attached the information six-page strategic plan
Develop a 5-10 year strategic plan for achieving specific health care quality and safety improvements, based on the analysis you completed in Assessment 1. Use either an AI approach or your SWOT analysis and a chosen strategic planning model.
Note: You will use your care setting environmental analysis as the basis for developing your strategic plan in this assessment.
Regardless of the approach you choose, the requester of the plan has asked that you address the key points outlined below in the strategic plan requirements. In addition, your plan should be 5–8 pages in length.
Strategic planning models aid in setting goals, establishing time frames, and forging a path toward achieving those goals. Consider the strategic planning models you are familiar with:
· Which model would you choose to create goals and outcomes that could address the area of concern you identified in your Assessment 1 SWOT analysis?
· Why is this model the best choice among alternatives?
· How does goal setting through appreciative inquiry provocative propositions differ from goal setting in the strategic planning model you selected?
Writing, Supporting Evidence, and APA Style
· Write clearly, with professionalism and respect for stakeholders and colleagues.
· Integrate relevant sources of evidence to support your assertions.
. Cite at least 3–5 sources of scholarly or professional evidence.
· Format your document using APA style. Use. Be sure to include:
. A title page and reference page. An abstract is not required.
. A running head on all pages.
. Appropriate section headings.
. Properly formatted citations and references.
· Proofread your writing to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult to focus on the substance of your analysis.
Strategic Plan
· Develop strategic goal statements and outcomes that reflect specific quality and safety improvements for your care setting. You should have at least one short-term goal (just-in-time to one year) and one long-term goal (five years or longer).
. Determine realistic timelines for achieving your goals.
. Explain how your short-term goals support your long-term goals.
Note: For plans based on an AI approach, the goal statements and outcomes are provocative propositions that may be refinements of the positive, yet attainable, goals that you proposed during the dream phase of your inquiry. For plans based on a SWOT analysis, the goal statements and outcomes are specific, measurable, and applicable to the area of concern in your analysis for which you proposed pursuing improvements.
· Justify the relevance of your proposed strategic goals and outcomes in relation to the mission, vision, and values of your care setting.
· Analyze the extent to which your strategic goals and outcomes, and your approach to achieving them, address:
. The ethical environment.
. The cultural environment.
. The use of technology.
. Applicable health care policies, laws, and regulations.
· Explain, in general, how you will use relevant leadership and health care theories to help achieve your proposed strategic goals and outcomes.
. Consider whether different theories are more applicable to the short-term or long-term goals of your strategic plan.
· Evaluate the leadership qualities and skills that are most important to successfully implementing your proposed plan and sustaining strategic direction.
. Identify those leadership qualities and skills that are essential to achieving your goals and outcomes and sustaining strategic direction.
. Identify those leadership qualities and skills that will have the greatest effect on the success of your plan.
Develop strategic goal statements and outcomes that support the achievement of specific quality and safety improvements for a care setting.
Faculty Comments:
Faculty Comments:
you are improving but you need to make the goals narrow and specific. A goal statement is similar to a Smart goal. Relate the goal to your care setting and your previous SWOT. Page 4 starts listing possible goals.
Justify the relevance of proposed strategic goals and outcomes in relation to the mission, vision, and values of a care setting.
Faculty Comments:
you discuss improving the quality and safety of healthcare. Break that down into smaller goals. Such as no new pressure ulcers after admission; or fewer falls. Choose a goal and align it to the mission and values. What gaps in knowledge will cause the goal implementation process to fail.
Communicate analyses clearly and in a way that demonstrates professionalism and respect for stakeholders and colleagues.
Faculty Comments:
I can see you are working hard and you almost have it down. Once you come up with specific goals I know you will be able to communicate what you are trying to achieve.
