not correspond to sexual desire. (p. 146)
Crooks, R., Baur, K., & Widman, L. (
In Our sexuality (fourteenth, p.47-49, 96-97, 146). essay, Cengage Learning.
Discussion 2 300 words
Review the article:
Sex: The science of Sexual Arousal
from the Monitor on Psychology, a publication of the American Psychological Association (APA) and compare it to our textbook relative to the differences between the sexes in sexual arousal.
· Identify and describe three major differences between the sexes in sexual response.
· How might lack of knowledge or and awareness of these differences influence a couple’s sex life?
According to the article Sex: The Science of Sexual Arousal, when it comes to men and sexual arousal issues, it is believed this is due to their lack of focus. An instance when men were hooked to an electric shock machine and watching an erotic scene, would he be able to maintain the erection or not? The test determined if he could focus on the erotic scene then he could also maintain the erection. If he could not maintain focus, in turn, he would lose the erection (Benson, 2003).
Whereas, for women, it was more difficult to determine sexual dysfunction due to truthfulness. Women were not always truthful about telling their sexual arousal. Men are more visually sexually stimulated so they may be more interested in pornography. In contrast, women are not as visually sexually stimulated so they might not only be uninterested in pornography, but it may actually kill the mood for them. Especially older porn films that are insensitive to women. On the contrary, the textbook, states that sexual arousal can vary depending on a person’s culture and/or religious belief. An example might be some Asian cultures where the spiritual goal is not to achieve climax but to have extended sexual arousal for long periods of time (Crooks et al.,
Three major differences between the sexes in sexual response are the range of variations, refractory time, and multiple orgasms. Women typically demonstrate a broader variability in their sexual response patterns than males do. Men have a refractory time whereas women do not.
Lastly, multiple orgasms occur more often in women than in men; alongside a series of orgasms in a short timeframe. All in all, a lack of knowledge and/or awareness of these differences might influence a couple’s sex life negatively. If someone does not know their partner likes or dislikes visual stimulation or the difference in men’s and women’s sexual response, this could cause long-term damages to the relationship. This could also leave the other person dissatisfied.