Please see attached file below.
Human Resources
Research Paper Project Guidelines
This project is an exercise in the social scientific study of public administration,
Students are expected to perform the following tasks:
(a) Choose a substantive, empirical issue pertaining to the topic of the class. The
topic may certainly have normative implications, but it should be
fundamentally an empirical issue. The paper should not be an advocacy
(b) Examine a substantial portion of the social scientific or scholarly literature
analyzing that issue.
(c) Select one or more explanations or perspectives from that literature (or derive
a new approach) for the chosen phenomenon.
(d) Meet with the prof (or communicate by phone or e-mail) to discuss the
project. This may be done at the start of the student’s research, if desired.
At some point students who are examining an empirical issue should be able
to state, in hypothesis form, what observable implications can be drawn from
their explanation(s). Students should also be able to state the assumptions
from which their hypothesis is derived. Students dealing primarily with a
normative issue need to be able to state a particular thesis
also the
premises from which that thesis may be derived. The prof will ask each
student what literature he/she has read in researching his/her topic. Each
student is required to submit a written version of a paper proposal. The
written proposal should contain a stated hypothesis or thesis, the premises
upon which the argument(s) is/are based, and a preliminary bibliography.
(e) Submit a brief, written progress report on the research project. The progress
report should contain an outline of the paper, an introductory section and
literature review, as well as an expanded bibliography.
(f) Write a paper, roughly seven to eight pages long, evaluating the
explanation(s) or thesis as applied to the substantive topic. Students should
cite references using the format used by the American Psychological
Association. Use Times New Roman, 12 point font. At least ten of the
sources cited in the bibliography and used in the paper should be from
peer-reviewed, scholarly journals. Students should submit an electronic
copy of their papers. The electronic copy should be submitted to the
Assignment function within Canvas. Late papers will be penalized. The
instructor will be happy to read and make comments upon rough drafts of
student papers up to one week before the deadline.
The methodological approach used in the paper is pretty much up to the student.
In-depth case studies of single events, comparative case studies of two or more events,
bibliographic essays comparing several explanations or perspectives in general terms,
qualitative examinations of trends over time or across different agencies or states, cities,
etc., or statistical analyses of large numbers of cases are all permissible.
Students may find newspapers, magazines, government documents, and a variety
of Internet sources helpful in doing the paper. If so, they are encouraged to use them.
Yet these sources are not generally adequate to provide an understanding of social
science explanations. For that reason students must rely upon some scholarly journals
and/or books as sources. Journals dealing generally with public administration,
management, public policy, political economy, and law may be helpful. These include
Public Administration Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Administration and
Society, Journal of Human Resources, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of
Public Administration Research and Theory, Policy Studies Journal, the Journal of
Policy Analysis and Management, the Journal of Political Economy, and others.
General social science journals such as the American Political Science Review, the
American Journal of Political Science, the American Sociological Review, and the
American Economic Review may be helpful. Magazines and web pages may be useful,
but they should not be relied upon exclusively
Paper Proposal for Spring 2022
I would like to do my paper on the topic of connecting people to meaningful work and how it drives our economy forward.
I hypothesize that when employees are passionate and satisfied with their jobs, they are more detailed with their work, are likely to grow within the organization, and report having a better quality of life.
Preliminary Bibliography: More sources are to come.
Primary Sources:
Secondary Sources: