Assignment 2: Case Study 1 Part B: Onboarding and Performance
Worth up to 25 points and 25% of course grade
The purpose of the activity is for you to explain and evaluate different recruiting, selection,
onboarding, and performance management methods.
Assignment alignment with Course Competencies:
Recommend recruiting, selection and performance management solutions or initiatives to
address dynamic customer and stakeholder needs.
Interpret HR recruiting, selection and performance management issues and challenges to
develop strategic solutions and interventions.
Critique recruiting, selection and performance management initiatives to ensure
alignment with HR and organizational strategies.
1. Read the entire case study carefully and then respond to the seven Discussion Questions
on page 5. Answer all questions and all parts of each question.
2. Develop each answer to the fullest extent possible, including citations from course
resources, where applicable, to support your arguments.
3. Submit your assignment as a separate MS Word document in your assignments folder.
Do not type your answers into the case study document.
4. Include a Cover Page with Name, Date, and Title of Assignment.
5. Do not include the original question. Use the following format: Question 1, Question 2,
6. Each response should be written in complete sentences, double-spaced and spell-checked.
Use 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins on all sides
7. Include page numbers according to APA formatting guidelines.
8. Include citations in APA format at the end of each answer.
9. You must submit to the assignment link by the due date. A missing assignment will be
assigned a grade of 0.
Please read ALL directions below before starting your final
Read the entire case study carefully and then respond to the seven
Discussion Questions on page 5. Answer all questions and all parts
of each question.
Develop each answer to the fullest extent possible, including citations
from outside resources and course resources, where applicable, to
support your arguments.
Submit your assignment as a separate MS Word document in your
assignments folder. Do not type your answers into the case study
Include a Cover Page with Name, Date, and Title of Assignment.
Do not include the original question. Use the following format:
Question 1, Question 2, etc.
Each response should be written in complete sentences, double-
spaced and spell-checked. Use 12-point Times New Roman font with
1-inch margins on all sides.
Include page numbers according to APA formatting guidelines.
Include citations in APA format at the end of each answer.
You must submit to the assignment link by the due date. A missing
assignment will be assigned a grade of 0.
© 2008 Society for Human Resource Management. Alan Cabelly, Ph.D.
In August, Jason Hubbs submitted a résumé to the human resource department of Big Time
Computers Inc. in response to an advertisement in the local newspaper for a senior technical
writer. After a short interview process in which three of the four individuals on the selection
committee felt that he should be hired, Lisa Cavanaugh hired him.
Hubbs spent a three-week training period learning departmental methods and procedures,
signments. As
a senior writer, Hubbs was also expected to serve as a technical publications project leader for
to meet the employees from other departments who were involved with that product group and
to become current on what was happening within it.
Following the training period, Hubbs started his first writing assignment, the revision of a
software manual to reflect upgraded product software. Hubbs went two weeks beyond the
scheduled date for completing the first draft of the revision. In editing the first draft, Hamrick
felt that the writing quality and organization were poor and suggested extensive changes before
the manual was distributed for review. Hubbs implemented these changes and prepared the
manual for review. One week before the review, Hubbs sent an advance notice email message to
the reviewers, notifying them of the upcoming review. Mark Samson, the project leader for the
product described in the manual, pointed out to Lisa Cavanaugh that the message was sloppy,
and had misspellings and poor grammar. He expressed concern that the credibility of the
technical publications department was at risk if the quality of any of the written material that
went out to the entire company was poor. Hamrick and Samson also expressed concern to
Cavanaugh decided to implement some procedures to monitor Hubbs
give him more supervision. She scheduled weekly meetings with Hubbs during which he was to
give her a detailed status report for the week, with particular emphasis on tracking manual
schedules. She also required Hubbs to send his work to the technical editor on a chapter-by-
chapter basis, and each week Hamrick would meet with Hubbs to discuss his writing.
Cavanaugh also decided to postpone giving project leader responsibilities to Hubbs, but she had
him continue to attend project meetings with Murray and planned to give Hubbs a project in the
© 2008 Society for Human Resource Management. Alan Cabelly, Ph.D.
Resentment was starting to develop in the technical publications department due to Hubbs
failure to meet expectations. Several of the writers complained to Cavanaugh because Hubbs
had been hired as a senior writer at a higher salary, yet his writing skills were apparently
inferior to theirs. Murray also expressed dissatisfaction at having to serve as project leader for
two projects when the expectation was that Hubbs would take one of the projects. Hamrick fell
behind in his editing assignments because of the extra time he was spending with Hubbs, and
the editorial assistants complained about the quantity of cleanup required because of Hubbs
poor work. In private meetings with dissatisfied employees, Cavanaugh expressed faith in
Hubbs showed signs of improvement in his writing skills and his ability to meet deadlines
under the procedures implemented by Cavanaugh. As a result of this and because Hubbs now
avanaugh assigned Hubbs to write a marketing
article on a topic related to his area of technical expertise. Hubbs was to work with a marketing
engineer and a marketing product manager to develop the article by a specified date. When the
initial review of the article was due, Hubbs gave the first draft to the marketing department
without any review or edit from within the technical publications department. Marketing was
dissatisfied with the organization and content of the article; Dennis Smith, marketing product
manager, met with Lisa Cavanaugh to express this dissatisfaction. Although Cavanaugh
assured Smith that technical publications could complete the article to his satisfaction and on
schedule, Smith decided to have the article written by a marketing employee.
Though his writing skills were slowly improving, lingering resentment continued about
Hubbs writer. Morale in the department was low. Hamrick
continued to have a difficult time fulfilling his editing responsibilities because of the extra time
he was spending with Hubbs, and Murray
spent fulfilling project leader responsibilities for two projects. Lisa Cavanaugh knew that it was
time to act.
© 2008 Society for Human Resource Management. Alan Cabelly, Ph.D.
Answer the following:
1. Evaluate the effectiveness of the process of onboarding and training Hubbs. What
elements of the new hire orientation process would be particularly important to his
successful performance? What other training opportunities could have helped him
prepare for his role?
2. Assume the role of the manager in this case. How do you handle a new employee who
lacks the specific skills that were presented during the selection process? How do you
determine if training is the solution and how much training is reasonable or expected?
3. Discuss the risks versus the benefits of
Hubbs. Overall, do you think this decision was effective? If you do not agree, who do
you think would have been a more suitable mentor for Hubbs?
effective or could it have been handled differently? Was anything overlooked? What
other factors besides lack of skills or ability
performance? How could the manager have mitigated some of these factors?
5. Consider the performance issue with the marketing department. What happens when
manager do to first improve that performance and secondly, control the damage from
poor performance?
. The manager needs to act. What are her options and what factors and/or additional
information must she consider before making a decision?
7. Review Case A and reflect on the recruiting and selection processes used to hire Hubbs.
How could the recruiting and/or selection processes been improved to mitigate the
What effect could the recruiting and/or selection processes have had on Hubbs
© 2008 Society for Human Resource Management. Alan Cabelly, Ph.D.