Based on your reading of the textbook chapter, describe and give an example of an assumption in your organization. This should be a belief that is “taken for granted”, about “the way we do things here”. The attached chart may help you identify some basic assumptions….
Use the below required reference along with one more reference.
1. All of your original responses must be in depth – at least 200+ words or 2-3 full paragraphs
2. List at least 2 references in APA per question and include in-text citations
Based on your reading of the textbook chapter, describe and give an example of an assumption in your organization. This should be a belief that is “taken for granted”, about “the way we do things here”. The attached chart may help you identify some basic assumptions.
Basic Assumptions
“To understand a group’s culture, you must attempt to get at its shared basic assumptions and understand the learning process by which such basic assumptions evolve.” (Schein, p. 32)
Assumption is the foundation for understanding of culture change. In this section, you will gain a further understanding of the concept of basic assumptions as it applies to organizational culture.
Be careful not to confuse assumptions in the contemporary sense with the anthropological meaning as it is ascribed to it in culture studies. In the contemporary definition, an assumption is a belief that something is true or accepted as true, often without proof. For example, “In my company, people assume that the service is only offered to military” or “An assumption is that if you work hard you will be recognized”.
As you gain an understanding of organizational cultural assumptions, think not what an individual or you personally believe to be true. Instead, you will want to view basic assumptions from an organizational perspective; what the organizational group believes to be true and treats the assumption as a reality.
Basic assumptions are:
· shared by the group
· taken for granted by group members
· often treated as nonnegotiable
· extremely difficult to change
· created to solve a problem
· deeply embedded, hard to recognize the assumption from within
· usually unconscious
· constitute the essence of culture
Next, please read the attached article. You will want to pay close attention to the table on p. 5. The article refers to Kluckhohn and Kluckhohn’s original study, where basic assumptions are called value orientations.
Values Orientation Theory