The student will complete a research assignment where he or she will address best practices that leaders can and should implement during all phases of a major incident and across disciplines. Students should take into consideration what they found in the first two assignments that needed to be addressed. Students should also focus on covering each course objective as much as possible.
The student will write at minimum a 7-full page research-oriented assignment in current APA format. The assignment must include at least 7 sources (which should include the class textbooks and readings). The assignment will be submitted through SafeAssign.
American Leadership
Quintin Strawder
PA 524 – Leadership Issues with Critical Incidents Research #1
4 February 2022
Table of Contents
George Washington………………………………………………………………………..Page 3
The Battle of Fallen Timbers………………………………………………………………Page 3
Debts and Finances…………………………………………………………………………Page 4
War over Whiskey…………………………………………………………………………Page 4
Michael Scott……………………………………………………………………………….Page 6
Broke (The Office) …………………………………………………………………………Page 7
……………………………………………………………………………………Page 9
George Washington
At Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York City’s financial district, George Washington swore the oath of office as the first President of the United States on April 30, 1789.
When he was born in 1732 into a Virginia planter family, he was raised with the morals, manners, and education expected of a gentleman in the 18th century. He was concerned with military arts and the expansion of the western frontier (McMaster, 2017). He helped Thomas, Lord Fairfax, survey the Shenandoah lands when he was just 16 years old. He was made a lieutenant colonel in 1754 and took part in the early battles of the French and Indian War.
With Martha Dandridge Custis, a widow, he enjoyed an active and fulfilling life. When it came to British merchants, Washington, like his fellow settlers, thought that he was being taken advantage of by the British government. Despite the escalating tensions with the mother country, he remained composed in his resistance to the restrictions.
The Battle of Fallen Timbers
As soon as he learnt that an American force had been routed in the Northwest Territory (today known as Ohio), Washington was crushed. The President ordered an expedition led by Anthony Wayne against an Indian coalition. In the summer of 1794, after Wayne and his soldiers had constructed a series of forts at what is now Toledo, Ohio, they engaged in combat in the Battle of Fallen Timbers. The seven Indian tribes that now make up the state of Oklahoma were obliged to give up large swaths of land to the United States because of their overwhelming numerical advantage.
Debts and Finances
Finances were a major issue for the new republic. Debts from the war were both internal and foreign, and the question of how to raise money for the government was a prominent topic of discussion. Taxing alcoholic beverages and imposing tariffs on imported commodities were among the ideas put forth by Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton to raise money for the government. War obligations were paid off with a large portion of the money raised. For Hamilton’s part, the establishment of a national bank and the development of an industrial sector to help the economy were also priorities. With Thomas Jefferson’s support for his debt-reduction measures and a permanent capital in Virginia, Jefferson’s aim was to use Philadelphia as a “temporary capital.”
Midway through President Washington’s first term, cooperation had begun to decline. Neither Jefferson’s Democratic-Republican Party nor Hamilton’s Federalist Party was created outside of Washington’s government. Every subject of domestic and foreign policy was a source of contention between them, and the President spent a great deal of energy seeking to mediate their differences.
War over Whiskey
With whiskey production increasing substantially in the 1790s, Hamilton’s fiscal plan included a significant tax on the beverage. Angry citizens in western Pennsylvania reacted angrily to the whiskey tax in 1794 by attacking tax collectors and forming several well-armed resistance groups. The Whiskey Rebellion frightened Washington, who saw it as a danger to the country’s very existence. The President ordered militia from numerous other states into Pennsylvania in order to display the federal government’s preeminence and might. Later, he traveled to the area of contention in order to personally supervise the mobilization of troops and provide his support. The uprising was put down quickly and peacefully, and the various resistance groups dispersed. The persons convicted of treason in this case were later pardoned by Washington.
George Washington is frequently referred to as the “Father of the United States.” President George Washington, a military leader who presided over the Constitution-drafting assembly, not only served as America’s first president, but he also served as Continental Army commander from 1775 until his death in 1803.
