DisscusionboardClasslearningpsychology x
How Classical Conditioning has occurred in your life
Class learning psychology:
Describe an instance of how excitatory responses have developed through classical conditioning in your life, in part shaping who you are today! The example should be about emotional responses ( I want the example to be about fear of dogs when i was little a dog attacked me and was tracing me and now whenever i see dogs I remember that situation or when i see animals running i will experience fear)
Part 1: (7-8 sentences)
Describing the real-life events related to the conditioning procedure.
Part 2:
Labeling the stimuli, the conditioned response, the excitatory Pavlovian procedure, as well as aspects that changed performance despite having learned to respond to a CS and make a statement on context dependency.
*In this part please explain how the example connect to them in two to three sentences
Unconditioned Stimuli:
Unconditioned Response:
Conditioned Stimuli:
Conditioned Response:
Excitatory Conditioning Procedure:
context dependency:
Performance/Learning Distinction:
Example how it’s going to be please read it and follow the steps but don’t copy their words. I want it to be 0% paralogism .
1) Describing the real-life events related to the conditioning procedure:
When I was younger I “fell in love” with someone who liked to drink 5-hour energy. We were together for 14 years, so as you can imagine, this gave ample time for the 5-hour energy drink to become associated with this person and how I felt about this person as well. For the most part, the response I have when seeing a bottle of 5-hour energy is positive! It elicits good feelings from me. These positive emotions were elicited in a variety of scenarios; for example, during work, or shopping, or on vacation or just generally socializing, whenever I encountered someone drinking this product, or saw it on the shelf of the store, I would immediately think of my partner and have a positive emotional response and ultimately approach the person in a variety of ways (text to say hey “thinking of you” or reach out to make plans, etc).
2) Labeling the stimuli, the conditioned response, the excitatory Pavlovian procedure, as well as aspects that changed performance despite having learned to respond to a CS and make a statement on context dependency.
US: My partner is the US, because by themselves, they elicited a robust positive response in me.
UR: excitement, joy, love is what I naturally felt when thinking of or in the presence of this person.
CS: 5-hour energy is the conditioned stimulus, as by itself, it did not elicit excitement, joy, or love from me. It was just an energy drink that was barely on my radar before being paired with my partner.
CR: once the 5-hour energy drink was paired repeatedly with my partner, when I saw the drink in the absence of my partner, it elicited a positive emotional response as well as approach toward my partner (contacts).
Excitatory Conditioning Procedure: In my case, the US (my partner) and the CS (the energy drink) were always paired in a simultaneous fashion. Thus, simultaneous conditioning took place because the CS and US presentations always occurred together.
3) Generalization, context dependency and learning performance statements.
Generalization: To my surprise, my conditioned emotional response of joy and excitement, as well as motivated approach toward this person when I saw a 5-hour energy drink generalized to other energy drinks. This means that other energy drinks elicited the same positive emotional experience in me.
Context Dependency: Context dependency does not seem to apply, as 5-hour energy elicits positive emotional responses from me no matter where and when it appears, even outside of that specific relationship.
Performance/Learning Distinction: One scenario that highlights the difference between my learning and performance was iimmediately after a fight when I saw 5-hour energy; my performance of the CR changed – the learned positive emotional state was very slow to come on board and I was not motivated to approach my partner.