The process of characteristics or rather the qualities that do describe the contribution of a plan in the process of addressing the issue that has been identified is the part of identifying the best strategic plan. This element is very important and should always have in it the ability to improve healthcare quality and safety. In this case, therefore, the contribution that the selected strategic plan will include the ability to increase certain services and at the same time ensure that the interest of the parties involved is also maintained. A strategic plan, in this case, should ensure that it does put more emphasis on certain aspects such as resource availability, easy-to-implement policies, the depth of operations, and many others (Dobrović et al., 2020). The process of therefore choosing the best strategic plan needs one to know the resources that are there and the viability of the goals that the organization has. In most cases, different healthcare organizations would prefer model assistance as well as ensuring that they do align the standards of performance and getting feedback from service models that have been certified.
Choosing the Strategic Plan
When it comes to the process of choosing the best strategic plan to be implemented or used, it is always important to ensure that one understands the deliverables that are there and that are linked to the general plan. Looking at the model that is currently there, the expectations that are there that are needed for the output are required to last for a period of 10 years and this, therefore, implies that the resources that are related will be needed to be distributed frequently over the time the implementation is being carried out. The need to therefore model the strategic approach across the said time frame, therefore, shows the awareness of task dynamics and the consequences that are expected. It is therefore important to know the specific areas of needs, the implementation plan to be developed and the reviewing of the mechanisms of enforcement, this will help in ensuring that the 10-year time frame is met (Noble & Nwanekezie, 2018).
The strategic plan that is authorized would in most cases compromise the establishment of the amount of concern about the implementation of the operational tactics and then in the process put in place the demands. The process of including the needs to the interests of the strategic plan is very helpful as it assists in the development of an alternative that can be trusted Wolf & Floyd, 2017). Currently, achieving the objectives that the plan has specifically for safety and quality needs that there is the need to enhance personnel competencies through training programs and at the same time improve the resources that are there that will help in the process of ensuring that care for the older adults is improved (Dobrović et al., 2020).
In this case therefore the strategic plan that is being proposed in this case that will help in increasing the quality and safety in healthcare services that are being offered to the adults seeks to get the attention of the management, stakeholders, and the patients of the organization in this case and in the process trying to persuade them that the strategic plan being proposed in this case is worth being approved for the better of all parties involved.
The strategic plan that is authorized would in most cases compromise the establishment of the amount of concern about the implementation of the operational tactics and then in the process put in place the demands. The process of including the needs to the interests of the strategic plan is very helpful as it assists in the development of an alternative that can be trusted Wolf & Floyd, 2017). Currently, achieving the objectives that the plan has specifically for safety and quality needs that there is the need to enhance personnel competencies through training programs and at the same time improve the resources that are there that will help in the process of ensuring that care for the older adults is improved (Dobrović et al., 2020).
In other cases, the strategy may be focused on the process of ensuring that quality improvement for the older adults is improved qualities such as operationalization and performance. There are certain elements that are very important, and this specifically includes ensuring that the skills of healthcare practitioners do match the skills of the services that are needed by the older adults when it comes to giving them services (Wolf & Floyd, 2018). There are other elements that are equally important, and these include things such as the performance of the model that do curve through the different periodic routines and this will be important as they would allow for the assessment of opportunities that are there when it comes to development.
The strategic plan in this case therefore will include in it feedback from the older adults that is continuous, and this will not only exist between the healthcare personnel and the older adults but also the healthcare management will be involved in the same. Feedbacks are specifically very important as they do facilitate ensuring that healthcare personnel can predict qualities such as performance goals and perception growth. The groups that are participating will specifically focus more on implementing requirements and at the same time considering changes in the market. Coming up therefore with demands will help in ensuring that the healthcare institutions would allow the strategic programs to frequently aim the goals and achieve them eventually (Baumgartner & Rauter, 2018).
Goal Statement
The specific goal statement that the strategic plan, in this case, seeks to try and implement is that by the end of ten years the healthcare facility in this case would have had increased the quality and safety of healthcare services by 70% for the older adult patients.
The 10-year strategic plan that targets to improve the quality and safety of healthcare services
Increase the quality that is there and the safety of healthcare services for the elderly population.
· The challenges that are there when it comes to the quality of service to elderly patients.
· Know and study the challenges that do affect the safety of the population in this case.
· Know the resources that have been set for the older patients.