In the face of adversity, George Washington persevere Virginians and the American Revolution in 1789, George Washington became the first president of the United States. Foreign policy, economic policy, and the balance of power between the states and the central government were among the most contentious issues in the 1790s.
Even in terrible conditions, he led his colonial troops to victory in the American Revolution. When the Constitution was written, he was elected president of the convention. For two terms, he was elected president of the United States. The Bill of Rights was signed into law under his leadership.
Michael Scott
On March 15, 1964, Michael was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and he regularly recalls his childhood loneliness. He asserts heritage from England, Ireland, Scotland, and Germany. His claim that he was a young star on the television show Fundle Bundle was later shown to be fraudulent.
Broke (The Office)
As a result of the monotony of their work at Michael Scott Paper Company, the team decides to investigate into hiring a delivery driver (Storey, 2017). They’ve been warned by their accountant that their cheap rates and fixed-cost pricing structure will cause them to go bankrupt if they don’t hire a delivery person soon. Pam’s applications for weekend part-time work have gotten no response, so she tells her coworkers that she has put a lot of money into her upcoming wedding, which is why she is worried. As a result, he acknowledges that he chose to go to Fort Lauderdale rather than Thailand.
Ten important clients have been transferred to Michael’s company from Dunker Mifflin’s Scranton location, which was previously the company’s most successful operation. Scranton’s Chief Financial Officer David Wallace (Andy Buckley) is in town, looking for ways to halt the company’s decline. The obvious change in Charles’ demeanor is noticed by Jim, who points out that he sucks up to David. Despite David’s best efforts, Charles insists on having Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) attend the conference because he used to be his right-hand man. Charles is embarrassed by Dwight’s outrageous recommendations during the discussion, such as letting loose a hive of bees in Michael’s office.
David concludes that Dunder Mifflin should acquire the Michael Scott Paper Company for the lowest price. However, when asked if Michael might be interested in an acquisition of the company, Jim feigns hesitation. Dunder Mifflin’s financial state is a mystery to Jim, who brings up the prospect of a takeover to reassure Michael that his firm is oblivious of its financial situation. Charles refuses to listen to Dwight after he learns from a former client that Michael has been pleading with clients for more money, and so Dwight informs Jim of this.
Michael, Pam, and Ryan are here to talk about the buyout agreement. After Michael refuses a $12,000 purchase offer, David argues that he is lying, adding that he knows that the pricing of his company are too low to be sustainable. Dunder Mifflin’s best branch is “bleeding,” Michael counters, and David could be replaced at a large stockholder meeting in the near future as a result. Michael maintains his composure. In the end, Michael refuses David’s second offer of $60,000 and asks that the firm give him back his previous job and recruit Ryan and Pam as salespeople. Ryan’s catastrophic past with the company makes David hesitate to recruit three individuals with full benefits, and David compares it to “a multimillion-dollar buyout.” Michael refuses to budge, and David is forced to comply with his requests. Michael treats Charles the same way he treated Michael when he fled Scranton and returned to corporate: he won’t let him say anything definite before he goes.
The main character of the show is Michael, the Regional Manager of Dunder Mifflin Inc.’s Scranton location throughout seasons one through seven. When Steve Scott fell in love with HR worker Holly Flax, fans said their final goodbyes to Steve and Michael Scott (Amy Ryan). In order to return to Holly’s home state of Colorado, the pair left their positions at Dunder Mifflin. Michael spent his final day at the office supplies store saying farewell to his coworkers in the final episode.
In the beginning of the series, Michael Scott was a terrible manager, but as the series progressed, the authors had him grow into a better one. Desires for one’s own benefit. Often, Michael’s need to be the center of attention or the joke-teller causes him to put his own interests above those of his staff and the work of the company. As a result of Michael’s inability to focus on his work, he frequently misses his goals in the office.
McMaster, H. R. (2017). The art of command: Military leadership from George Washington to Colin Powell. University Press of Kentucky.
Wagner, E. J. (2021). First in the Hearts of His Countrymen: The Extraordinary Leadership of George Washington. Johns Hopkins University, 2(1), 27935.
Storey, J., Hartley, J., Denis, J. L., & Ulrich, D. (Eds.). (2017). The Routledge companion to leadership. New York: Routledge.
Leadership Issues in Disaster Management
Quintin Strawder
PA 524 – Leadership Issues with Critical Incidents Research #2
February 2022
Leaders are expected to lead by example and take up leadership roles especially when it comes to dealing with some crisis or incidences. Leaders always face challenges when doing their assignments and among them is the lack of cooperation from the colleagues and the subordinates hence leaders might be seen as incompetent. Since a leader is always in charge of a team, he or she is likely to be the leading figure in the team and responsible for the team performance (“Security issues,” 2004). Managing a team is completely a hard task since different minds are likely to pull in a different direction and there is also a chance that there will be organizational or institutional conflict. Team members are known to have varied beliefs and values and hence may negatively affect the team performance the efforts of the leader.
Another form of the issue leaders may face when dealing with a major incident is the attempt to affect the changes since he is a leader. In most cases, changes are not readily accepted by the team members since they are never sure about their job security or the new roles they might play in the future after the changes (Saharan, 2015). Members of the organization or the team members attempt to frustrate the leader and render him incapacitated in attempting to effect the changes. Most of the people in an organization or a team prefer to remain static and negatively respond to changes and this is the reason that the organizations will stay in the same position for long without a significant change. It is also challenging assignments to change others and make them stick to or adopt the leader’s ideologies. It is difficult to have other people developing or being developed since (Saharan, 2015). The leader must always be an inspirational figure and when there are crises and incidences they are looked at or upon for motivation and inspiration. at the time a leader might be learned and have the best leadership skills but unable to inspire others. For an assignment or a piece of work to be complete, there is a dire need for the leader to motivate and inspire others to make the work complete or be accomplished in the right manner and at the right speed. Imposter syndrome is also a normal and usual thing that is faced by most leaders when attempting to deal with significant or major issues (Saharan, 2015). Imposters syndrome is a common phenomenon, and it is a hectic assignment by the elder or deal with it. Another challenge or issue is dealing with the handling of different and varied perspectives (“Security issues,” 2004). A good leader must always be capable of doing the best he or she can and try the very best to deal with the issues as they come. It is also good to conduct prior research on the possible issue that might arise and solve them via case studies or experience. Creativity and innovations can also be good tools to deal with the issue and the matters arising especially when doing a significant or a major assignment.
The main role of a leader is to identify and mitigate the risks that might arise or might make the organization unable to accomplish the objectives they have as part of their missions and vision. Failure to mitigate the risks can be a dangerous sign and the organization might fall or shut down (Casper, 2011). It is a role of a leader to come up with an approved framework and a well-researched sketch on how to mitigate the risks. The primary issue faced by a leader pertaining the risk mitigation is the lack of enough knowledge, skills, and experience to deal with the issues that are likely to arise. This is a challenge since the intruders into a system are known to use sophisticated and hi-tech gadgets to crack into a system or device and since they are normally creative it poses a great challenge to a leader. The leaders with good experience and the right skills are hard to find and expensive to hire and most organizations will avoid such leaders to save on the cost of operation. Preparedness if a possible risk is also a role to be played by the leader. The organization under the right leader must always be prepared since the risk are unpredictable and can arise at any given time. Preparedness depends on the leadership competence in that a leader must be willing to involve others, delegate the duties and ensure the right and proper framework is in place to be referred to when there is a need to (Casper, 2011).To be fully prepared and put the organization in the right position in preparedness, is a costly undertaking since a leader must have done good research and recruited the experts in the field to ensure that the organization is fully prepared and in the right position. A leader faces a stiff and a big challenge when it comes to preparedness since the attackers usually come with new methods and techniques to intrude into a system.