· Choose a team that will play a role in actualizing the strategic plan.
· The team’s effectiveness is to be tested.
· Understand and test the task given to the team.
· Actualize the solutions that have been proposed.
· Know the level of compliance that is there.
· Identify and know the effectiveness of the solution to the challenges that are there.
· Examine the solution impact on the challenges that the older population has.
· Identify the areas that do need improvements.
· Rating the solutions that have been embraced.
· Increased levels of safety for older adults.
· Improved in quality of service for older adult patients.
· A cycle that has 4 phases with 40 months per cycle.
· The 40 months periods will be distributed into a 1:1:2:2 ratio.
· There will be three cycles in total and this in total will have a sum of 12 months for 10 years
· Promote easy access to services of high quality.
· Increase the safety of services involved as well as stakeholders.
As stated above, the main goal of the strategic plan, in this case, is to ensure that by the end of the three years that have been tabulated in the above section the organization would have had improved the quality and safety of healthcare services to the older adults. This goal specifically aligns with the mission and vision of the healthcare facility in this case since it helps in ensuring that the mission of the facility in this which is to ensure that patients do receive the best services in terms of quality and safety is achieved. However, in as much as the goal, in this case, can be implemented and achieved, there are certain gaps in knowledge that might end up making it fail. Among these is the fact that the organization might have fewer personnel that are needed when it comes to doing research on the problems that the older adults are facing in this case. Also, resources will be needed to ensure that the whole period of 3 years is sustained and that any quality or safety issue that is seen in this case is removed or improved. The unavailability or inadequate of resources can therefore be a gap that might end up making the implementation process fail.
Strategic Goals and Outcomes and the Use of Technology
Looking at the goal in this case and that is of increasing the quality and safety of healthcare services that are being provided to the older patients, the need to integrate technology in this process is inevitable. In the process of therefore using technology in the process of improving the services that are being given to the older adult patients, the need to ensure ethical considerations are also considered in this case is very important. The technology that will therefore be very important in this case to implement and ensure that the quality of services that are offered to the patients is computerized physician order entry. This technology would not only help link the goals and vision of the organization with the strategic plan but also will help in ensuring that the services provided are of high quality. For this technology to be therefore implemented, there are certain ethical issues that must be considered before this is used on any patient. Informed consent is one of the ethical goals that must be addressed before anything is implemented. The older adults must first agree that they are willing to participate in the technology used and most importantly ensure that they know everything that should be done on they and make the decision as to whether to accept it or not and especially those who are in critical care settings
SWOT analysis of the Strategic Plan
A SWOT analysis process of the plan will help in the process of knowing and visualizing the contributions that the project will have when it comes to improving safety and quality to the older patients.
Looking at the plan in this case, it has different strengths, among this include the fact that it involves comprehensive research on the challenges that the older population has and the resources that are there that will help in actualizing the said plan. Looking at the plan also, one can see that it has in it a testing phase that helps in identifying any defects in the process of knowing the defects that are there in the process of identifying the most effective solution in terms of safety and quality of services to the older population.
Looking at the strategy, it consumes a lot of time because it has many phases that need to be looked at constantly and this makes the procedures that have been applied to be doubted. Also, when it comes to processes such as finding the team that will be used to implement the plan may end up having issues such as having a team that is not effective and therefore having issues when it comes to deriving the results that have been anticipated. Similarly, the strategy does not prioritize redesigning the execution process in response to changes in the external environment.
Looking at each phase in the plan, they do have a benefit in a way that the teams will have not to worry about the stiffness of adjustments. Each activity that will be carried out in each phase will have in it inputs that will differentiate the implementation plan throughout the zoned process. It is therefore for this reason that there will be options that are realistic that will help in making improvements by putting in place adjustments that are fast-tracked from the initial stages The engaged modifications would next begin the implementation phase as structural or operational changes.
Resources, in this case, are a danger that the strategic plan, in this case, might end up facing and this might end up making the plan have sections that are incompetent during the execution process. Resources as a concern are evident at the initiation of the implementation process.