Preparedness as a role to be played by or is assumed by the organizational leader is quite a big task and it never reached the end since there is a need to be updated on the new techniques that are in use and always updating the system and the devices to the very newer versions to avoid a possible easy intrusion and attacks (“Security issues,” 2004). Most organizations are led by data and information that must be kept with the highest levels of secret and privacy. The information in any organization must be handled following the principles of information which is nick-named the CIA triad. The information must be handled with high levels of confidentiality, integrity, and availability (Monica, 2019). The preparedness framework must be stored as required by the law and the regulations governing information. When such information land into the wrong hands and possibly the attackers, they will know how prepared the organization is ns intrusion can be much easier, and hence the leader can be considered incompetent. A leader must be willing to delegate duties to the juniors and the subordinates. It is challenging to leave or delegate the duties to a most trusted lieutenant especially when the leader does not have the good leadership skills where delegation is part of it or the juniors have not proven capable of handling duties in the absence of the leader (“Disaster planning and recovery,” 2012). The people who might have the duties delegated to may be incompetent and may put the organization at the risk of being attacked or the risk of the leader not attaining the right results. This issue must be dealt with by employing the right propel and so training them for the leadership positions.
Leaders are again challenged when it comes to preparedness as it is difficult to be fully equipped and fully prepared to deal with the uncertainties. A competent leader must prepare in advance the way to recover, proper information storage, and the right location to have the information or data stored. It is challenging to have the best back our plans available since they’re costly and the backup plans available cannot be fully trusted (“Disaster planning and recovery,” 2012). Data is normally safe when kept or stored in clouds, but the clouds can also be attacked or intruded on. It is a good backup plan since copies of the original data can be stored in clouds which is easy to retrieve, use or even refer to in the short time possible. Some leaders might opt to have the backup plans away from the company or the organization’s premises, but it could also be costly. It is challenging g to coordinate the two centers where data is stored as a backup plan. Another challenge faced by the leader is that the disaster can hit many places at the same time and hence may render the backup plan used to be useless.
Leaders are required to prepare in advance in the way to mitigate the risks like having backup generators in the case of a power blackout. An instant power outrage which in most cases comes unannounced may lead to the loss of essential data that was not saved or was not backed up (“Disaster planning and recovery,” 2012). To prepare a leader must procure a generator that should be automated in case of power loss the generator takes over and the assignment resumed. The premises must be surrounded by a strong perimeter that can withstand waves.
Disasters are normally unwanted and put the organization on the verge of collapsing or rendering them incapable of operating for some time. Whenever an incident hit, it is good to try to recover and the incidents that are of much bigger magnitude are difficult to recover from since the damages are big. A leader faces a big challenge when it comes to the recovery process since it is an expensive undertaking. It is difficult to recover the lost, misplaced, or destroyed sets of data that must be privately handled when the incident or a disaster hit. Some experts must be hired to be able to facilitate the recovery process (“Disaster planning and recovery,” 2012). Those experts are expensive and cannot fully be trusted since they can steal essential and crucial sets of data for their good and not for the company or the organization’s interest. The recovery process under the right leadership must be swift and must take the shortest time possible to enable the company or the organization to fully return to operation .it is challenging for leaders to put money aside for emergencies like attempting to recover, preparedness, and training the employees on how to act when the disaster or an incident hit.
The leaders might be effective but unable to deal with the disasters and the recovery process for the lack of funding. Funding usually requires prior budgeting and must undergo a substantial approval process by those involved (Monica, 2019). This process despite being tedious wastes a lot of time and may cripple the leader in efforts to deal with the challenges and the issues that normally arise. Since the attempt to have a supplementary budget or emergency kitty be put aside, to counter this challenge a leader, must try to advocate for the importance of such a budget or kitty to deal with the uncertainties in the short time before the challenge escalated. The leader also finds it challenging to establish or form IRT and the CIRT teams to deal with the issues when they arise or when noticed.
Casper, N. (2011). Organizational leadership’s impact on emergent behavior during disaster response and recovery operations.
Disaster planning and recovery. (2012). Technical Documentation and Process.
Monica, H. (2019). What challenges does existentialism bring to leadership? An Existential Approach to Leadership Challenges, 25-39.
Saharan, V. (2015). Disaster management and corruption: Issues, interventions, and strategies. Strategic Disaster Risk Management in Asia, 193-206.
Security issues. (2004). Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 13(1).