Relevant leadership and health care theories will be used to help achieve proposed strategic goals and objectives.
Having a theory that is directly linked to the strategic plan is something that is very important and that should constantly be considered. The used instruments should always and constantly correspond to the overall approach and tactics that are being used and at the same time remaining to be true to the basics of the theory. The specific strategies of the plan should always be connected to a particular intervention, and this will help in ensuring that they are implemented. The tools that are also used should be suitable for the intervention strategies and the overall strategies in reference to the theory that has been used.
The first theory, in this case, will therefore be transformation leadership theory. James McGregor Burns is one who is said to be the main proponent of this theory of leadership. According to him, therefore, he believed that for one to be a transformative leader, one should possess certain qualities such as charisma and clarity of vision. Leaders who are also considered to be transformative leaders also have the desire to inspire their followers and influence them to change their motives, attitudes, and expectations to achieve the objectives that have been set. Burn therefore in this case did list some of the characteristics that a transformative leader should have, some of these include personal intention, ideal impact, intellectual stimulation, and powerful inspiration.
The roles and responsibilities of the leaders and the followers in this leadership style are clearly stated and stipulated, if the behavioral standards and regulations are followed, then the culture of the organization is guaranteed (Xu, 2018). Looking at the strategic plan, in this case, therefore, transformational leadership will be the perfect one that will help in the process of ensuring that the goals that have been set are achieved (Xu, 2018). This is the case because transformation leadership usually ensures that the roles and responsibilities of each person have clearly been identified and this therefore helps in ensuring that everyone stays on course and therefore any form of deviating from the plan will be avoided.
The second type of leadership in this case is servant leadership. In this type of leadership, the leader does the activities that are needed as if they are serving their followers. This type of leadership, therefore, ensures that the leader makes fewer decisions concerning any project or plan and that the followers in this case do make most of the decisions that are needed. This leadership style is mostly used in social projects however the same can be used in organizations and these will help in ensuring that the followers feel like they do own the plan that is being proposed by the management of leadership. In this case, therefore, the leaders usually listen more rather than being authoritative, the followers make most of the decisions, and the leaders seek to follow them and implement them. This leadership style therefore when it comes to the strategic plan that has been proposed in this case will be effective in a way that the nurses in the healthcare facility will present the actions that will be needed to be taken to ensure that the challenges that the older patients are facing are eradicated.
Leadership qualities and skills will be most important to successfully implementing a strategic plan and sustaining strategic direction.
When it comes to the process of implementing the strategic plan in this case, it is crucial to ensure that the qualities that the leaders do have are assessed as these are very important in determining whether the strategic plan is to be a success or not. For a strategic plan to therefore be successful and meaningful, there are certain abilities and traits that leaders must demonstrate. The inclusion of personnel that is both nurses and doctors at all levels is specifically very important in the process of ensuring that success is achieved. It is also very critical to ensure that as a leader one always keeps constant contact with the colleagues. Every strategic plan that is proposed or any other activity for that matter should always be handled with a new view or fresh perspective. This is very important as it will help in process of ensuring that the scarce resources are maximized and come up with plans and projects that will help in managing the strategies proposed and, in the process, prioritize them all. Reorganize the firm culture to make it more sensitive to strategic plan changes.”
Baumgartner, R. J., & Rauter, R. (2018). Strategic perspectives of corporate sustainability management to develop a sustainable organization. Journal of Cleaner Production, 140, 81- 92.
Dobrović, Ž., & Furjan, M. T. (2020, August). SWOT Analysis in the Strategic Planning Process-Meta-modelling Approach. In 2020 IEEE 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS) (pp. 574-579). IEEE.
Noble, B., & Nwanekezie, K. (2018). Conceptualizing strategic environmental assessment: Principles, approaches and research directions. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 62, 165-173.
Wolf, C., & Floyd, S. W. (2018). Strategic planning research: Toward a theory-driven agenda. Journal of Management, 43(6), 1754-1788.
Xu J-H. (2018). Leadership theory in clinical practice. Chin Nurs Res 2017;4:155e-157.